Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 8 Misty Swamp!

Chapter 8 Misty Swamp!

Chapter 8 Misty Swamp!
"Now, let's talk."

Looking at Gu Yuan's face, Qin Yu knew that Gu Yuan's soul power had been consumed a lot.

Therefore, Gu Yuan couldn't refuse the chips he threw out.

"You... really have a secret method that can restore the power of the soul?"

Gu Yuan sat down, but couldn't hide his excitement.

Chi Chi Chi!
Qin Yu's fingers surged with true energy, and they quickly slid across the wine table, a line of ancient characters emerged

"The root of all things is the source of the soul. When the soul is destroyed, it will die. If the soul is strong, it will be strong..."

This line of ancient characters is the outline of the Ten Thousand Soul Dafa practiced by the famous Ten Thousand Soul Emperor in Tianyu.

Back then, Emperor Wanhun coveted the dragon soul, so he fought Qin Yu in the boundless deep sea.

Since then, the prestigious Wanhun Emperor has become another dead soul of the emperor in Qin Yu's hands.

This ten thousand soul Dafa also fell into Qin Yu's hands.

"Everything in the world, as long as there is a spirit, there is a soul hidden, refining the spirit, you can melt the soul..."

Gu Yuan murmured softly.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the artistic conception contained in these lines was as vast and boundless as the starry sky.

"This secret method should be enough."

Qin Yu looked at Gu Yuan indifferently, and didn't speak until he calmed down.

"what do you want?"

After seeing the general outline of the Myriad Soul Dafa, Gu Yuan could no longer underestimate Qin Yu.

Even though Qin Yu's cultivation base is weak, but behind him, there must be a superpower hidden.

Otherwise, it is impossible to take out such a profound soul path secret method,

"I want you to have a monster bloodline that contains dragon blood."

Qin Yu went straight to the point.

"A monster bloodline that contains dragon blood?"

After thinking for a while, Gu Yuan shook his head: "I don't have that kind of monster blood in me."

There are indeed many treasures on his body, but there is indeed no monster blood that contains dragon blood.


Qin Yu frowned slightly, he didn't believe that the Dragon Soul would feel wrong.

"This old man must be playing tricks."

Dragon Soul's eyes were even more fierce: "Why don't I just use the technique of soul tyrant to occupy his soul and forget it."

"Don't mess around."

Gu Yuan's cultivation was far superior to theirs. If he really wanted to do something, he would have to release the killing intent of the Tianzhu Formation.

But if that happens, both sides will suffer. This is not the result Qin Yu wanted.

"This is everything related to monsters in me."

Seeing Qin Yu frowning and being silent, Gu Yuan couldn't sit still.

With a move of his right hand, a large number of spirit creatures related to monsters appeared on the wine table.

"This is……"

Qin Yu's gaze swept away and landed on a section of bloody broken horn.

A strong blazing blood color diffused from the broken corner, and the temperature of the restaurant continued to rise.

"Blood Flame Lin Beast!"

Qin Yu's eyes flashed.

The Blood Flame Lin Beast has the blood of the Lie Yan Blood Dragon, and the induction of the Dragon Soul is indeed correct.

"This is the unicorn of the Blood Flame Lin Beast. This is what you want?"

Seeing this, Gu Yuan had a slightly strange expression on his face.

Only now did he see that the unicorn was indeed stained with the blood of many blood flame beasts.

However, this unicorn has been kept in the Sumeru Ring by him, how did Qin Yu perceive it?

"Where did you get the broken horn of the Blood Flame Lin Beast?"

Qin Yu didn't care about Gu Yuan's expression, took the broken horn and looked at it carefully.

"You want to know the whereabouts of the blood flame beast?"

Gu Yuan also understood.

"It looks like you know."

Qin Yu laughed, this trip was not in vain.

"I do know, but..."

Gu Yuan looked at Qin Yu: "Are you sure you plan to use this secret technique in exchange for the whereabouts of the Blood Flame Lin Beast?"

In Gu Yuan's view, not to mention the whereabouts of the Blood Flame Lin Beast, even a complete Blood Flame Lin Beast is far inferior to this soul path secret method.

"The whereabouts of the blood flame beast is only the first condition."

Qin Yu said: "The second condition is that I need half of the energy of the dragon's veins."

"This is impossible!"

Gu Yuan's face changed and he directly refused.

"Are you sure you don't think about it?"

Qin Yu looked at Gu Yuan.

"If you absolutely want the energy of the dragon's veins, then let's just talk, and we can only stop here."

Gu Yuan glanced at the general outline of Wanhun Dafa, although he was reluctant, but his tone was very firm.

"Sure enough, it still has to be tough."

Hearing the words, Dragon Soul couldn't hold back anymore.

"In that case, then you can tell me the whereabouts of the blood flame beast."

But beyond Longhun's expectation, Qin Yu took a deep look at Gu Yuan and agreed.

"The blood flame beast is hidden in the misty swamp on the west side of the city."

Looking at Qin Yu in a little surprise, Gu Yuan said.

"Mist Swamp."

Qin Yu immediately notified Dragon Soul.

"What are you doing, why did you promise him so?"

Dragon Soul still didn't react.

"Don't talk nonsense, feel it quickly."

Qin Yu said.

Hearing the words of Dragon Soul, a strange black light appeared on the huge dragon's head, facing the west of Longling City.

This is the secret technique of the dragon soul. At its peak, one can even sense all the breath of dragon blood in a world instantly.

"Although it is very weak, it is indeed the fluctuation of the blood flame beast."

Dragon Soul soon sensed it.

"The cultivation base of that blood flame lin beast has already advanced to the Heavenly Martial Realm."

Gu Yuan spoke again and reminded.

Qin Yu nodded slightly, and with the strength of his fingertips, he kept swipe across the wine table.

After a few breaths, in the Ten Thousand Souls Dafa, part of the mental method for restoring the power of the soul was engraved.

After the transaction was completed, Qin Yu left the restaurant without stopping.

Gu Yuan watched Qin Yu leave, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Knowing that he needs the secret technique to restore the power of the soul, it should be knowing his origin.

But why, no conditions were mentioned?

You know, as a master of Alchemy who is well-known in the Eastern Great Territory, he has countless treasures on him.

Could it be that he just came to test his current state?


"What the hell are you thinking?"

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul is still quite puzzled by Qin Yu's decision.

It's not Qin Yu's style to exchange the whereabouts of a monster with a method cultivated by the emperor.

"I didn't make any plans, I just made some preparations for the future."

Qin Yu looked back at the restaurant where Gu Yuan was located, and smiled slightly.

"What about the dragon veins?"

What the dragon soul can't let go is the dragon vein, which is a great tonic for him.

"I don't need to think about the dragon veins for the time being. Now I have to find a way to get rid of the blood flame beast."

The power of ten drops of blood from the Bloodthirsty Thunder Python had revived the Dragon Soul and also increased Qin Yu's cultivation.

Now a Blood Flame Kirin Beast of Heaven Martial Realm would definitely help them even more.

"It was so hard to find a dragon vein, and you just let it go..."

Dragon Soul was full of unwillingness.

Qin Yu ignored the Dragon Soul, walked around the trading market, and bought hundreds of elixir and spiritual materials.

After returning to Qin's house, Qin Yu's room door was closed tightly, and he took out the elixir and medicine cauldron from the sumeru bag.

Straws of elixir were quickly thrown into the medicine cauldron, and were refined into panacea one by one.

This speed of alchemy is so fast, if Gu Yuan saw it, he would be dumbfounded.

In less than two hours, those hundreds of kinds of elixir were all refined into panacea.

Moreover, every one of the spirit pills refined by Qin Yu has condensed pill grains, and the medicinal effect is perfect.

For the next five days, Qin Yu didn't leave the gate and practiced behind closed doors.

With the assistance of a large number of spiritual pills, Qin Yu's cultivation base once again broke through the third level, and advanced to the eighth level of true martial arts.

Finally, the day of Qin Yu's coming-of-age ceremony has arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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