Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 631 Block 4, Ancient Immortal Token!

Chapter 631 The Fourth Block, Ancient Immortal Token!
Immediately, as Emperor Qingming performed his ultimate move, the towering giant tower trembled violently.

Countless terrifying auras appeared one after another at this moment, soaring into the sky, as if the prehistoric giant beasts that had been sleeping for countless years woke up at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, in the ancient pagoda, countless illusory, soul-like luminous sacrificial spirits merged into Emperor Qingming's body one after another.

Emperor Qingming, who had originally impacted the later period of the ancient emperor and caused his aura to be disturbed, now looks like a volcano that is about to explode at any time.

Those fluctuations are so strong that people feel frightened.

But also thanks to the integration of those sacrificial spirits, Qingming Emperor Zun's combat power soared, and Qin Yu's dragon clan secret technique was positively counteracted by him.

"Hahaha, Emperor Dragon God, although I don't know how you survived in the first place, but now, you are only in the early stage of the ancient emperor, even if you use secret techniques, you are not afraid!"

With the integration of the ancient country's sacrificial spirits, Emperor Qingming's face became distorted, and his eyes became crazy, as if his whole mind had been greatly affected.

"Give me death!"

I saw the insane Qingming Emperor directly attacking Qin Yu, and the violent destruction of Taoism swept across, enough to destroy the world and suppress the world.

"Oh, the frog in the well."

Qin Yu sneered, a dazzling blue light bloomed all over his body, exuding dragon power became more terrifying and astonishing.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yu changed his hands into seals, and in his palms, countless divine lights condensed and evolved, and an ancient dragon head and ancient seals condensed.

It is the seal of the swallowing dragon.

hold head high!
With the loud and deafening dragon chant, the Heaven-Swallowing Dragon Seal suddenly turned into a size of a thousand feet, horrifying, and directly swallowed Emperor Qingming even with Taoist attacks.

Boom boom boom.

However, Emperor Qingming, who was integrated into the Seven Stars Ancient Country and sacrificed to the spirits of many ancient countries, still survived and stubbornly resisted.

A cold light flashed in Qin Yu's eyes, he sacrificed the ancient map of Zhu Xian, and put the seal of swallowing the dragon into the ancient map.

With a bang, the Dragon Swallowing Seal was shattered by the killing intent of Zhuxian Gutu, and Emperor Qingming appeared, but before he could make a single move, the killing intent of destroying heaven and earth swept across with a whistling roar.

In an instant, Emperor Qingming directly annihilated the dust.

After killing Emperor Qingming, Qin Yu wandered around in the ancient pagoda.

According to the memory of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, this ancient pagoda was the place where the lords of the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom collected treasures.

Even the Seven Star Ancient Emperor collected many treasures he had obtained into this ancient pagoda.

Qin Yu walked around the ancient pagoda, broke through countless restrictions, and came to the core of the ancient pagoda.

There, as recorded by the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, there are countless strange treasures.

But Qin Yu didn't care much about those fluctuations, what he really wanted...

"found it!"

When Qin Yu checked those treasures one by one and put them away, Qin Yu's expression lifted, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, a vibration came out from the Sumeru Ring, accompanied by a familiar wave that echoed.

"Ancient Immortal Order!"

Qin Yu flipped his right hand, and an item appeared in his hand, it was the ancient fairy token given to him by the blood demon.

This Ancient Immortal Token can sense the locations of other ancient Immortal Tokens.

The reason why Qin Yu came to this ancient pagoda was because he sensed that there was an ancient fairy order in the Seven Star Ancient Country.

However, after arriving at this ancient pagoda, Qin Yu couldn't perceive the specific location.

Only now, when Qin Yu looked at the ancient box covered with countless ancient seals and divine patterns, did Qin Yu perceive the fluctuation of the ancient fairy order.

After breaking the restriction, open the box, and in that box, there is an ancient fairy token.

Of the eight pieces of ancient fairy orders, Qin Yu was the first to get the piece from the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor, the most important piece from the Blood Demon, and another piece from the Blood Sacrifice God Dynasty.

Adding this piece now, Qin Yu got exactly half of the ancient fairy order.

As for the other four pieces, the currently known one is in Xingluo Xingluo's hands, two of them have changed positions, and the other one has never changed.

If what the Gorefiend said back then was true, and if the eight pieces of ancient fairy tokens were collected, he would be able to enter the core of the fairy storehouse, then Qin Yu would have to get the rest of the ancient fairy tokens as well.

In Qin Yu's previous life, he did not discover the secret of the Primordial Dragon Fighting Art, but in this life, he was aware of it.

Leaving other things aside, the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art alone can suppress the power of ancient immortals.

This is enough to show that the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art is definitely an immortal skill, and it even has a bigger background.

Of course, there must be a bigger secret hidden in the fairy store.

Qin Yu even suspected that Xing Luo's attack on him might have something to do with Xianzang.

After receiving the ancient fairy order to completely sweep away the treasures in the ancient pagoda, Qin Yu left the ancient pagoda.

Now, in this battle, the Seven Star Ancient Pagoda was completely destroyed.

From now on, Shenglongmen will become one of the top forces in Dongzhou.

However, those top superpowers in Dongzhou will also focus on Shenglongmen.

It can be said that Shenglongmen has directly replaced the status of the ancient country of seven stars, but it does not have the powerful and powerful people of the later period of the ancient emperor.

Whether it is those top forces or the surrounding big forces, they will be ready to move.

The next period of time will definitely be extremely uneven.

Fortunately, Qin Yu didn't want to develop steadily at all.

It is exactly what Qin Yu wants to stir up the situation in Dongzhou, and it will be more convenient for Qin Yu to act.

The situation was not as Qin Yu expected. The news of the collapse of the Seven Stars Ancient Country spread rapidly throughout the entire East Continent, and even spread throughout the Kyushu Region of the Sky Region before the early morning of the next day.

The destruction of the Seven Stars Ancient Kingdom shook the entire East Continent, and countless forces reacted immediately.

The Seven Star Ancient Emperor had indeed fallen long ago, and now he annexed the Holy Dragon Sect of the Seven Star Ancient Country just because he took the opportunity.

This time, the forces around the Holy Dragon Gate were all in turmoil.

A little-known faction suddenly became the top force in Dongzhou, and there will naturally be countless factions who are not convinced.

Of course, for the time being, there are not many forces dispatched.

After all, being able to destroy the ancient country of Seven Stars overnight is enough to show that even without the elder emperor in command, the Holy Dragon Gate still has a combat power that cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, those forces that are about to make a move are only working secretly to find out news for the time being.

Shenglong didn't have much reaction to this, but only deployed defenses around the seven-star ancient kingdom's imperial city, and the farther boundary, the Shenglongmen had not yet completely conquered it.

The territory of the Seven Stars Ancient Kingdom is too large. Since the imperial city was breached, there are many forces in those remote areas that are far away from the imperial city, and they have directly established themselves as kings.

Of course, any forces that establish themselves as kings and try to divide the territory of the ancient country have basically just appeared, and will be wiped out the next day.

When a force supported by the ancient emperor in the middle period was suppressed and killed together with the ancient emperor in the middle period, the turmoil in the Seven Star Ancient Country was considered to have calmed down.

At the very least, on the surface, all forces choose to surrender to the Holy Dragon Gate.

The destruction of the Seven Stars Ancient Kingdom, the rise of the Holy Dragon Gate, and the imminent movement of other forces have caused the entire East Continent to be in turmoil.

This phenomenon did not subside until the intervention of a super top force.

God Emperor Tianyuan ordered to recruit Shenglongmen!

(End of this chapter)

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