Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 67 Blood Mist Gu Poison!

Chapter 67 Blood Mist Gu Poison!
"It can rival the power of the royal family of the martial arts country."

Qin Yu was slightly stunned, no wonder Wu Wudi dared not provoke Yun Guxuan even with the Xue clan as his backing.

Other students began to discuss Yun Guxuan's identity, which is no secret in the inner courtyard.

They wanted to see if Xue Wudi would dare to fight Yun Guxuan.

But apart from discussing, they were also curious about what kind of relationship Qin Yu had with the Yunjiabao, so that Deyun Guxuan could protect Qin Yu so much.

"If you don't go to practice, what are you doing here?"

At this time, a figure flew out from the Dragon Town Pagoda and stood in midair.


Seeing that figure, the surrounding inner courtyard students saluted immediately, even Xue Wudi and Yun Guxuan who were facing each other quickly saluted.

"Just right, since you are all here, let me tell you something."

"Three days later, the secret realm of the Holy Court will open. The rules are still the same as before. Only the top ten are eligible to enter."

After the words fell, Xie Ying glanced at Qin Yu, and disappeared without a trace.

"Junior Qin Yu, have you convinced the principal?"

After Bai Qingyue was startled, she looked at Qin Yu in disbelief.

The dean was born as an elder of the criminal law, and he has always strictly enforced the rules of the Holy Court.

She couldn't figure out how Qin Yu managed to convince the dean.

"Get ready, I'm going to challenge the Tianjiao Ranking too."

Qin Yu smiled and did not explain.

"Challenge the Proud Ranking?"

When Xue Wudi heard the conversation between Qin Yu and Bai Qingyue, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

The dean said that the secret realm will be opened in three days, but Qin Yu wants to challenge the list of the top talents at this time.

Doesn't this make it clear that Qin Yu wants to enter the secret realm of the Holy Court?

Thinking of this, Xue Wudi gave Qin Yu a gloomy look, turned and left.

With Yun Guxuan coming forward, it is impossible for him to attack Qin Yu. If he continues to waste time here, he might as well go back and prepare well.

If Qin Yu really entered the secret realm of the Holy Academy, then his chance would come.

The secret place of the Holy Academy is not a good place, and many gifted students died in it in previous years.

The rest of the students, also because of the dean's sudden order, discussed and chatted and left.

Bai Qingyue glanced at Yun Guxuan who hadn't moved, talked to Qin Yu, turned around and left.

"Thank you senior for your shot."

Qin Yu cupped his fists towards Yun Guxuan, no matter what, Yun Guxuan did help him.

"How do I feel, even if I don't make a move, you are not afraid of Xue Wudi."

Yun Guxuan looked at Qin Yu.

His original plan was indeed to want Qin Yu to accept his love.

But just now, Qin Yu had no fear when facing Xue Wudi.

Yun Guxuan could recognize that plain appearance, it was an expression of self-confidence.

This was also what surprised Yun Guxuan.

Could it be that Qin Yu, who is only at the sixth level of the Martial Realm, has the strength to fight against Xue Wudi, who is at the ninth level of the Martial King Realm?

If this is the case, then Qin Yu's fighting power is astonishing!

"The senior is looking for me, but something is wrong?"

Qin Yu smiled noncommittally.

With his current strength, he is indeed not afraid of Xue Wudi, the martial king Jiuzhong.

When he came out of the secret realm of the holy courtyard this time, Qin Yu was going to leave Zhenwu Dynasty.

At that time, it's not about Xue Wudi, but about the entire Xue clan.

"Junior Qin Yu, I heard from Yunxi that you were the one who detoxified Princess Bai Qingyue's poisonous poisonous ink dragon?"

Hearing this, Yun Guxuan straightened his expression and asked seriously.


Qin Yu nodded slightly.

It seems that the situation is the same as what he deduced. At the beginning, Yunxi really needed his help to detoxify.

"I don't know the blood mist Gu poison, have you ever understood it?"

Yun Guxuan's expression was solemn, and there was an unconcealable look of hope in his eyes.

"One of the seven poisons of Gu Dao, the blood mist Gu poison?"

Qin Yu was a little surprised.

The seven poisons of Gu Dao, even in Tianyu, are extremely rare poisons.

Because the poison of the Gu Dao is cultivated by warriors, it is not self-generated by heaven and earth.

First there was the shattered ghost pupil of the ghost clan, and then the ancient seven poisons appeared.

It seems that he really underestimated this continent.

"That's right, it's one of the seven poisons of Gu Dao!"

Yun Guxuan became excited, and quickly asked: "Junior Qin Yu, do you know the way to resolve it?"

"Then it depends on which system of blood mist Gu poison it is."

Qin Yu said.

"Which system? Could it be that there are many types of blood fog poison?"

Yun Guxuan was startled.

Although he has checked countless ancient books, he still doesn't understand anything about what Qin Yu said.

"Blood mist Gu poison has seven major systems, namely yin and yang and five elements."

"Only by knowing which kind of poison is in the seven major systems can we have a specific antidote."

"If you make a mistake about the toxicity, the antidote will become a deadly poison, and instead trigger a toxic outbreak."

Qin Yu explained.

"Yin-yang and the five elements?"

Yun Guxuan's face changed, "Then, what if it's the mixed poison of the seven systems?"

Although it was the first time he had heard that the blood mist Gu poison had the seven systems of yin and yang, five elements and seven elements.

But he had seen the blood mist Gu poison with his own eyes, and knew that it was very likely that it was a mixed poison.

"If it's a mixed poison, it can't be resolved by simply preparing an antidote."

Qin Yu shook his head slightly when he heard this.

The blood mist Gu poison is far from being comparable to the poison of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Jiao.

Once the toxicity of the seven attribute systems is mixed, it is impossible to mix it with the power of the pill alone.

Only by cooperating with the corresponding secret method can they be completely expelled.

If it was just refining the detoxification pill, then Qin Yu would still help with such trivial matters.

But if it was mixed poison, then he had to go to Yunjiabao, Qin Yu didn't have that time.

"Junior Qin Yu, my Yunjiabao is one of the thirteen castles in Qingzhou. It has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, and my ancestors have even stepped into the realm of the highest martial saint."

"As long as you can detoxify the blood mist Gu poison, then my Yun Family Castle will have the grace of rebuilding. No matter what conditions you have, my Yun Family Castle will definitely be able to do it."

Seeing Qin Yu's expression, Yun Guxuan probably saw Qin Yu's thoughts, and said hastily.

"Wu Sheng?"

Qin Yu's expression moved slightly, and he looked at Yunjiapu squarely.

Martial saints are considered strong in Tianyu.

This ancestor of the Yunjiabao actually had a Martial Saint, it seems that the background is really extraordinary.

"I want dragon blood!"

After thinking about it, Qin Yu was not polite and said directly.

Although the Primordial Dragon Fighting Art can refine all things that contain dragon blood.

However, as the master's cultivation level increases, the requirements for dragon blood will also increase.

After Qin Yu gets the Wandu Mojiao, he will be promoted to Martial King.

At that time, the ordinary dragon's blood will not be of much use to him.

Therefore, after the Wandu Mojiao, Qin Yu's goal must be the real dragon's blood.

At the very least, it cannot be lower than the Wandu Mojiao.

Otherwise, it would not be of much use to Qin Yu's cultivation.

"Dragon... blood?!"

Yun Guxuan's gaze froze, and he stood there dumbfounded.

He had thought that the conditions proposed by Qin Yu were not simple, but he still did not expect that what Qin Yu wanted was actually dragon blood.

You know, on the Tianlong Continent, dragons are completely legendary creatures.

Only in the oldest ancient books can we find some rumors related to dragons.

Qin Yu's condition stumped Yun Guxuan, who was originally full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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