Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 644: Layers of Illusion! 3 more

Chapter 644: Thousand Layers of Illusion! 3 more

"You are not a dragon, how did you get the ban from the demon dragon?"

After the blue dry ice beast rushed out, it didn't continue to struggle trying to break through the seven-color light, but just stared at Qin Yu coldly.

In those blue eyes, there are ups and downs of ancient blue patterns, which make people daunting.

"Monster dragon? Hehe, the majestic emperor of the dragon clan turned into a demon dragon in your mouth? How dare you say that!"

Qin Yu chuckled, looking at the blue dry ice beast, which was difficult to be suppressed even by the Dragon Emperor's restraint, several thoughts flashed in his mind.

"The frog at the bottom of the well, even the purest dragon clan in the divine blood, would not dare to call itself the emperor of the dragon clan. The demon dragon only has a little divine blood, but dare to call itself the dragon emperor?"

When the blue dry ice beast heard Qin Yu's words, it couldn't help but sneered contemptuously.

"It seems that you know the situation in the foreign domain very well, why don't we talk about it?"

Qin Yu's eyes flashed.

Qin Yu was also extremely curious about Outer Domain, especially, the place where Fairy Xuelan was located was obviously somewhere in Outer Domain.

"Talk about what?"

Although the blue dry ice beast was at its peak, it could kill Qin Yu who was only in the ancient emperor realm with a single palm.

But now, the Dragon Emperor Guli in his body couldn't suppress it and destroyed it wantonly. It was sealed up again and couldn't get out. Even if he didn't want to talk about it, he could only talk about it.

"You, do you know this place?"

With a thought in Qin Yu's mind, in the ancient seal of the Dragon God, billowing dragon energy roared and swept across, creating a world.

It was a world of ice and snow. Under the world of ice and snow, there were countless snow and ice castles floating in the void of heaven and earth.

This was the place where Qin Yu saw Fairy Xuelan for the last time.

There is no doubt that as long as you know this place, you will definitely be able to find Fairy Xuelan.

"This is……"

The blue dry ice beast's expression moved slightly, and in its blue eyes, it looked at Qin Yu with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"It seems that you know this place, where is this Outland?"

Qin Yu's eyes brightened and he asked.

"I tell you, what good will it do me?"

The blue dry ice beast pondered for a moment before opening its mouth slowly.

"What benefits do you want?"

Qin Yu also knew that the blue dry ice beasts were not those wild beasts with undeveloped spiritual intelligence, and dealing with them was naturally not so easy.

"Disperse the power of the monster dragon in my body, and then let me go. Not only will I be able to tell you where this is, but I will also give you a chance to break through the limits of Taoism in this domain in the future."

The blue dry ice beast was not polite, and said directly.

"Yes, but you have to tell me the news first. With your cultivation base, once the Dragon Emperor Guli is resolved, without the Dragon Emperor seal, then the sky will let you fly. I don't want to think about it, Zhu It’s useless to fetch water with a basket, and there will be life-threatening.”

Qin Yu said lightly.

"It looks like we can't trust each other anymore."

The blue dry ice beast opened its mouth coldly.

If it told Qin Yu what he knew, it would be of no use.

At that time, it would be really whimsical to expect Qin Yu to let it go.

"In this way, let's take a step back each. While you tell me where this is from the outer domain, I will disperse the Dragon Emperor Guli in your body, how about it?"

After Qin Yu seemed to ponder for a long time, he came up with such a plan.


The blue dry ice beast stared at Qin Yu for a while, and finally nodded.

For it, the power of the monster dragon in its body is like the immortal wish power of those bald donkeys in the Buddha realm, no matter how it is refined, it cannot be thought of.

The blue dry ice beast knew that in this dragon power, there was the resentment of the demon dragon, and the stronger the resentment of the demon dragon, the more ferocious the power of this dragon.

As long as this dragon power can be dissipated, it will be difficult to seal it with just this layer of colorful light.

Qin Yu took a step forward, and in the palm of his right hand, a palm of vitality condensed, and lightly touched the blue dry ice beast.


At the moment of touching, the vitality palm was frozen instantly, and the vitality palm returned to normal after the blue dry ice beast restrained the freezing power.

Then, boiling dragon blood appeared on Qin Yu's body, and indistinctly, the majestic and mighty dragon chant resounded.

After about a while, a dazzling light suddenly flashed in the blue eyes of the blue dry ice beast.

It can clearly feel that the violent power of the demon dragon in its body is rapidly disappearing.

"You should tell me where it is. Don't try to lie to me. It won't do you any good."

Qin Yu spoke indifferently.

"This ice and snow castle, if I guess correctly, should be the Snow Region, where the Snow Clan is located."

Hearing Qin Yu's threatening words, Lan Ganbing said after a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the beast.

"Snowland? Snow Clan? Fairy Xuelan!"

Qin Yu's mind fluctuated, and he was a little excited.

It sounds like this blue dry ice beast shouldn't be talking nonsense.

Although we don't know if the news is true or not, at least we have got some clues from Fairy Xuelan.


At the moment when Qin Yu lost his mind, the blue dry ice beast suddenly ran away, and the unparalleled cold light exploded, freezing the void every inch of it.

Even the seven-colored light on the broken horn was quite slow, and it was impossible to suppress the blue dry ice beast.

"Did you really think that I would disperse the Dragon Emperor Guli from your body?"

Looking at the blue dry ice beast that was about to break through the seal of seven-color light, Qin Yu's mouth turned cold.

Qin Yu has no way of judging whether what the blue dry ice beast said is true or not.

Therefore, we can only use the old method to determine by searching the soul.


The blue dry ice beast roared, a beam of faint blue light pierced through the void, and directly punched a big hole in Qin Yu's body.

However, no blood flowed out at all, and Qin Yu didn't seem to notice it at all, and his expression didn't even change in the slightest.

"This is……"

The Blue Dry Ice Beast, which was originally extremely violent and full of evil spirits, was startled when it saw such a scene, and then seemed to have discovered something, and its pupils shrank like needles.

"Did you notice it? Unfortunately, it's already too late. Here is a thousand layers of illusion. If you noticed it at the beginning, you might be able to break free from the illusion, but now, hehe..."

Qin Yu, who had a big hole in his chest, smiled strangely.

Immediately afterwards, the blue dry ice beast discovered that everything in the space of the ancient seal of the Dragon God had become distorted and illusory.

There are fierce ghosts raging, gods descend, and ancient immortals preach. Everything is real and illusory, which makes the blue dry ice beast addicted to it, unable to extricate itself.

"Fortunately, I didn't think about subduing it, but let go of the seal!"

In the ancient seal of the dragon god, Qin Yu felt rather lucky to see the blue dry ice beast that had fallen into a thousand layers of illusion and ran away.

Once you want to subdue the blue dry ice beast and let go of the blue dry ice beast, even if there is a riot by Dragon Emperor Guli, it will be difficult to suppress the blue dry ice beast.

Fortunately, when the blue dry ice beast appeared, Qin Yu's attention fell on Qin Yu, and he didn't find the Thousand Layers Illusory Realm.

Otherwise, even if it is the supreme fantasy world seen from the fairy storehouse, Qin Yu doubts whether it can trap the mind of the blue dry ice beast.

Fortunately, the blue dry ice beast has completely sunk now, even if it knows that it is in the realm of illusion, there is no room for it to break free.

(End of this chapter)

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