Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 630 Seven-Star Ancient Country, Destroyed!

Chapter 630 Seven Star Ancient Country, Destroyed!
"how come……"

With a clicking sound, the ancient seal in the hand of the red-haired old man suddenly shattered.

This made the red-haired old man look horrified and unbelievable.

To kill the awakened spirit of the ancient country with just a few clicks of a finger, such a method is difficult even for the elders in the ancient emperor realm.

Unless, they know the secrets of their ancient country like the back of their hands.

And as the spirit of the ancient country was suppressed and killed, the vast divine power of the later period of the ancient emperor disappeared.

The people from the Seven Stars Ancient Country, whose morale was high, were all amazed and dazed, not knowing what happened.

Qin Yu didn't give the people of the Seven Stars Ancient Country time to react, and suddenly rushed out, accompanied by thunder light all over the sky, like a torrent of thunder.

In the violent thunder, there is also a surge of dragon energy full of destruction.


Seeing this, the red-haired old man knew that the battle was inevitable, so he naturally did not sit still.

He let out an angry roar, held the imperial weapon, and rushed towards Qin Yu first, and other warriors from the Seven Star Ancient Country also rushed out with a murderous intent.

Of course, the most important combat power was to concentrate on dealing with Qin Yu.

The people of Shenglongmen, there are only a few holy emperors, not even the ancient emperors, so they naturally don't pay attention to them.

On the contrary, it was Qin Yu who gave them an extremely dangerous feeling and had to be eliminated as soon as possible.

"Dragon Overlord Nine Heavens!"

Accompanied by a resounding dragon chant that shook the soul, Qin Yu's thunder dragon aura all over his body suddenly turned into ferocious and terrifying thunder dragons.

The thunder dragon howled and raged, and suddenly rushed into the warriors of the ancient seven-star country.

Each of those berserk thunder dragons contained infinite killing intent, which was the killing intent that Qin Yu incorporated with the Jade Immortal Picture, and its power was infinite.

In an instant, thousands of warriors from the seven-star ancient country died under the thunder dragon. Only those few who had entered the ancient emperor realm could resist the thunder dragon's power.


The red-haired old man staring straight at Qin Yu condensed infinite Taoism, and the imperial weapon in his hand turned into a ray of divine light, tearing apart the void, as if he wanted to pierce Qin Yu in one fell swoop.

Seeing this, Qin Yu simply opened his right hand, and in his palm, a specter with three heads and six arms emerged, which was the ancestor golem.

The killer move that the red-haired old man used with all his strength dissipated immediately when he touched the ancestor golem, without causing any harm to Qin Yu.

Almost at this moment, Qin Yu suddenly slapped out his palm, and the ancestor golem suddenly enlarged, imprisoning the red-haired old man.

In the blink of an eye, the violent Dao wave of the red-haired old man disappeared in the body of the ancestor golem.

After Qin Yu subdued the ancestor golem, the red-haired old man had lost all vitality.

"This is, Ancient Emperor Moxiu of Lingzhou..."

At this time, an ancient emperor of the seven-star ancient country who had invaded Qin Yu's side, saw the appearance of the ancestor golem, and his expression changed drastically.

Qin Yu's eyes flickered slightly. It seemed that someone in the Ancient Seven Stars knew about the Lingzhou battle with Emperor Chiyue.


Qin Yu didn't talk nonsense, and with a sudden wave of his right hand, the vast thunder light covered the ancient emperor in an instant with killing intent.

With Qin Yu's means, the existence of the ancient emperor in his early days was not much different from the holy emperor.

Even in the middle period of the ancient emperor, he was not Qin Yu's opponent.

It's just that Qin Yu didn't want to expose the Nine Secrets of Fighting the Dragon and the supernatural powers of the dragon clan, so he borrowed the power of the ancestor golem.

Immediately afterwards, as if a god of killing had come to the world, Qin Yu simply and neatly beheaded the other ancient emperors of the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom with thunderous means.

Not long after, all the top fighters of the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom were killed, and only some holy emperors remained.

Qin Yu didn't make a move first, and left it to Shenglongmen and others.

Qin Yu's figure flashed, and he escaped into the imperial city of the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom.

The ancient country of Seven Stars was about to suffer catastrophe, and the old man Qingming hadn't appeared yet, which made Qin Yu a little surprised, and planned to find out.

Moreover, in the imperial city of the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom, there were also things Qin Yu wanted.

Relying on the memory information of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, Qin Yu directly stepped into the depths of the imperial city.

Not long after, Qin Yu appeared in front of a black mist.

In the black mist, there are countless unique auras, faintly visible.

"Are they all sacrificial spirits?"

Qin Yu felt it for a while, and stepped into the black mist.

Within the black mist, there is an ancient pagoda that reaches the sky. The ancient pagoda has 99 floors, and each floor is separated by a hundred feet high, which is magnificent and vast.

Qin Yu looked up, stepped on the ground with his toes, flew into the air at a high speed, and appeared at the top of the tower.

With one punch, the restrictions around the ancient pagoda were shattered, and Qin Yu escaped into the ancient pagoda.

"Who dares to break into my family's forbidden area?"

When Qin Yu shattered the restriction of the ancient pagoda, an old and majestic voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a figure in a blue shirt appeared in front of Qin Yu, blocking Qin Yu's way.

The man in the green shirt is the younger brother of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, Emperor Qingming!
Looking at Qin Yu who appeared here, Emperor Qingming's eyes were as sharp as a knife, but his face was quite ugly.

This place is an absolute forbidden place for their lineage. In the past, except for the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, even he was not allowed to set foot here.

Now, Qin Yu, an outsider, actually infiltrated here. Needless to say, major changes must have taken place in the Seven Star Ancient Country.

"Old man Qingming, long time no see!"

After Qin Yu sized up Emperor Huiqingming, there was a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

It's no wonder that the Seven Stars Ancient Kingdom suffered a catastrophe, and Emperor Qingming didn't show up. It turned out that he was hiding here and wanted to attack the later stage of the ancient emperor.

However, judging from the somewhat chaotic breath fluctuations on his body, it seems that things are not going well.

"You recognize me?"

When Emperor Qingming heard the words, he looked at Qin Yu in surprise.

As an ancient emperor, Emperor Qingming had already practiced the ability of never forgetting, but Qin Yu in front of him made him have no memory at all.

However, to directly address him as old man Qingming, obviously, Qin Yu should have met him before.

"Of course I do. Back then at the burial ground of the immortal gods, I was bullied by your brothers."

A cold look appeared on Qin Yu's face. After his appearance changed, he became the dragon god Emperor Zun in his previous life.

"You...impossible! How could you still be alive? This is absolutely impossible!"

Seeing Qin Yu revealing his lineup, Emperor Qingming shrank his pupils like needles, backed up again and again, staring at Qin Yu with a terrified expression on his face.

Dragon God Emperor Zun, an invincible existence that made all the emperors of the heavens fear in the past.

Even though thousands of years have passed, Qin Yu's peerless demeanor of defeating a hundred enemies at the burial place of immortals and gods is still fresh in Emperor Qingming's memory and cannot be forgotten.


Seeing that Emperor Qingming was in a state of confusion, Qin Yu shot out suddenly, with blue dragon scales all over his body, and a vast dragon power swept over him. The dragon tribe's supernatural powers and secret techniques were used to kill Emperor Qingming.

"Jie Ling, Fusion!"

Sensing the incomparably familiar fluctuations of Taoism on Qin Yu's body, Emperor Qingming came back to his senses with a jolt.

Even if he couldn't believe it, he knew that Qin Yu in front of him was indeed the Dragon God Emperor Zun thousands of years ago.

Appearance can change, but it is impossible for the Taoism fluctuations in the Ancient Emperor Realm to be exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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