Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 621 The battle between the two emperors!

Chapter 621 The battle between the two emperors!

"But as far as I know, the Heavenly Emperor's Palace has rejected all the Ancient Emperor Realms. There should be no Ancient Emperor Realms at present, so we should contact them again."

Emperor Chiyue opened his eyes, and there was a round of red moon looming in each pupil, full of breathtaking coercion.

When Emperor Chiyue opened it, this space was faintly frozen and suppressed.

"There is no Ancient Emperor Realm? Why did the imperial palace expand so wildly that day?"

The master of Gu Yue Hall was extremely surprised.

Without the support of the Ancient Emperor Realm, such a big move by the imperial palace that day was no different from courting death.

In other words, the purpose of the Emperor Palace is to bluff.

"There is no need to worry about the purpose of the Heavenly Palace. Since they choose to break the pattern and actively expand, then other forces will not sit still, so you should take this opportunity to mobilize."

Emperor Chiyue opened his mouth slowly.


The master of Gu Yue Hall's expression brightened.

Emperor Chiyue is a well-known figure among the elders of the ancient emperors of Tianyu Kyushu.

Among the ancient emperor realms that intervened this time, only Emperor Chiyue was in the ancient emperor realm of the older generation.

Therefore, the master of the Ancient Moon Palace has quite confidence in Emperor Chiyue.

If they can unify Lingzhou, even if they become the subsidiary strength of Chiyue Emperor, it will definitely be a heaven-defying opportunity for Gu Yuedian.

After Gu Yuedian acted with the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, forces from all over Lingzhou took action one after another. For a while, the war in Lingzhou resumed, and people were devastated.

Any force without a strong background will be annexed or destroyed.

Of course, at this stage, there is no battle in the ancient emperor realm, and it is still a battle between the forces in Lingzhou.

After the situation stabilizes, it will be time for those ancient emperors to compete for victory.

So far, there are not a few forces in the Ancient Emperor Realm who have their hands in Lingzhou.

However, the only ones who are really ambitious and attempt to unify the entire Lingzhou are the Tianhuang Palace and Gu Yue Palace.

The other ancient emperor forces just want to expand through the war, so as to fight for the resources of Lingzhou.

After half a month of continuous fighting, the situation in Lingzhou has basically stabilized.

The Northern Territory is still dominated by the Tianhuang Palace family, and there is no force for the time being to provoke the Tianhuang Palace.

In the Western Regions, the Ancient Moon Palace ruled the roost, but the borders and other places were still occupied by a number of powerful forces, and they did not directly unify the region like the Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

In the Western Region and the Eastern Region, there are four divisions standing respectively. In order to compete for resources, there are constant frictions and countless casualties, but no major war broke out.

It seems that the ancient emperor behind those forces made some kind of deal secretly.

This pattern, which lasted for more than a month, was finally broken.

The breakers are the two overlords of Tianhuang Palace and Guyue Palace.

The Heavenly Emperor Palace took the lead, came out of the North Territory, directly invaded the Eastern Territory, wiped out a major force in the Eastern Continent with the force of thunder, and started a war with the other three major forces entrenched in the Eastern Continent, and the war resumed.

Gu Yuedian once again followed the action of the Tianhuang Palace, directly annihilating several forces on the border of the Western Regions, and completely unified the Western Regions.

Afterwards, the expansion of the Ancient Moon Palace did not stop, but it did not attack the Tianhuang Palace. Instead, it drove directly from the Western Regions, invaded the Southern Regions, and several other major forces such as the Southern Regions. The battle continued.

Lingzhou, which was only peaceful for more than a month, was once again caught in the flames of war, and this time the war was far from being comparable to the previous scale.

Those ancient emperor realms behind the hidden major forces also showed up one after another.

The battle at the level of the ancient emperor attracted the attention of the warriors in the entire Tianyu. All the forces were watching to see which force could stand out from this battle.


Lingzhou, Eastern Region!
The earth-shattering bombing resounded through the sky, above the sky thousands of miles above the Eastern Territory.

The four figures are engaged in a frenzied battle, and the violent and destructive power of Taoism ravages the sky, destroying everything.

Under the high altitude, the tens of thousands of warriors fighting each other had ceased fighting at this time, and they all watched the battle of the four ancient emperors intently.

This army of tens of thousands of warriors is precisely the Emperor's Palace who invaded from the Northern Territory, and the three major forces occupying the Eastern Territory.

The four major powers including the Tianhuang Palace know that what can determine their life and death is not the opponent in front of them, but the battle of the four ancient emperors in the sky.

Whether or not they can annex the opponent's territory depends on the outcome of the Battle of the Four Emperors.

"No wonder he dared to plan to deal with the elder Emperor Zun. It turns out that there are such strong people hidden around him."

Shi Tiangang, who led the battle at the Tianhuang Palace, looked at the devilish figure who was fighting three against one, but still did not lose the wind, his eyes shone with dazzling light.

The figure with devilish energy was not Qin Yu, but the ancestor golem controlled by Qin Yu.

It's just that after Qin Yu's misfortune, the ancestor golem that originally exuded the aura of the demon race outside the territory has become an authentic aura of demon cultivators.

This was also the reason why Shi Tiangang was so excited.

Nowadays, other strengths in Lingzhou only have one Ancient Emperor Realm as their backing, but their Heavenly Emperor Palace has two Ancient Emperor Realm.


Finally, accompanied by a deafening explosion, a black hole with a size of thousands of miles appeared above the sky.

Caught off guard, the two figures were directly swallowed by the black hole.

Seeing this, the three major powers in the Eastern Region changed their faces drastically.

Because those two figures are the backers of their two great forces.

Those two ancient emperors were eliminated, which meant that in this battle of Lingzhou, they also lost the capital to compete for supremacy.

And looking at the primordial golem who has the upper hand and has been suppressing the ancient emperor realm, it is an unshakable fact that the victory of the Tianhuang Palace in this battle between the two great regions.

Sure enough, after the two ancient emperors were sucked into the black hole, the remaining ancient emperors did not make any waves, and were directly punched by the ancestor golem, vomiting blood and fleeing seriously injured.

Qin Yu didn't go after the Ancient Emperor Realm. The Ancient Emperor Realm was seriously injured, and he couldn't recover overnight.

The battle between the Northern Territory and the Eastern Territory came to an end.

Those three major forces all chose to submit to the Heavenly Emperor Palace, and the power of the Heavenly Emperor Palace expanded again to more than double, becoming a veritable giant in Lingzhou.

After the Tianhuang Palace unified the two domains, the pace of Gu Yuedian was not far behind.

During the battle with the forces allied with the Southern Region, Emperor Chiyue appeared directly and defeated the Ancient Emperor Realm of the Southern Region in the first battle, allowing the Ancient Moon Palace to rule the two regions continuously.

So far, the layout of Lingzhou has completely turned into a struggle for hegemony between the Tianhuang Palace and the Gu Yue Palace.

However, with the appearance of Emperor Chiyue himself, the external forces who have been paying attention to the structure of Lingzhou are all optimistic about Gu Yuedian.

Of course, there are also many strong people who are extremely curious about the sudden appearance of the ancestor golem, and they don't know what it is, and they all inquire.

After all, there are not many ancient emperors in Tianyu, and even fewer people have stepped into the ancient emperor's realm from the devil's way.

However, no one can find any trace of the origin of the ancestor golem, and the specific strength of the ancestor golem will also be a huge mystery.

Finally, amidst the high expectations of the outside world, the Heavenly Emperor's Palace and Guyue Palace finally collided head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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