Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 98 Celebration banquet, mutation!

Chapter 98 Celebration banquet, mutation! (New book, please recommend for collection!)
Yun Bahai looked terrified, but Qin Yu looked indifferent, as if ignoring it.

Soon, more and more blood mist gu poison overflowed along the silver needle.

But the strange thing is that the black blood seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force and gathered in the silver needle.

When the black blood gathered more and more, it was completely condensed into a pitch-black blood pill by Qin Yu.

When the bald man's body had no more blood mist Gu poison, Qin Yu took the blood pill out.

This blood pill condensed with blood gu and five poisons is highly poisonous to warriors.

But for Wandu Mojiao, it is a natural tonic, and its cultivation is bound to be greatly enhanced.

And the stronger the Wandu Mojiao's strength, the stronger the dragon soul's combat power would naturally be.

After the blood mist Gu poison in the flesh and blood organs in the body was purified, the face of the bald man became obviously rosy.

Seeing that scene, Yun Bahai couldn't hide his excitement and his face was excited.

Needless to say, Qin Yu could tell that the poison in the bald man's body had already been dissolved.

"This kid, what is the background?"

The one who noticed that scene was Yun Hongbin who was guarding outside the attic.

But for some reason, he didn't seem very happy that the bald man was detoxified by the blood fog poison.

After dissolving the blood mist Gu poison in the flesh and blood, Qin Yu stretched out his left hand.

Zhanlong's true essence turned into strands, and after mixing with the poisonous liquid, it penetrated into the dantian of the bald man.

Following the faint sound of the dragon's chant, those battle dragon true essence gathered into an ancient seal.

A strange suction force appeared, and the blood mist poison in the Yuan Dan was automatically sucked into the ancient seal.

But the strange thing is that the true essence in the dantian has not been damaged by this.

Yun Bahai didn't know about this process, but the bald man admired him so much.

Qin Yu's control over his true essence made him feel ashamed.

The detoxification of Yuan Dan's poison lasted for a full hour.

Only when the last ray of blood mist Gu poison in the Yuan Dan was dissolved, Qin Yu pulled out the true essence.

At this time, his true energy had completely turned into black.


Qin Yu cut off those jet-black true essence and put them into the jade box.

"So fast?"

Although more than an hour passed, Yun Bahai didn't feel how long it had passed.

He originally thought that it would take at least a few days to completely resolve it.

"You perceive and see."

Qin Yu said to the bald man.

The bald man heard the words and immediately sensed the situation in his body. After a while, his face showed excitement and ecstasy.

"Thank you young master for your life-saving grace, if you need my Yunkuang Land in the future, just ask!"

The bald man stood up and solemnly bowed deeply to Qin Yu.

"It's just a transaction, there is no need for such a big gift."

Qin Yu said lightly.

"My son's move is no less than a kindness of rebuilding to my Yunjiabao."

After Yun Batian checked Yun Kuang's situation, he also solemnly thanked Qin Yu.

"It seems that the blood mist Gu poison has really been dissolved?!"

"It should be, otherwise the Lord of the Great Castle and the Lord of the Three Castles would not be so excited to salute!"

"Great, this way, I, Yunjiabao, won't be provoked by other forces anymore!"

The Wu Zun of Yunjiabao outside the attic noticed the situation in the attic, and they were all quite excited and happy.

"Okay, it's your turn."

In the attic, Qin Yu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately prepared to detoxify Yun Bahai.

After deciphering it, he just wanted to go to the Blood Mist Demon Gap as soon as possible to see if there was really dragon blood.

Hearing this, Yun Bahai sat cross-legged in front of Qin Yu, concentrating the true energy in his body.


However, after the silver needle was inserted, Yun Bahai heard Qin Yu's slight gasp, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Young Master Qin Yu, what's the problem?"

Yun Kuang leaned over and asked cautiously.

"The time of your poisoning is different?"

Qin Yu asked.

"We are all poisoned in the blood mist demon stream, the time before and after should be about the same."

Yun Kuang replied.

Qin Yu nodded lightly, did not speak again, and then continued to dissolve the blood poison for Yun Bahai.

It's just that the time is much longer than Yun Kuang.

This time, even Yun Bahai and Yun Kuang felt abnormal.

Just when Qin Yu was about to dissolve the poison of true essence in Yunba Haiyuan Pill.

A figure, with the help of Yuntian Pavilion's thick and misty aura of heaven and earth, rushed towards Yuntian Pavilion at top speed.

"I'll handle it!"

Qin Yu noticed it instantly, and Yun Kuang was not slow to react.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and sharp and cold Gangfeng Blades immediately appeared in the surrounding void.

It is the power of the world and the wind that he comprehended.


The figure had just entered Yuntian Pavilion when it was swept by countless wind blades and turned into a pool of blood mist.

The Yunjiabao warriors around the Yuntian Pavilion heard the movement and immediately gathered.

"Don't let anyone in."

Qin Yu frowned slightly.

Sure enough, there are ghosts inside the Yunjiabao!

"rest assured!"

Yun Kuang's face was cold, and he moved his hands.

The wind rises with the true essence, turning into tens of millions of wind blades, condensing four wind walls.

Those members of the Yunjiabao tribe who were just about to enter the attic gathered together, their faces ecstatic.

Judging by Yun Kuang's appearance, it is obvious that he has completely recovered.

Although Yun Hongbin also had a smile on his face, there was a strange look in his eyes.

Time passed quietly, when two hours passed.

The blood mist poison in Yunba Haiyuan Pill was also completely purified.

Yun Bahai and Yun Kuang naturally thanked Qin Yu solemnly again.

"By the way, Mr. Qin Yu, you just asked if we were poisoned at the same time, what do you mean?"

However, Yun Bahai obviously still cared about Qin Yu's sudden surprise just now.

"The blood mist poison in your body is nearly twice as strong as his. If the poisoning time is the same, then your blood mist poison should have been catalyzed by someone for the second time."

Qin Yu didn't hide anything and said directly.

"You mean, someone poisoned the blood mist in my body and made it worse?"

Yun Bahai's face couldn't help but change, and Yun Kuang was also taken aback.

"That's right, I think it should have been tampered with in the elixir you took. I can't say exactly when, but it should have happened within these two months."

Qin Yu said.

Yun Bahai and Yun Kuang looked at each other, and there was a strong killing intent flashing in their eyes.

Is it Zhujiabao?Or is it a mole arranged by other forces?

And as Qin Yu successfully detoxified the poison of Yun Bahai and Yun Kuang, the entire Yunjiabao was naturally extremely grateful to Qin Yu, and even held a big banquet to thank Qin Yu specially.

Qin Yu wanted to refuse, so he immediately went to the Blood Mist Demon Gap.

But after Yun Bahai proposed the celebration banquet, he personally took Qin Yu to the Blood Mist Demon Gap, so Qin Yu stayed.

Yun Bahai and Yun Kuang's poison was cured, which made everyone in Deyun's castle happy.

At the celebration banquet, all members of the Yunjiabao clan raised their glasses to celebrate, even Yunxi and other women drank to their heart's content.


Qin Yu, who was talking with Yun Bahai, suddenly seemed to sense something, and suddenly looked in a certain direction.

"Who? Dare to break into my Yunjiabao?"

Yun Bahai, Yun Kuang, and Yun Hongbin were not slow to react, they immediately stood up and flew into the sky.

"Brother Yun threw a big celebration banquet, how could Zhu not come to celebrate!"

A wild laughter came from a distant building, the sound was mighty, and could be heard from far and near.

(End of this chapter)

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