Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 9 Qin Meng Challenge!

Chapter 9 Qin Meng Challenge!

Chapter 9 Qin Meng Challenge!
"Xiao Yu, today's coming-of-age ceremony, people from the branch will definitely challenge you, you don't want to challenge, just let me deal with it."

But before dawn, Qin Tianhu came to Qin Yu and said solemnly.

"It seems that those guys in the branch are really planning to take my position today."

Qin Yu, who was wearing a white shirt, adjusted his clothes and looked indifferent.

"That's right, the Great Elder suddenly raised this matter yesterday, and almost all the elders agreed."

Qin Tianhu's face was not very good-looking.

Even the elders of the direct line have many promises, which is really beyond his expectation.

Of course, he also knew that with Qin Yu's current situation, the direct line elders could only agree.

"Second uncle, don't worry, I know what to do."

Qin Yu smiled lightly, and there was no trace of worry in his expression.

In the Qin family, the Great Elder lives in the attic.

"Brother, you must teach me that trash Qin Yu hard today."

The one who spoke was Qin Yue, whose hands were wrapped in gauze, and who had an extremely vicious expression on his face.

"As long as he dares to accept the challenge, I will let him walk and leave lying down."

In front of Qin Yue was a young man wearing a blue shirt with a cold and proud face.

He is Qin Yu's eldest brother, Qin Meng, who is currently the strongest among the younger generation of the Qin family.

"However, I am too disappointed that you were seriously injured by him."

Qin Meng glanced at Qin Yue, frowned and taught.

"I... that kid doesn't know what tricks he used..."

Qin Yue couldn't argue with his mouth. Ever since he was defeated by Qin Yu, he has become the laughing stock of the whole family.

It is well known that Qin Yu's martial arteries disappeared and his cultivation was exhausted.

Unexpectedly, in Qin Yu's hands, he was seriously injured with two moves.

Naturally, this will not make people think that Qin Yu is so powerful, it will only say that Qin Yue is too good-for-nothing.

"Meng'er, today's incident is related to whether our branch can completely turn around, so no matter what happens, you must win the position of young Patriarch."

At this moment, the great elder, who was wrinkled but rosy and in a good mood, spoke.

"With my current strength, even when he was at his peak, I have the strength to fight, not to mention that he has already exhausted his cultivation base now."

Qin Meng's face became even more arrogant.

The Great Elder smiled like a flower on his old face, obviously also full of confidence in Qin Meng's strength.

As the morning sun broke and the sun shone on the ground, the Qin family became extremely lively.

The servants and maidservants were constantly busy, and the descendants and branch clansmen also gathered in Yanwu Square.

Apart from the members of the Qin family, there are only a few eyes and ears of other forces in the city.

If Qin Yu's talent is still there, then his coming-of-age ceremony will definitely cause a sensation in countless forces.

But now, not many forces pay attention.


The Great Elder, who led the branch clansmen, clasped his fists with a smile on his face.

"Big elder!"

Qin Tianhu responded lightly.

There is a strong sense of gunpowder between the direct line clan and the branch clan, and they don't like each other.

"Young Patriarch's complexion is so good, he must have fully recovered."

The Great Elder rolled his eyes, looked at Qin Yu beside Qin Tianhu, and smiled strangely.

Qin Yu ignored the old guy, his eyes fell on Qin Meng.

"Eighth level of the Xuanwu Realm!"

At a glance, Qin Yu could see Qin Meng's cultivation.

This is a full martial arts realm higher than him!
The First Elder's face darkened, and his eyes darkened. He gave Qin Meng a dark look.

Qin Meng ordered, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"This old guy, and that group of ants, obviously have murderous intentions towards you. It's better to kill them directly, so as not to cause any trouble in the future."

Dragon Soul is the most sensitive to killing intent, and immediately sensed the killing intent of the First Elder, Qin Meng and others towards Qin Yu.

"Let them dance for a few days first."

A cold light flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

"Young Patriarch's coming-of-age ceremony begins now."

Under the leadership of an elder of the family, Qin Yu climbed onto the high platform and completed a series of etiquettes such as offering sacrifices to the ancestors.

After a full hour, the etiquette was completely over.

"Elders, we have already discussed yesterday that the position of the young patriarch of the family is the choice of the future patriarch. Only people with absolute talent and strength can take the position of the young patriarch."

"So, the position of Young Patriarch has to be re-elected now."

"According to the family rules, if the position of the young patriarch changes hands, then there must be a fair duel in front of the ancestors, and the winner will become the young patriarch of the family."

The coming-of-age ceremony had just been completed, and the elder couldn't wait to stand up.

"It's true that the family rules are true, but it also needs to be agreed by both parties."

Qin Tianhu glanced at the elder, and said coldly.

"Qin Yu, if you don't dare to accept the challenge, then get off immediately, don't be ashamed of yourself up there, that's not the place for you trash to stand."

Qin Meng stood up and looked at Qin Yu with a mocking sneer on his face.


Seeing Qin Meng calling Qin Yu a waste in front of him, Qin Tianhu was furious and smashed the coffee table with his palm, his aura was astonishing like an angry lion.

In front of Qin Tianhu's fierce might, Qin Meng's face turned pale, as if he would be beheaded at any moment.

"Qin Tianhu, as the head of the Qin family, are you planning to attack the talented members of the family?"

The Great Elder snorted coldly, and his aura suddenly exploded.

At the seventh level of Earth Martial Realm, his cultivation base is only one level weaker than Qin Tianhu's.

Of course, the Great Elder is old, and his cultivation can only stop here.

But Qin Tianhu is in his prime, and he has great hope in the future to be able to advance to the Tianwu Realm.

"Qin Meng, you want to challenge me?"

At this moment, Qin Yu, who was standing on the high platform, had his arms folded around his chest, looking down at Qin Meng from a high position.

"That's right, do you dare to fight?"

A look of pride appeared on Qin Meng's face, and he looked at Qin Yu contemptuously.

"The trash who didn't even dare to speak in front of me two years ago dared to challenge me now."

Qin Yu smiled lightly, and the sarcasm in his words was undoubtedly revealed.


With a twitch from the corner of Qin Meng's eyes, he flew onto the high platform.

Before Qin Yu awakened his martial arts, Qin Meng was originally the number one genius in the family.

But since Qin Yu showed his talent, he has made great strides all the way, and Qin Meng has completely become a marginal figure.

This made Qin Meng hate Qin Yu in his heart no less than Qin Yue.

"Qin Yu, if you don't dare to accept the challenge, then get out immediately. If you accept the challenge, then we will fight and see who is the trash!"

Qin Meng's eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake, and he stared at Qin Yu fiercely.

"Since you want to prove that you are a waste so much, then I will fulfill you!"

Qin Yu's expression didn't change at all, he and Qin Meng faced each other at a distance of more than ten meters.

"Little Feather!"

Qin Tianhu's face changed, unexpectedly Qin Yu agreed to the challenge.

"The position of Young Patriarch is here!"

A smug smile appeared on the corner of the elder's mouth.

When they get the position of Young Patriarch, the future Patriarch's position will most likely belong to their branch.

"let's start."

The elder who performed the ceremony is now the referee.

"Beat me!"

Qin Meng, with gloomy eyes, stepped out fiercely, and his body flew towards Qin Yu like an arrow.

Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he was planning to defeat Qin Yu with one move.

(End of this chapter)

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