Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 99 Yun Hongbin's Rebellion, Crisis!

Chapter 99 Yun Hongbin's Rebellion, Crisis!

"Wu Zongjing!"

The expressions of Yunjiapu and other warriors changed.

What is contained in that voice is the fluctuation of the trend of heaven and earth.

"This is...Zhu Lingfeng!"

Yun Bahai's eyes changed slightly, and he looked at the figure flying out of the building in the distance.

There are quite a few of those figures, as many as three or four hundred.

They are all strong in Zhujiabao.

The three leaders are the three masters of Zhujiabao, that is, the three strong Wuzong.

"Not good, Zhujiabao is attacking!"

"Don't be nervous, Zhujiabao only has three Martial Sects this time!"

"It seems that they don't know yet that the Great Castle Master and the Three Castle Masters have been detoxified."

The warriors of Yunjiabao, who were celebrating, flew into the sky one after another, and gathered behind the three of Yunbahai.

"Zhu Lingfeng, you brought so many Zhujiabao people here, are you here to fight my Yunjiabao?"

Yun Bahai stared unkindly at the man in black who was the leader among the three Wuzongs in Zhujiabao.

"Brother Yun is serious. You and I have always been friends, and now we have relatives by marriage. How could I, Mr. Zhu, bring people to fight?"

Zhu Lingfeng, who was the leader, had a thick smile on his rough face, showing no killing intent at all.

However, after seeing Yun Bahai and Yun Kuang, they really completely dissolved the blood mist poison.

There was still a flash of obvious horror in Zhu Lingfeng's eyes.

"Then what do you want to do with so many people here?"

Yun Bahai frowned slightly, the calmer Zhu Lingfeng was, the more vigilant he became.

He didn't think that Zhujiabao's aggressive approach was really just to celebrate.

Of course, if you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out.

While speaking, Yun Bahai had already ordered the Yunjiabao to start a series of terrifying killing arrays.

As long as Zhu Jiabao dared to make a move, a fatal attack would erupt immediately.

"My nephew was killed, brother Yun must also know about it, so I came today to take away the murderer who killed my grandnephew, and I hope brother Yun will do it for you."

As Zhu Lingfeng said, his indifferent eyes fell on Qin Yu.

It was all because of Qin Yu, the genius of Zhujiabao's innate spiritual veins being killed, and the plan of Yunjiabao was thrown into chaos.

At this moment, Zhu Lingfeng wished he could tear Qin Yu's body to pieces.

"This is convenient, I really can't do it."

Yun Bahai directly refused in a cold voice.

Qin Yu had just dissolved their blood mist Gu poison, and he was kind to them to regenerate, how could he hand Qin Yu over to Zhujiabao.

"Brother Yun is really going to hurt the harmony of our two clans because of an outsider."

The smile on Zhu Lingfeng's face gradually disappeared.

"You and I, are there still peace to speak of?"

A cold light flashed in Yun Bahai's eyes.

The blood mist poison in his body deteriorated, nine out of ten, and it was inextricably related to Zhujiabao.

"Okay, very good, Yun Bahai, since you want to bury your Yunjiabao for this little bastard, then don't blame me for not remembering the past."

Having said that, the killing intent in Zhu Lingfeng's heart could not be concealed at all, and it erupted loudly, sweeping the wind and clouds.

"Want to bury my Yunjiabao? Heh, let's see who died."

Now that his face had been completely torn apart, Yun Bahai gave the order immediately.

In the Yun Family Fort, the lights of formation patterns lit up one after another.

The palpitating fluctuations of the spirit weapon, like a fierce beast about to wake up, quietly spread out and diffused.

Martial Venerable, Martial Emperor, and Martial King of Yunjiabao also took out their spiritual weapons one after another, all of them were full of murderous aura.

"Hahaha, Yun Bahai, you're still stubborn when you're about to die."

Zhu Lingfeng laughed out loud when he heard the words, as if he had a chance to win.

The members of Yunjiabao and other tribes all looked puzzled and became more and more vigilant.

"Let's stop talking nonsense here. Since you want to do something, could it be? The real essence can't work?"

When Yun Bahai was about to make a move, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

He found that the true essence in his body was completely silent at this moment, unable to function at all.

Not only Yun Bahai, Yun Hongbin and Yun Kuang, but also the core martial masters of Yunjiabao.

The true essence is also silent at this moment, as if it has been sealed.

Immediately, everyone flying high in the sky fell down like dumplings.

"Fort Lord!"

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Those Martial Emperors and Martial Kings in Yunjiabao reacted and immediately caught Yun Bahai and others.

Falling from such a high altitude, even Wu Zong would surely die.


Qin Yu glanced across Yun Bahai, Yun Kuang, and Yun Hongbin, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Zhu Lingfeng, what did you do?"

After trying several times but unable to circulate his true essence, Yun Bahai's heart sank and he was filled with despair.

Now that all the top executives of Yunjiabao are banned, Yunjiabao is already Zhujiabao's board.

"I didn't do anything, I just gave you the scentless and tasteless Hualing Powder."

"I paid a high price to get this from Tiandanmeng. How do you feel?"

Zhu Lingfeng and the others flew down, looking down at Yunbahai from a height.

"who is it?"

The corners of Yun Bahai's eyes twitched wildly, the killing intent in his eyes soared,
Can make all their high-ranking people use spirit powder, this poisoner is definitely the core clan member of Yunjiabao.

This is also the reason for Yunbahai's murderous riot.

Their Yunjiabao has stood for thousands of years, but now, it has fallen into the hands of their own people.

"Haha, do you think I'll tell you? Just leave it like this, and go to hell without regret!"

Zhu Lingfeng looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, wantonly.

After annexing Yunjiabao, his Zhujiabao's power will become the strongest in Qingzhou Thirteenth Fort.

After becoming stronger in the future, and gradually annexing the entire Thirteen Castles.

Then their Zhujiabao are all existences that have the potential to become the five holy places.

"Little bastard, if you dare to kill my nephew, do you think the Yunjiabao can protect you?"

Immediately, Zhu Lingfeng looked at Qin Yu, and Senhan's biting murderous intent erupted.

"Why, do you think that you already have the chance to win?"

Facing Wu Zong's killing intent, Qin Yu smiled faintly and walked to Yun Bahai's side.

hold head high!
Before the words fell, the sound of the dragon's chant sounded, and a cold gun light containing a terrifying killing intent, as fast as lightning, stabbed at someone suddenly.

The person who was attacked by Qin Yu felt the terrifying killing intent contained in the prison-suppressing gun, his eyes changed slightly, his figure flashed, and he immediately walked away.

That person was none other than Yun Hongbin!

"Second castle master?!"

"Could it be..."

This sudden change caused Zhu Jiabao and the others to react a little slower.

Yunba Hai, Yunkuang and the others watched the true essence emerge and Yun Bahai standing in mid-air couldn't believe it.

Among the senior management of Yunjiabao, only Yun Hongbin was not poisoned.

What this means is naturally conceivable.

"This kid actually saw that I was not poisoned. What is his background?"

Yun Hongbin's face was extremely ugly, and he stared at Qin Yu with extremely cold eyes.

The originally flawless plan was actually destroyed by Qin Yu.

Fortunately, now that Yun Bahai and others have been poisoned, Qin Yu alone is powerless to recover.

"Yun Hongbin, you poisoned us?"

Yun Bahai suddenly became agitated, his body trembled, and he roared furiously.

"Castle Master, you don't need to ask such obvious things."

A sneer appeared on Yun Hongbin's face, and he looked at Yun Bahai indifferently.

"You bastard! How dare you betray the family! You..."

Yun Bahai was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

 New book seeking collection and recommendation tickets!


(End of this chapter)

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