Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 71: Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Floods Appear!

Chapter 71: Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Floods Appear!
"how can that be……"

The ten surviving Martial Emperors of the Xue clan were all dumbfounded.

The scene in front of them, even if it happened in front of their eyes, still makes them unbelievable.

That's King Wu!
One hundred Martial Kings were instantly beheaded with one move!

Is this something that the Heaven Martial Realm can do?

Even Wu Zun, I'm afraid he doesn't have such combat power, right?
"How... so powerful!?"

Bai Qingyue beside Qin Yu was also dumbfounded, as if she was in a dream.

"Sure enough, with the current power of Qinglong Zhantian, it is still impossible to kill the Martial Emperor on a large scale!"

Qin Yu looked at the ten Martial Emperors with normal expressions.

Although the ten Martial Emperors were all injured, they were not fatal.

The gap between King Wu and Emperor Wu is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

"This kid is too weird, retreat for now!"

When the white-haired old man saw Qin Yu's gaze on them, he felt his hair stand on end.

In an instant, the wings of true essence on his back trembled wildly, planning to fly away immediately.

"I just want to run now, don't you think it's too late?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Qin Yu's mouth.

With the killing intent to destroy the world, it raged in the world.

Above their heads, at some point, there appeared a murderous intent several tens of feet in size.

The majestic killing intent came crashing down, enveloping them all.


Qin Yu stretched out his hand and pointed, and the heavenly killing formation erupted.

A series of terrifying killing intents intertwined continuously like meteors in the void, turning into a huge killing intent net.

Puff puff!
The ten Martial Emperors of the Xue Clan, whether they were fleeing or resisting, all died without a place to bury under the killing intent.

In an instant, hundreds of Martial Kings and Martial Emperors sent by the Xue Clan disappeared without a trace.

The whole body's true energy turned into silk threads, and one after another Xumi Ring appeared in Qin Yu's hands.

"Let's go."

Putting away the Sumeru Ring, Qin Yu greeted him.

But Bai Qingyue was still sluggish in place, staring at him in shock.

It wasn't until Qin Yu waved his hand that Bai Qingyue suddenly came back to her senses.

"Junior Qin Yu, who are you...?"

Sensing the lingering strong smell of blood and the chilling killing intent in the void, Bai Qingyue hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't help asking.

Qin Yu looked like Qin Yu from before, but it gave Bai Qingyue a very strange feeling.

In other words, today's battle directly shattered her previous understanding of Qin Yu.

"Me? Oh, I'm the one who wants to reach the top of the heavens and worlds!"

Qin Yu chuckled lightly, speaking half-truth.

In his previous life, although he stepped into the position of Emperor Venerable, he only became the top powerhouse in Tianyu.

Now that he is working again, in this life, Qin Yu will break the distinction between immortals and ordinary people, and step into the realm of immortality that countless strong men have dreamed of for countless years.

Hearing Qin Yu's words, Bai Qinyue opened her mouth slightly.

Although Qin Yu said it in a joking tone, Bai Qingyue felt the firm will contained in Qin Yu's words.

"Aren't we from the same world..."

Looking at the heroic Qin Yu, Bai Qingyue was a little sad, and this thought couldn't help but pop up in her heart.

The gap between the two is too big...

Three days later, Qin Yu and Bai Qingyue fled away in front of a cold pond filled with gray mist.

"It's here. However, because the elders of the Holy Spirit came to capture it, I don't know if it is still there."

Bai Qingyue's face was slightly solemn.

Although she had seen Qin Yu's combat power, Bai Qingyue was still subconsciously wary of the Wandu Mo Jiao who almost killed her.

"The breath of dragon blood is so strong."

Qin Yu looked at the cold pool, his eyes sparkled.

"It seems that the blood of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Flood Dragon has been transformed at least six times."

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the huge dragon eyes of the dragon soul are also flickering with joy.

Any monster with dragon blood in its bloodline, once the power of the bloodline is transformed, it can successfully transform into a dragon.

This Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Jiao has transformed six times, which means that it has the potential to transform into a dragon in the future.

And the stronger the dragon's blood in the blood, the greater the benefit to Qin Yu.

With a leap, Qin Yu plunged headfirst into the cold pool.

The cold pool was very deep, and Qin Yu reached the bottom of the cold pool after diving for about a hundred feet.

The bottom of the tan was very large. When Qin Yu arrived, two red lights like lanterns suddenly appeared on the bottom of the tan.

"Myriad Poisonous Ink Flood Dragon!"

Qin Yu smiled, looked at the two lantern-like red lights, and threw out a night stone.

Immediately, the true face of those two red lights was clearly revealed in Qin Yu's eyes.

It was a [-]-foot-long ink dragon with a pitch-black body.

There are four dragon claws under Mo Jiao's belly, faint dragon patterns appear on his body, and there are two high raised horns on the top of his head.

Just as Qin Yu and Longhun expected, this Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Flood Dragon has the tendency to transform into a dragon.

His cultivation base is also stronger than what Bai Qingyue and the elders of Shengyuan investigated, and has reached the level of a first-rank Martial Emperor.

Obviously, after severely injuring Bai Qingyue, the cultivation of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Flood Dragon has risen to another level.


Seeing the invasion of foreign enemies, Wan Du Mojiao roared fiercely, and the bitingly cold pool water turned into a crazily swirling torrent, sweeping towards Qin Yu.

With a smile on his face, Qin Yu easily dodged the torrent, his figure flashed, and he flew away from the cold pool, followed closely by the Wandu Mojiao.

puff puff!

The cold pool suddenly exploded, and two shadows, one small and one large, flew into the sky.

Qin Yu flapped the wings of true essence on his back, stood in the void, and looked directly at the ten thousand poisonous ink dragons.

The Wandu Mojiao stepped on the water mist, stepped on the void, and had already initially contacted the supernatural power of flying the clouds and riding the fog.

"You've actually been promoted to Martial Emperor!"

Bai Qingyue, who was far away, felt the terrifying aura emanating from the Wandu ink flood dragon, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Six times of blood transmutation, a very good body."

At this moment, in the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul spoke excitedly after seeing the Myriad Poisonous Ink Jiao.

"Dragon Soul, do you want this Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Flood Dragon?"

Qin Yu, who was planning to directly use the Heaven Punishing Formation, immediately changed his mind when he heard Dragon Soul's words.

Using the Tianzhu Formation is the fastest way to subdue the Wandu Mojiao.

But in that case, the Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Jiao Jiao, like the Blood Flame Lin Beast, would be directly and severely injured, and even the vitality in his body would be destroyed, and he could only become a consumption puppet.

"That's right, if I reveal my real body, it will inevitably cause trouble. If I have this Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Flood Dragon as my body, it will be different."

Dragon Soul nodded.

In the Dragon Town Pagoda, after absorbing a large amount of dragon energy, the dragon soul can already be manifested.

But just in case, Dragon Soul decided that it would be better to have a body that can cover people's eyes and ears.

After all, Qin Yu's current strength cannot disdain Tianwu Continent.

"If that's the case, let's suppress it according to the original plan."

With a thought in Qin Yu's mind, he performed the Azure Dragon Fighting Sky Style, and a ten-foot-large blue ancient dragon appeared, staring at the ten thousand poisonous ink dragon.

Sensing the pure dragon power emanating from Qinglong Zhantian, Wan Du Mojiao visibly shuddered.

But amidst the shock, excitement appeared in those scarlet eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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