Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 68 Sweeping the Tianjiao Ranking!

Chapter 68 Sweeping the Tianjiao Ranking!
"It seems that Yunjiabao is hopeless."

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul knew that there was no dragon blood in Yun Guxuan's face when he saw Yun Guxuan's face.

Otherwise, if Yiyun Guxuan said before that dissolving the blood mist Gu poison would be a boon to Yun Family Castle, even if it was dragon blood, he would at most hesitate rather than be sluggish.

"This time, after entering the secret realm of the Holy Academy and subduing the Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Jiao, we have to do our best to find out what is recorded on the ancient map."

Qin Yu was not very disappointed.

With the level of martial arts in Tianlong Continent, it should be regarded as great luck to get a clue of a dragon.

But unfortunately, Qin Yu showed Xie Ying the ancient map before.

Xie Ying only infers that the ancient map may record the Hundred Nations Battlefield.

But Xie Ying didn't know exactly where it was.

If it is recorded on the ancient map, it is really a battlefield of a hundred nations.

No matter how big the Hundred Nations Battlefield is, Qin Yu is sure to find it.

But if the record is not the Battlefield of Hundred Nations, it will be troublesome to find the place where it is recorded.

"Junior Qin Yu, this dragon blood is really too rare. Not to mention our Yunjiabao, I am afraid that it is impossible to get dragon blood in the whole Qingzhou. Look, can we change the condition?"

After Yun Guxuan came back to his senses, he said to Qin Yu hesitantly and tactfully.

Regarding Qin Yu's identity, Yun Guxuan had also inquired a lot.

Not only has a good relationship with Master Tianqiong, but also has inextricable relationship with Master Gu Yuan.

A master craftsman and a network of alchemy masters, even the Yunjiabao would not provoke him.

Not to mention, behind Qin Yu, there may be a stronger powerhouse.

"Aside from dragon blood, I really don't like other things... In this way, if you Yunjiabao know the whereabouts of dragon blood, I can also detoxify it!"

Qin Yu thought about it, and settled for the next best thing.

"News about dragon blood!"

After pondering slightly, Yun Guxuan nodded heavily: "I will pass this matter back to the family, no matter whether there is any news about dragon blood, I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

After saying that, Yun Guxuan bowed to Qin Yu, then quickly turned and left.

Compared with Dragon Blood, the difficulty of news about Dragon Blood has dropped by more than one level.

Qin Yu didn't stay too long, and after leaving Zhenlong Pagoda, he directly proposed to challenge the Tianjiao Ranking.

As for the Yun Family Fort, Qin Yu didn't pay much attention to it.

It would be best to have dragon blood news, if not, there is no loss for him.

The most important thing now is to start preparing for the work of subduing the Wandu Mojiao.

dong dong dong...

As Qin Yu proposed to challenge the Tianjiao list, seven long bells rang throughout the Holy Court.

The geniuses on the Tianjiao list, as long as they are in the holy courtyard, immediately set off and gather in the martial arts field of the inner courtyard.

The sound of seven ancient bells means that someone directly challenged the Tianjiao list, and after passing the assessment of the Holy Academy, all the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list must gather and leave.

In the martial arts arena in the inner courtyard, Qin Yu, dressed in white, stood calmly in the center of the martial arts arena.

Around the Martial Arts Field, apart from the students from the inner court, many students from the outer court gathered here.

In the Royal Holy Academy, it is rare to directly challenge the Tianjiao list.

"Qin Yu? It's him again!"

"This guy is really restless!"

"Indeed, since he entered the Holy Court, he hasn't stopped!"

After seeing that the person who challenged the Tianjiao Ranking was Qin Yu, heated discussions resounded continuously.

"Since everyone is here, let's challenge according to the ranking of the Tianjiao list, from the lowest to the highest."

The elder who judged Tianjiao's challenge was Elder Lu of the Penal Court who had met Qin Yu when he first entered the Holy Court!
As Elder Lu's voice fell, some of the Tianjiao students who had already lined up immediately jumped out.

"Please enlighten me!"

It was a young man with an ordinary appearance, holding two swords, and his cultivation was at the peak of the fifth level of Wuwang.


Qin Yu didn't use the prison gun, but simply punched with his right hand.


Although Qin Yu was only at the sixth level of the Tianwu Realm, the young man with two swords was not careless.

If you can get the approval of the Holy Academy and directly challenge the Tianjiao list, then you will not be an ordinary person.

He is the last one on the Tianjiao list. Once he is defeated, he will be eliminated, so he must go all out.

I saw the young man with two swords turned into wings and attacked from above. The two swords in his hands were staggered and intertwined, forming a sword net, completely blocking Qin Yu, and there was nowhere to escape.


Qin Yu took a step forward with his left foot, and repeatedly blasted with his right fist. Three punches, with the power of destruction, bombarded in the air.

The first fist light shattered the sword net.

The second fist shot broke the shield of true energy on the young man with two swords.

The third punch, defeat!

This is the second level of Destroyer Fist, the Nine Punches smashing the sky, which is equivalent to the peak martial arts of the king level!

"Qin Yu, win!"

Elder Lu looked at Qin Yu in surprise.

At the sixth level of the Tianwu Realm, defeating the fifth level of the Martial King Realm with one punch, this combat power should not be too amazing.

"So strong!"

"Qin Yu's aptitude is probably even more terrifying than Senior Yun Guxuan!"

The students watching around, whether they were from the outer court, the inner court, or the elders, were all shocked.

"It has become so strong?"

Yunxi, Bai Qingyue, Qi Ming and others were even more shocked. Compared with when he challenged Xue Wudi, Qin Yu now is completely different.

"Qin Yu, you must die!"

Among the crowd, Xue Mo, who was watching, had a murderous intent in his eyes that was so strong that it was almost impossible to dispel.

It has only been two days since Qin Yu challenged Xue Tianwu.

In just two days, Qin Yu's strength has increased by such an astonishing rate, which is too terrifying.

If Qin Yu doesn't die, the Xue Clan will never have a peaceful day.

Amidst the shocking discussions in the audience, the second battle was over, and Qin Yu still won with one punch.

Immediately afterwards, the third game, the fourth game, the fifth game...

The tenth game, the No.11 game, the No.12 game...

No.20 game, No.20 one game, No.20 two game...

In two or five fights in a row, Qin Yu won with one punch.

The original hot discussion gradually quieted down when Qin Yu surpassed a big realm in a row and won easily, and finally became dead silent, and a needle could be heard.

Everyone looked at Qin Yu, who was dressed in white and had a calm demeanor, with shocking expressions.

At this moment, Qin Yu's elegant demeanor even the elders in the inner courtyard of the Holy Academy couldn't help but be impressed.

There are only fifty students in total in the Tianjiao list, and each of them is an elite among the elites of the Royal Academy.

But now, in the hands of Qin Yu who is at the Heavenly Martial Realm, half of them have already been defeated.

It can be said that Qin Yu has created a record in the Royal Holy Academy.

Even in the history of the Royal Holy Academy, there has never been such a monstrous ghost.

"This son is already a flying dragon, and his achievements in the future will be limitless!"

Next to the Martial Arts Arena in the inner courtyard, Xie Ying, the president of the Holy Academy, was also paying attention to Qin Yu's challenge.

The more you watch, the more frightened Xie Ying becomes.

The shock that Qin Yu gave him at this time was even more shocking than Qin Yu's subduing the Shattered Ghost Eyes.

"My Royal Holy Academy finally has a genius who can compete with the genius of a hundred nations!"

(End of this chapter)

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