Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 41 Dongfuxian District does not allow such a powerful person to exist

Chapter 41 Dongfuxian District does not allow such a powerful person to exist

Within 15 minutes of Lu Ya admiring the Pure Land of Paradise.

In Qingluan City, there is a pharmacy called [Herborist].

There are more than a dozen black goats tied to the door of the shop.

They are all male, tall and big, and they bleat non-stop, making the crowd stop and watch.

The shepherd took off his felt hat and walked slowly into the shop.

This is a tall middle-aged man.

Wearing a large black robe, with a seven-foot fairy sword on his waist, disheveled hair and unshaven beard, his facial features are extraordinary, and his face is as tough as a sculpture.

However, his eyes were always half drooping, his eye bags were heavy and black, and he was holding a steaming porcelain sand pot in his hand, giving people a feeling of being strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

The shopkeeper hurriedly greeted:

"What kind of medicine does the customer want to buy? Our Herborist has all kinds of exotic flowers and herbs."

The shepherd said:

"I've been working too hard lately. Is there any elixir for my body? I don't want to introduce ordinary medicines. I only want rare and powerful medicines."

"Take strong medicine."

Glancing at the man meaningfully, the shopkeeper understood and took out a jar from the inner hall.

"You really found the right shop. This is the treasure of our shop—Oriental Godberry. It is a magic medicine from Dongting Continent. There is only one big wolfberry, which is great tonic!"

"Have not heard."

"It's called Zhenqi if you haven't heard of it."

The shepherd's spiritual consciousness was swept away, and he did have some high-level supplementary power, but it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a magic medicine.

"How did you sell it?"

"Eight thousand immortal crystals."

"I only have 240 Nine Immortal Crystals, can I sell them?"

"Sorry, guest officer, this shop does not make counter-offers."

"I haven't paid a fairy salary for 100 years. How can there be so many fairy crystals?"

"Doesn't the guest officer still have a dozen sheep?"

The shepherd smiled blankly, took a sip of the wolfberry tea in the porcelain sand pot, and said nothing.

After half an hour.

He asked again:

"Xu Kun behind the city...does the shopkeeper know who killed it?"

"Of course it's Elder Lu, but some people say it was done by Elder Fan of the White Lotus Sect."

"Elder Lu?"

"The guest officer is an outsider? Elder Lu Yalu of the Zhuquan Sect, the Taoist companion of Sect Master Liu."

The shepherd was startled suddenly.


"Oh, you know Sect Master Liu, don't be amazed, Elder Lu is a strange person, countless people in the local area saw him kissing Sect Master Liu at the wedding banquet."

"He... is still alive?"

"of course."

Is there such an awesome person in Dongfuxian District?
The shepherd suddenly felt a little sad, and couldn't help lamenting the injustice of fate. There is actually someone in this world who can sleep with Liu Xuanye without any problems, but because of...

The shepherd sighed and almost crushed the porcelain sand pot.


at the same time.

A fleet of fairy boats flying the flag of Xianting is slowly sailing towards Zhuquanzong.

This is the surprise inspection team from Dongfu Fairy Court!

Flagship bow.

A young man in brocade robes, with a plump body and a head like a pumpkin, with a proud belly.

His bangs fluttered in the harsh wind, revealing an airy aura of wind blowing and clouds flying.

On the left and right of him, there are two old men standing on each side.

Both of them stood with their hands behind their hands, both of them were Nine-Star Immortal Sect, and they were both wearing dark golden immortal cloaks.

The eyes are deep, old-fashioned, and arrogant.


There is also a young man wearing a deacon's fairy robe with feminine features standing behind him.

This person has a slender figure, his facial features are too delicate or even feminine, his face is pale, and the bridge of his nose is a little curved.

It was the one who was roasted by Lu Ya on Jianping of Zhuquanzong before——

Zhang Pingzhi.

Lu Ya roasted his falcon, and he vowed to take Lu Ya's kun away!

So he climbed up to a like-minded big shot in Dongfu City.

Not only to use this to avenge the shame, but also to climb high branches and become prosperous.

For a deacon of the fairy court like him who is not outstanding in talent and has no deep background, if he wants to make a name for himself in the fairy world, he must establish a good relationship with the great people like Senior Heishi.

If Deacon Heishi hadn't climbed the big tree Li Wuxie, would he be able to speak in Dongfu Immortal Court?

Even his female partner, Ta Hongzi, has now climbed the small tree of Heishi. She, who has always been indifferent and pragmatic, has also started to dress up every day.

Zhang Pingzhi was not far behind.

So he made a perfect plan and climbed to the high branch of Xu Yinglong, the young lord of Dongfu City.

Although Xu Yinglong is only a half-step Immortal sect, he seems to be full of brains and intestines, idle and idle, like a mentally retarded.

But he is not only the young city lord of Dongfu City, but also the inspection deacon of Dongfu Immortal Court, and his great-uncle is also the adjudicator of Caiyun Immortal Court, who has the cultivation base of Immortal Saint——

Real Zhu Shen!

This is the big guy who stomps his feet casually, and Caiyun Xianyu will tremble three times!
Back then, in order to get Zhang Lianxin out of prison, Yun Zhonghe was trying to get Zhang Lianxin out of prison.

Immortal Zhu Shen likes to eat rare and exotic animals, and he once fell in love with Xu Kun who was sitting by Yun Zhonghe.

It's a pity that the Kunpeng brothers betrayed the clan in the end, so they didn't eat Kun meat.

Because of this, Yun Zhonghe lost his position as the head of the sect.

Now, Xu Kun is cooked by Zhuquan Sect.

It was a heaven-sent opportunity for Zhang Pingzhi to get rid of his humiliation and climb up to the real Zhushen!

And Xu Yinglong is his stepping stone.

As for Lu Ya.

Looking at Heishi's attitude, it seems that he hides his strength or has a deep background.

But even if he hides his strength, dare to defy the Xianting inspection team?

Even if he has a profound background, can he surpass Xu Yinglong's great-uncle Zhu Shenren?

In the fairy world, the fairy court is the sky, and it is the irreversible way of heaven!

Even a tyrannical and powerful man like Li Wuxie dared not go against the will of the Immortal Court.

What are you Lu Ya?
An ant who thinks he has a little strength and dares to act like a cart!
Only a person like him who recognizes the reality clearly, polishes the edges and corners, lives in the rolling fairyland, suffers from hardships and tastes courage, and forges ahead, will have a day when the wind and the clouds change into dragons!

Although Xu Yinglong was fat, he was not as stupid as Zhang Pingzhi imagined.

He also thinks that he is a Yinglong who is about to call the wind and rain, a wide-body Yinglong!
"Are you sure that Lu Ya has nothing to do with the White Lotus Sect? Although the White Lotus Sect also needs to be dealt with, it's not their turn yet."

Zhang Pingzhi replied respectfully:
"Returning to Young City Lord, it was just a guess before, but now there is news from the front that Chen Daozai, the lord of the White Lotus Sect, has just stayed in Qingluan City for a few hours, and it is confirmed that the Zhuquan Sect has absolutely nothing to do with the White Lotus Sect. A personal act to save one's reputation."

"is it?"

When Xu Yinglong heard it, a ripple flashed across his fat flesh.

"This Kun is indeed delicious, but it will be mine in the next moment."

Zhang Pingzhi's heart tightened, and he didn't forget to remind him.

"You can choose a day to boil the kun's head in Kuncheng Lake, and have a banquet with the real Zhushen. Once the real person is happy, your young city lord's little words can be thrown away as soon as possible."

When Xu Yinglong heard this, his belly became fatter, and he suddenly asked:

"Then Lu Ya went up to Liu Xuanye again, took care of Fan Yan, and even cooked the giant kun himself. What's the reason?"

"It's just a child with a yellow mouth who has some luck. In front of the young city master and the real Zhu Shen, he is just an ant."

Xu Yinglong snorted coldly:

"Dongfuxian District does not allow such a powerful person to exist."

"That's natural. This son once grilled the Xianting Hunting Falcon without authorization. He committed a heinous crime and must be arrested."

"I have already opened up all the relationships with Caiyun Xianting. I hope you have already dealt with that stubborn old man Yinyue."

Zhang Pingzhi attaches the ear canal:

"Realist Yinyue is just a teacher. Black Stone is nothing without Li Wuxie. Your father is the Lord of Dongfu City, and your great-uncle is the adjudicator of Caiyun Immortal Court. Do you have the final say in Dongfu District? "

In Xu Yinglong's narrow eyes, there seemed to be a dragon's light, rising up into the clouds.

"Back then, in order to get Zhang Lianxin out of prison, Yun Zhonghe asked my great-uncle to eat his virtual kun, but in the end he ate nothing. What Yun Zhonghe couldn't do back then, now I, Xu Yinglong, are doing it. Finish!"

(End of this chapter)

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