Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 692 Rakshasa Arrives!

Chapter 692 Rakshasa Arrives!

At this moment, Xing Luo's expression froze slightly.

He had a faint feeling that Qin Yu's current Qinglong Zhantian was much more powerful than in his previous life.

Could it be that Qin Yu has glimpsed the secret of the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art?
Thinking of this, Xing Luo's eyes turned cold, and his murderous intent became even more intense.

The secret hidden in the ancient battle dragon art involves too much.

If it spreads out of Tianyu, the entire Ten Thousand Realms will shake, and there will be countless powerful people flocking to Tianyu.

This is also Xingluo, and he did not tell Prince Luocha about Qin Yu's affairs.
It was the reason why he chose to imprison Ning Qianmo and come here to fight Qin Yu alone.

"Ghost Death Power!"

When thoughts flashed in his mind, Xing Luo also reacted immediately.

Facing Qin Yu whose fighting strength soared, Xing Luo did not retreat at all, and once again charged straight forward.

Those dark ancient lines on his body spread madly all around, covering his whole body in an instant.

At a glance, Xing Luo's whole body was shrouded in a strange black light.

That layer of black light is filled with the power of death that makes one's hair stand on end.

It seems that once it is contaminated, it will be dragged to hell immediately, and it will never be reborn forever.

Immediately, Qin Yu, who was transformed into a dragon, collided with Xing Luo shrouded in black light.

Hundreds of meters high violently destroying Dao Dharma air waves, sweeping and wreaking havoc, the void became distorted and oscillated, making people's vision double.

They all used ultimate moves, and Qin Yu and Xing Luo, who collided suddenly, were deadlocked in the air.

The two of them have endured each other's destructive attack head-on.

However, whether it is Qin Yu or Xing Luo, the flesh is terrifying.

Xingluo got the Xuantian Indestructible Body of Master Qin Yu, and Qin Yu got the Dragon God Hegemony Body from the Nine Secrets of Fighting Dragons.

Therefore, even though both of them used terrorist attacks, all kinds of world-destroying magical powers bombarded them constantly, and the battle was terrifying.

But the two of them did not receive any fatal injuries.

While blocking the Primordial Xuan Corpse, Long Hao and Chaos Ancestral Dragon, who were watching Qin Yu's battle situation, were both shocked.

If it was them, they would have been seriously injured even if they were not afraid of death after suffering so many terrorist attacks.

Even Dragon Soul was quite amazed at Xing Luo's physical strength.

"Good Fortune Immortal Seal, Luck and Stars!"

After a long stalemate with Xing Luo, the luck and stars in Qin Yu's soul were consumed again.

Not long after, Qin Yu saw through the flaw of Xuantian Immortal Body.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Yu's thought moved.

He who was transformed into a dragon, with spots of light emerging from the dragon scales all over his body.

Those spots of light were all condensed in the Chaos Dragon Spear in the center of Qin Yu's dragon claw.

A surge of destructive waves that makes people die.

"Forbidden Art of Immortal Sacrifice? No, the power of Forbidden Art of Immortal Sacrifice cannot be so strong!"

Xing Luo's pupils narrowed slightly, and he immediately recognized that it was Xuantian Immortal Venerable's uninherited secret technique, the Immortal Sacrifice technique.

Rumor has it that this supernatural and secret art was inherited by the Xuantian Immortal Venerable from the ancient immortals, and it is a supreme immortal art capable of killing immortals.

Even though he has cultivated into the Xuantian Indestructible Body, Xing Luo still feels cold all over his body, as if falling into an ice cave.

Whether it was on Xuantian Immortal Venerable, or the battle at the Burial Ground of Immortals and Gods, Xing Luo has personally experienced it.

But Qin Yu's Immortal Sacrifice Forbidden Technique is so powerful that it makes Xing Luo feel a creepy sense of danger.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xing Luo immediately typed out the seal formula with both hands.

call out!
Almost at this moment, Qin Yu, who performed the Immortal Immortal Forbidden Art, shot out a bright and dazzling light.

The light is like passing, fleeting in the void.

"The wheel of heaven and earth!"

Xing Luo shouted loudly, and condensed an extremely black vortex in front of him.

The vortex spun wildly, and the waves it emitted seemed to come from a boundless hell, unfathomable.

Qin Yu's Immortal Sacrifice Forbidden Technique was directly swallowed by the pitch black vortex.

Looking at that appearance, it seems to be somewhat similar to Qin Yu's Swallowing Dragon Seal.


A cold light flashed in Jiang Tianchen's eyes, and he let out a low drink.

In the dark vortex, there was a slight cracking sound.

The next moment, the dazzling light of offering sacrifices to immortals directly pierced through the pitch-black vortex.

A blood hole appeared in Xingluo's heart.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying force of destruction emanated from the blood hole.

The incomparably violent and destructive Taoism swept across and raged like a tsunami, filling Xing Luo's whole body in an instant.


After Qin Yu saw the flaw, Xingluo's Xuantian Indestructible Body began to collapse inch by inch from the inside, unable to resist that kind of destruction method.

"Death curse enters the body!"

Xing Luo's expression was dignified. The power of Qin Yu's Immortal Sacrifice was even more terrifying than he expected.

Immediately, Xing Luo let out a low shout, and immediately cast a taboo trick.

Between Xing Luo's brows, an ancient curse containing strong death power quietly emerged.

In that ancient curse, there is a monstrous Taoism capable of destroying the world, sweeping out, resisting the destructive power in the body.

At this moment, Xing Luo, whose whole body was covered by the strong death force, seemed to enter a state of immortality.

The aura that was originally weak and disorderly rose rapidly at this moment.

In Qin Yu's eyes, the light flickered.

Vaguely, he saw a figure in Xing Luo's pupils.

The aura emanating from Xing Luo's body also became weird and special like it was in the Cold Plain once again.

"Zhu Xian Tu!"

Seeing that Xing Luo was not suppressed like this, a ruthless look flashed in Qin Yu's eyes, and his thoughts moved.

An ancient and mysterious giant picture appeared above Jiang Tianchen's head.

With Jiang Tianchen's finger pointing, the ancient map of Jade Immortals enveloped Xingluo.

Puff puff.

In the ancient picture of Zhuxian, the three ancient formations of Zhutian, Zhushen and Zhuxian are all in operation.

The extremely terrifying and destructive killing intent swept down like a waterfall, completely covering Xing Luo.

Immediately, Xing Luo, who was filled with death, was covered in flesh and blood, and was quickly annihilated under Zhu Xian Gu Tu's killing intent.

"Amplify all the supernatural powers and mysteries into the Jade Immortal Picture?"

Xing Luo, who was trapped by Zhu Xian Gu Tu, finally changed his expression greatly.

Originally, in his expectation, even if Qin Yu cultivated the Dragon God Hegemony Body, he should not be able to withstand all the killing intent of Zhuxian Gutu.

However, he did not expect that Qin Yu not only released the power of the entire ancient map of Jade Immortals, but also amplified the power of the ancient map of Jade Immortals with all the magical powers and secret techniques.

Qin Yu's actions, although killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred, it also put De Xingluo into an absolute crisis.


Qin Yu yelled loudly, the dragon scales all over his body glowed again, and he performed the Immortal Sacrifice Technique again.

"not good!"

Xing Luo's pupils narrowed sharply, and he wanted to move sideways to avoid it.

However, under the tide of killing intent from Zhu Xian Gu Tu, Xing Luo, who was attacked by destruction, reacted more than a few beats slower.


The sound of flesh and blood piercing appeared, Xing Luo's brows were pierced by the Immortal Sacrifice Art, and the emperor's soul was imprisoned by the seal contained in the Immortal Sacrifice Art.

"Soul Refinement!"

Seeing that Xing Luo's body was suppressed by Zhu Xian Gutu, and the emperor's soul was imprisoned by the sealing magic, Qin Yu immediately wanted to search for Xing Luo's soul.

Xing Luo should know the situation and whereabouts of his master.


But at this moment, a jet-black and dazzling light slashed down from the sky.

This piece of Taoism world of ten ancient mysterious corpses was fused into the Taoism world of ancient times, but it was split open directly, and a figure appeared.

Qin Yu looked at the person who appeared, narrowing his eyes slightly.

That person is Prince Rakshasa from Outland!

(End of this chapter)

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