Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 643 Suppressing Ice Beasts!

Chapter 643 Suppressing Ice Beasts!

"The world is a cage!"

The Dragon Emperor Guli rioted in his body, so that the Langanbing Beast didn't have any extra thoughts to pay attention to Xingluo.

I saw the blue dry ice beast roar, and countless dazzling blue rays of light poured into the space between the sky and the earth.

The power of heaven and earth that lives in this glacier world is directly controlled by the blue dry ice beast, turning into a cage, and enveloping the rushing Xingluo.


Although Xing Luo's attack was fierce and terrifying, he still couldn't break through the power of heaven and earth, and was intercepted by the cage of that day.

The blue dry ice beast turned into a faint blue light, and in a flash, it was ready to escape.

But at this moment, a ray of light flashed out through the void, intercepting the blue dry ice beast.

It was Qin Yu!

After seeing that Xing Luo had cultivated into the Xuantian Indestructible Body, Qin Yu changed his mind about dealing with the six of them.

With Qin Yu's current strength, even with the power of the ancestor golem, he could not completely suppress Xing Luo who possessed the indestructible body.

That being the case, Qin Yu didn't startle the snake.

Moreover, the blue dry ice beast is indeed a creature from the outer domain, and it is injured. If it catches up with Xingluo, it may really be taken away by Xingluo.

Naturally, this was not what Qin Yu saw.

Therefore, Qin Yu directly attacked the blue dry ice beast.

As for Xing Luo and the other six, we will deal with them after their cultivation has recovered to the peak.

call out!
Qin Yu's sudden appearance stunned Langanbingshou, Xingluo and the others.

Unexpectedly, there were still people lurking there in the dark.

However, for the blue dry ice beast, no matter who the visitor is, he has no intention of dealing with it at this time.

After it used the heaven and earth cage again, it was ready to escape.

But when Qin Yu saw this, there was a sneer on his face.


Qin Yu let out a low cry, and something appeared in his hand, which was the severed horn of the blue dry ice beast.

In this broken horn, there is a restriction left by the Dragon Emperor in the past.

This was specially arranged by the Dragon Emperor to deal with the blue dry ice beast before sitting down.

Qin Yu didn't know about it before, but after the Dragon Emperor Guli rioted in the Langanice Beast just now, the prohibition seal left by the Dragon Emperor in the broken horn was immediately unsealed.


I saw Qin Yu activating the restraint in the broken horn, and there was an obvious cracking sound in the body of the blue dry ice beast.

But it was Guli, the dragon emperor in the body of the blue dry ice beast, which burst open with a bang.

The blue dry ice beast was covered in cold air, obviously suffering a huge trauma.

Qin Yu seized the opportunity and pointed the unicorn at the blue dry ice beast.

A beam of colorful light appeared from the broken horn, covering and sealing the blue dry ice beast.

No matter how furious and struggling the blue dry ice beast was, it couldn't break through that layer of colorful light.

Immediately afterwards, the seven-colored light shrank, and the blue dry ice beast shrank along with the seven-colored light.

In the blink of an eye, the colorful rays of light returned to the broken horn with the blue dry ice beast.

After successfully sealing the Langan Ice Beast, Qin Yu gave Xingluo six people a cold and indifferent look, and immediately flew away into the void.

This time, it was really thanks to the six people of Xingluo.

Otherwise, even if Qin Yu had the restriction of broken horns left by the Dragon Emperor, he couldn't be so relaxed, that is, to seal the blue dry ice beast.

"You dare to snatch food from a tiger's mouth, how courageous!"

With the ban on the blue dry ice beast, the power of the cold power in the Xingluo six people's body was greatly weakened.

Xing Luo, who had cultivated into the Xuantian Immortal Body, took the lead in chasing after Qin Yu.

Five people, including Tiantian Ghost Emperor and Sixiang Taoist Emperor, also forcibly suppressed the injuries in their bodies, and immediately rushed out of the void with a murderous aura.

They worked so hard to beat the blue dry ice beast to such an extent.

Now, someone dares to snatch food from their mouths, this is simply impatient to live.

However, five people, including Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor and Sixiang Dao Emperor, rushed out of the glacier world.

However, when they returned to the cold plain, they immediately felt the surrounding world change rapidly.

This feeling made Zhentian Guidi five people's faces change one after another.

The next moment, they appeared on an isolated island.

In front of them, it was Xing Luo who was the first to chase after them.

"Teleportation array?!"

Zhentian Guidi's face twitched, his expression was extremely gloomy, and he spoke murderously.

At that moment just now, they were aware of it.

Obviously, the person who snatched the blue dry ice beast had already set up a teleportation array at the exit of the ice layer.

As long as they rush out, it will be triggered immediately, teleporting them away.

"Such an attainment in formation, in the Tianyu Kyushu, there should not be many people who can do it?"

Sixiang Taoist Emperor looked at Zhentian Ghost Emperor and asked.

You know, they are all among the top ancient emperors in Tianyu.

In an instant, all of them can be transferred to this small island where they don't know where they are.

With such attainments in formation, I am afraid that he will not be much weaker than the Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperor.

"Even if it is prepared in advance, there should not be more than three people in the entire Tianyu, except me, who can do this."

Zhentian Ghost Emperor nodded.

The four elephants and Taoists heard the words and looked at each other.

That being said, those three people are the most suspicious, as long as they are found, maybe the blue dry ice beast can be recovered.

"Of course, this is only an existence on the surface. It's hard to say whether there will be someone hiding in the dark!"

Zhentian Ghost Emperor sighed softly.

Since the other party has a way, they can arrest the Langan Ice Beast right under their noses, and they can also teleport all of them instantly.

If you still want to find someone now, there is basically no possibility.

"Whether there is or not, you have to check first before talking."

The Great Ritian Emperor spoke viciously.

In this battle, he suffered the most serious injuries. If he didn't gain anything, it would be a big loss.

"That ice beast, go find it, I still have something to do, let's go first!"

Above the isolated island, Xing Luo, who was flying around, seemed to have confirmed his location, and after speaking, he flew away directly.

Regarding this, Emperor Zhentian Guidi and the others were not very surprised.

Apart from dealing with Dragon God Emperor Zun Qin Yu in the past, they haven't seen anything that Xing Luo cared about.


At this time, somewhere in the East Continent, the void trembled slightly, formation patterns diffused, and a figure appeared.

It was Qin Yu who detained the blue dry ice beast and left.

Qin Yu sensed the surroundings instantly, and after confirming that there was no danger, Qin Yu immediately fled away.

As for Xing Luo and the other six, Qin Yu didn't know where they would be teleported.

The Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor is good at formations. If he uses the two-way teleportation formation, it is very likely that he will be discovered or even teleported back.

Qin Yu who left from the teleportation array did not immediately return to the Holy Dragon Gate.

Although this blue dry ice beast was suppressed under the Dragon Emperor's restriction, it did not give up its resistance and could not be careless at all.

A few days later, Qin Yu escaped into a prehistoric ancient forest, laid down layer upon layer of enchantment restrictions, and entered the space of the ancient seal of the Dragon God.

Qin Yu took out the severed horn of the blue dry ice beast after laying out many means.


When Qin Yu loosened the barrier a little bit, a soul-stirring beast roar resounded immediately, making people tremble with fear.

Immediately afterwards, distorted seven-color light appeared, and the blue dry ice beast rushed out from the forbidden seal with broken horns.

(End of this chapter)

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