Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 70 Azure Dragon Battles the Power of the Sky!

Chapter 70 Azure Dragon Battles the Power of the Sky!

"Hundred kill formation?"

Hearing Xue Wudi's words, Bai Qingyue's face changed even more.

"Hundred Killing Formation? The name sounds quite majestic, but I don't know how powerful it is."

Sensing the formation and the faint killing intent, Qin Yu still looked as usual.

"Junior Qin Yu, the Hundred Killing Formation is the strongest killing formation of the Xue Clan. It is formed by a hundred Martial Kings and led by ten Martial Kings. It has once severely injured Wu Zun!"

Seeing that Qin Yu didn't seem to understand the Hundred Killing Formation at all, Bai Qingyue quickly explained.

Wu Wang and Wu Huang teamed up to form an array, but they were able to severely damage Wu Zun.

One can imagine how powerful the Hundred Killing Formation is.

"Worthy of being the princess of Baiwu County Prince's Mansion, she just has the eyesight to meet."

Xue Wudi laughed wildly, like an eagle staring at a chicken, and looked at Qin Yu playfully: "Boy, how do you want to die, I will satisfy you!"

"Xue Wudi, you violated the iron order of the Holy Court and led the warriors of the Xue clan to teleport into the secret realm privately. Aren't you afraid of bringing disaster to the Xue clan?"

Seeing this, Bai Qingyue immediately took a step forward, stood in front of Qin Yu, and shouted loudly.

"It's hard to protect myself, and I still have the mind to take care of other people's affairs."

As Xue Wudi said, his obscene eyes fell on Bai Qingyue, who had a beautiful face and a slender figure.

"You dare to kill me?"

Bai Qingyue's heart sank, but she wasn't very surprised.

When she saw the Xue family martial artist, she had expected it in her heart.

The Xue family's blatant violation of the iron rules of the Holy Court is no less than provoking the Zhenwu royal family, so naturally they will not let her know.

"Princess, I didn't want to touch you at first, but who made you so ignorant that you must go with this kid, no wonder I am."

Xue Wudi's eyes were even more obscene, he laughed.

"Junior Qin Yu, do you have a solution?"

Seeing this, Bai Qingyue couldn't help but look at Qin Yu.

Although she knew it was impossible, Bai Qingyue couldn't help but feel hopeful.

Although she was in a dangerous situation, Bai Qingyue felt inexplicably at ease with Qin Yu's calm and confident face.

"Heh, what can I do for mere killing?"

Qin Yu glanced over the hundred Martial Kings and ten Martial Kings, but the corner of his mouth curled into a chuckle.

"At this time, you still dare to be so crazy, boy, I will see if you can still laugh later when I crush your limbs and abolish your cultivation base."

Xue Wudi's sinister smile froze slightly, and Qin Yu's calm appearance made him even more murderous.

With one hundred Martial Kings and ten Martial Kings joining forces, Xue Wudi didn't think that Qin Yu would be able to escape even if they didn't form a Hundred Killing Formation.

Now forming a Hundred Killing Formation, Qin Yu actually looks like he doesn't pay attention to it?
It's crazy!

"A frog at the bottom of a well doesn't know how big the world is!"

The smile on Qin Yu's face gradually turned cold, he took a step forward, casually towards the left side of the void, a Wu Wang pointed.

hold head high!
Accompanied by the sound of dragon chant resounding through the nine heavens, a ten-foot-big cyan ancient dragon appeared in the void without warning, with a ferocious dragon head, biting that Martial King.


Before that King Wu could react, his flesh and blood splattered and he died on the spot.

It is the first form of the dragon fighting secret technique: Qinglong Zhantian!


Xue Wudi was dumbfounded, his vision was completely covered by the blue ancient dragon.

Bai Qingyun, who was standing beside Qin Yu, also opened his small mouth slightly, stunned in place.

"This is an ancient dragon condensed with dragon energy, it is a secret technique!"

Among the ten Martial Emperors, there was an old man with white hair who saw through the secret technique of Qinglong Zhantian.

"not good!"

At this time, the warriors of the Xue clan came back to their senses from the Azure Dragon Battle.

If one of the hundred Martial Kings who formed the Hundred Killing Formation dies like this, the power of the Hundred Killing Formation will directly drop by several levels.

"I come!"

Xue Wudi also realized that the ten-foot-long cyan dragon made his heart tremble.

"Form formation, kill!"

As Xue Wudi stepped into place, the white-haired old man gave a loud shout, and the real energy of the hundred people immediately merged into one.

The terrifying murderous aura permeated the air like lingering clouds, clearly visible to the naked eye.

"Junior Qin Yu, the killing formation has not yet been fully formed. If you have a way to get out of trouble, you should leave first."

That bone-piercing, unrivaled killing intent brought Bai Qingyue back to her senses.

Thinking of the scene where the cyan ancient dragon killed a Martial King with one move, Bai Qingyue felt that Qin Yu might be able to get out of trouble by himself.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Qin Yu laughed, even a strong smile.

Under normal circumstances, he would have killed Xue Wudi and the others with thunder.

The reason why he has not done anything now is precisely because of the strong killing intent of the Hundred Killing Formation.

The 99 original killing intents in the Tianzhu Formation have been restored to perfection.

Therefore, Qin Yu intends to use the strength of the Hundred Killing Formation to fully awaken the 99 original killing intents of the Punishing Heaven Formation,

If the original killing intent is fully awakened, then the original killing intent of the Tianzhu Formation will no longer become a consumable.

"Give me death!"

Xue Wudi roared angrily when he heard Qin Yu's words.

In the Hundred Killing Formation, hundreds of terrifying killing intents attacked Qin Yu and the others overwhelmingly.

At this moment, Xue Wudi no longer even coveted Bai Qingyue.

The cyan ancient dragon that seemed to have spiritual intelligence was staring at them, making Xue Wudi shudder inexplicably, and just wanted to kill Qin Yu immediately.

"Just in time!"

The light in Qin Yu's eyes flickered, and with a thought, killing intent filled his whole body.

Those hundreds of killing intents that were enough to instantly kill the Martial Emperor were swallowed up and disappeared without a trace the moment they came into contact with Zhu Tian's killing intent.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing Qin Yu's unresisting appearance, Xue Wudi just froze with a grim smile on his face, looking at Qin Yu in disbelief.

"what happened?"

Hundreds of Martial Kings and ten Martial Kings of the Xue Clan were also shocked, their eyes straightened.

He was attacked head-on by the Hundred Killing Formation without any resistance, but he was still unscathed?
Bai Qingyue, who was holding her breath originally, now looked at Qin Yu with those clear eyes, and for a moment, she seemed to stop thinking.

"Is this the strongest killing formation of your Xue clan?"

Feeling the constant trembling of the Zhutian Formation, Qin Yu knew that the killing intent was not enough, so he immediately mobilized.


"Go all out!"

The corners of Xue Wudi's eyes twitched wildly, his face flushed red, and he immediately roared.

The Hundred Killing Formation rumbled and shook, palm-sized murderous aura condensed in the void, and crazily blasted towards Qin Yu again.

This time, the murderous intent continued even more continuously, as if he would not let Qin Yu go without killing him.


Qin Yu's eyes were even brighter, and his hands were sealed suddenly.

In the Tianzhu Formation, 99 original killing intents shook together.

A whirlpool of murderous intent appeared around Qin Yu's body, and all the attacking murderous intent was swallowed madly.

When all 99 original killing intents were awakened in the Tianzhu Formation, a killing intent that seemed to be able to slaughter the world swept across Qin Yu like a tornado.

The murderous aura of true essence derived from the Hundred Killing Formation was shattered in an instant, leaving nothing left.

"After fighting for so long, should I make a move?"

Qin Yu raised his eyelids, and his indifferent and cold eyes fell on Xue Wudi and the others.

In an instant, Xue Wudi fell into an ice cave, his whole body was extremely cold, without any warmth.

"Let you all experience the true power of Qinglong Zhantian!"

Qin Yu moved his right hand, and the Qinglong Zhantian, who was originally standing in mid-air, uttered a sky-shattering dragon chant again.

Puff puff!
In the next moment, the blue dragon rioted against the sky, and the dazzling blue light bloomed between the sky and the earth, piercing people's eyes.

And when the blue light dissipated, the hundred Martial Kings of the Xue Clan were slaughtered in an instant, and none of them survived...

(End of this chapter)

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