Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 691 Xianli Suppression!

Chapter 691 Xianli Suppression!

"Sure enough, I'm also making preparations in secret!"

After Qin Yu carefully perceived this Taoist world, his eyes flickered slightly.

Those ten ancient mysterious corpses all have cultivation levels comparable to those of the late ancient emperors.

The fusion of the ten worlds of Taoism and Law, I am afraid that even the dragon soul's magical powers of time and space will be difficult to tear apart this world of Taoism and Law.

It's no wonder that Xing Luo has such confidence that he can trap him here.


After condensing the pitch-black compass in his hand, Xing Luo suddenly let out a low voice.

Immediately, upon seeing those ten ancient mysterious corpses, they rushed out suddenly.

The vast Taoism and divine power surged like a sea, covering the sky and covering the earth, and its power was extremely astonishing.

But those ten ancient mysterious corpses did not target Qin Yu, they were all aimed at Long Hao, the Primal Chaos Dragon, and the Progenitor Golem.

As for Qin Yu, he was firmly locked by Xing Luo.

"Dragon Soul, go help them!"

Qin Yu, who had just fought against the Primordial Xuan Corpse, summoned the dragon soul who had also entered the late stage of the ancient emperor.

With the help of Dragon Soul's space-time magical powers, Long Hao and the three should be able to fight against the ten ancient mysterious corpses.

As for Xing Luo who planned to have a one-on-one, this was exactly what Qin Yu wanted.

Immediately, the ten ancient mysterious corpses fought together with Dragon Soul Long Hao and others, and the violent and destructive power of Taoism wreaked havoc in this Taoism world.

Although it was four against ten, the situation was exactly as Qin Yu expected.

With the help of the dragon soul with supernatural powers of time and space, Long Hao and the others were not at a disadvantage at all, and they even beat the ten ancient mysterious corpses.

"The Burial Sword Immortal didn't come with you, so he must have been hiding in the dark and doing something wrong?"

Seeing the Dragon Soul, Long Hao and others were all entangled by the ancient mysterious corpse, Xing Luo looked at Qin Yu with a smile on his face, and the black compass in his hand lit up with mysterious black patterns.

For Xing Luo, he didn't care about the outcome of the Primordial Xuanshi's side.

As long as there is no one to interfere with his battle with Qin Yu.

"Death is imminent, do you still have the mind to care about other people's whereabouts?"

Qin Yu spoke coldly, and while speaking, Qin Yu held the Chaos Dragon Spear, which turned into a ray of light piercing through the air.

Accompanied by Qin Yu rushing out, the pitch-black light that could not be seen with his fingers covered and moved, like a moving black hole in space, trying to swallow everything up.

It is the Nine Nether Purgatory!

When performing the Nine Nether Purgatory, the imprint of stars appeared between Qin Yu's brows, faintly emitting starlight.

Gathering a massive amount of Heavenly Chen's power, it appeared at this moment unreservedly, pouring into the Chaos Dragon Spear.

Qin Yu felt that the Chaos Dragon Spear was only a semi-immortal weapon, and it was difficult to smash the pitch-black compass in Xing Luo's hand, so he kept increasing the power of the Chaos Dragon Spear.

"Necromantic Power: Imprint of Soul Containment!"

Xing Luo also made a move, and the pitch-black compass in his hand emitted a dazzling black light.

The dark ancient lines on his skin also glowed, faintly echoing the fluctuations of the black compass.

Immediately, on the pitch-black compass, a pitch-black ancient seal was condensed, and a strong black air burst out.

At this moment, a strong breath of death erupted from Xing Luo's body, making one feel like an undead crawling out of hell.
Even the power of Taoism is eroded by that kind of death breath.

"go with!"

With a wave of Xing Luo's hand, the jet-black imprint surrounding the thick and dead energy burst out of the air.

"Swallowing Dragon Seal!"

Qin Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the death aura emanating from Xing Luo's body made him feel a little palpitated.

This is the first time Qin Yu has fought against the real Taoism of the outer domain.

Comparing the two, even if Xing Luo's cultivation base was equal to his, Qin Yu also found that the aura of the Taoism of death in the outer domain was higher than his Taoism.

But the strongest of the two with true essence is Qin Yu's stronger true essence.

hold head high!
Accompanied by a deafening dragon chant resounded.

The black death mark that Xing Luo made was swallowed by the hideous and terrifying dragon head ancient seal, and both of them disappeared into the void.

At the moment of devouring the death mark, Qin Yu felt that the death energy contained in the death mark wanted to crazily erode his Taoism essence.

"Undead World!"

With a flash of Xing Luo's figure, he bullied him, and in the pitch-black compass, death marks condensed one after another, attacking Qin Yu one after another.

Seeing that power, it completely blocked the void around Qin Yu, making it impossible for Qin Yu to avoid it.

"Immortal Stone Emperor Seal!"

"Seal the divine light!"

"Jin Yan burns the sky!"

"The World-Destroying God Xiaolei!"

Qin Yu's eyes turned cold, but he didn't avoid it at all. A series of supernatural powers and secret arts were bombarded one after another.

Qin Yu was testing to see which supernatural powers and secret techniques could restrain those imprints containing the power of death.

The result came out quickly, whether it was the Three Emperors or the Dragon Clan, they were unable to resist those death marks.

It seems that those death marks are stronger than Qin Yu's supernatural powers at the original level.

"Gossip transforms into a dragon!"

Qin Yu's body exploded with the roar of a dragon, and directly transformed into a vast dragon with the Nine Secrets of War Dragon.

At the peak of his transformation into a dragon, in Qin Yu's soul seal of good fortune, one after another luck stars were consumed.

"That is……"

With the help of luck and stars, Qin Yu discovered that there was a gray air current in those death marks.

That strand of gray air seemed inconspicuous under the black death marks all over his body.

If it wasn't for Qin Yu's consumption of luck and stars to assist him, he wouldn't be able to find that wisp of gray air at all.

"Turning into a dragon?"

Seeing Qin Yu who was transforming into a dragon, Xing Luo's eyes were filled with fiery color, and the nine secret techniques contained in the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art made his heart very hot.

Thousands of years ago, he besieged Qin Yu, but Qin Yu escaped somehow. This time, he will not miss again.


I saw the ancient incantations all over Xing Luo's body, all shining brightly.

At this moment, those death marks shot at Qin Yu suddenly changed positions at a very fast speed. Indistinctly, those death marks seemed to condense into some kind of formation trajectory.


Qin Yu, who noticed the flaws in those death marks, rushed towards Xingluo like a torrent.

Qin Yu, who turned into a dragon, soared dozens of times faster.


When rushing out, Qin Yu had a murderous intent gushing out of his body.

Those killing intents were solid, like thousands of fine needles piercing through the air, piercing through those death marks with incomparable precision.

bang bang bang...

Immediately, bursts of explosions appeared, and those death marks that were constantly changing were continuous explosions.

It was the thin needle of killing intent condensed by Qin Yu, which directly annihilated the gray air current in those death marks.

"This guy, actually saw through the source of death?!"

Xing Luo's eyes changed slightly.

He originally thought that even if Qin Yu recovered his cultivation, he would only be at the level of his previous life, but now he realized that he was wrong.

Qin Yu's hole cards seem to be much more than those in his previous life.

You know, his undead divine power is the supreme power of Taoism from the dead zone.

Even in the heavens and myriad domains, the divine power of the dead is an extremely powerful Taoism.

Since Qin Yu has not crossed the ninth level of martial arts, Qin Yu, who is at the limit of the ancient emperor, should not be able to see through the necromantic way.

"The Azure Dragon Battles the Sky!"


At the moment when those death marks were smashed, Qin Yu, who had already transformed into a dragon, immediately used his full strength to cast Azure Dragon Battle Sky.

It can be clearly seen that the dragon scales all over Qin Yu's body are covered with mysterious and mysterious dragon patterns.

Qin Yu's momentum exploded at this moment, and it was more than ten times more terrifying than before...

(End of this chapter)

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