Chapter 42 Do You Want to Dance Too?

Seven fairy ships roared towards them, covering the sky and the sun.

Like seven giant whales floating in the air, cruising in the sky above Qingluan City, casting moving shadows.

The flags, sides and bottom of the seven giant ships are all engraved with the emblem of the Immortal Court: Black Sword and Xiangyun.

The black sword auspicious cloud is engraved with high-level defensive restrictions. It does not exude spiritual pressure, but it does not exude anger and majesty.

In Qingluan City, the streets were shrouded in shadows.

City residents and tourists stood and looked up one after another.


at a loss.


Everyone understood that the arrival of seven Xianting ships together meant that this was the inspection team of Xianting.

And there was no advance notice, and no spiritual pressure warning, which meant that this was a surprise inspection!
Unannounced inspections usually do not have good things to happen, this is common sense in the fairy world.

Isn't Qingluan City under the cover of Bailianzong?
Why did Xianting suddenly come to inspect?
Ning Zhongzi quickly walked out of the Yuelai Inn.

Only then did she realize that Chen Daozai's so-called guests were actually the inspection team of Xianting. No wonder he said that Qingluan City might not be able to survive the beast tide...

But how did Chen Daozai know?

Heishi clearly said that it was a surprise inspection a year later, why did he come now?
Why does even a small character like Zhang Pingzhi appear?

Come to the cliff edge of the square.

Ning Zhongzi lowered his head, bowed his hands, and greeted the inspection.

But my heart was up and down, and it was difficult to be at peace.


The chief inspection deacon of Dongfu Immortal Court, Xu Yinglong, accompanied by two high-ranking deacons, Zhang Pingzhi and several guards, proudly disembarked from the fairy ship with his hands behind his back.

He directly sent a team of people to surround Kunshen.

With her big belly in her hands behind her back, she looked around.

As far as the eyes could see, the immortals bowed their heads and bowed, not daring to look at him.

in front of him.

Ning Zhongzi remained calm and said respectfully:

"Zongning Zhongzi of Zhuquan, I have met all the deacons."

A trace of displeasure appeared in Xu Yinglong's narrow and narrow eyes.

He was a little dissatisfied with Ning Zhongzi's respectful words, and was even annoyed at the mere one-man parade team, but his purpose today was not for this, and he didn't need to make extra troubles, he just said coldly:
"Why are you the only one?"

Ning Zhongzi calmly explained:

"The suzerain is afraid of hurting the adults, so he only retreats in the bedroom. If the adults want to see her, you can bring this bamboo piece, and I will call the suzerain over."

Xu Yinglong took the green bamboo piece and played with it suspiciously.

But he didn't want to see Liu Xuanye, he knew he was lustful, but he didn't dare to bet his life on mere bamboo chips.

"No, call your city lord and envoys to come and see me."

As soon as the words were finished, the Jiuhu Immortal came over with a wolf immortal and an old sheep immortal.

She changed into a fairy court deacon uniform, and she looked quite heroic.

At the same time, he brought two Qingluan city guards with him...

That makes her position tricky.

Does she represent Xianting?Or Bamboo Spring Sect?
Jiuhu Immortal's job in Xianting is one level lower than Xu Yinglong's, but she has no intention of giving him face; at the same time, as a deacon of Xianting, secretly monitoring the informants of Zhuquanzong, there is no reason to refute Xu Yinglong's face.

Just casually asked:

"Are you looking for me?"

Xu Yinglong stood up with his hands behind his back, without even looking at Immortal Jiuhu.

"It turns out that you are the envoy here. I said why is Lu so arrogant that he even dares to eat the falcon in Xianting."

Jiuhu Immortal didn't bother to explain anything, so he just asked.

"What are you here for?"

Xu Yinglong smiled coldly, walked with his hands behind his back and said:
"For more than 1000 years, Xu Kun has killed countless people in the Dongfu District. Now he happened to die in the Zhuquan Sect, so he is the private property of the Zhuquan Sect? Do you still have Xianting in your eyes?"

His voice suddenly became heavier, and his awe-inspiring authority was beyond words.

Ning Zhongzi was unmoved.

She thought to herself, Dongfu Immortal Court is clearly promoting the delicacy of Xukun, just to encourage Sanxian to hunt Xukun, isn't it just who kills who gets it?
"I was going to investigate your City Lord Lu's arbitrariness in killing the hunting falcon in the fairy court. Considering that he was the first offender and he had meritorious service in building the city to gather the refugees, I let him go this time."

Xu Yinglong looks like a middle-aged man full of brains and intestines, and his background is even more impressive, but his words are not out of officialdom.

"I am here this time to bring this Xukun back to the Dongfu Immortal Court and wait for the verdict. If it is confirmed that it was hunted and killed by the Zhuquan Sect, the Immortal Court will not treat you badly."

Ning Zhongzi's face was ugly.

It sounds grand, but in the end Xu Kun will definitely get into his personal pocket. Even if Zhuquanzong insists on reasoning, in the end, at most, he will give a book reward, send out a fairy flag, and reward five hundred fairy crystals to settle the matter.

Qingluan City's own industry has not yet developed, and without Kun meat, it is basically a death sentence for Qingluan City.

Heishi also likes to fish for oil and water, but he knows how to fish for sustainable development. This Xu Yinglong is going to leave after making a fortune, regardless of Zhuquanzong's life or death.

The Jiuhu Immortal is very familiar with Xu Yinglong. He was a bully back then, relying on his background to bully the immortals everywhere, steal people's treasures, cheat on people's wives and daughters, and do all kinds of evil.

Now that he is older, he has suddenly become the chief inspection deacon. With official authority and image, he has begun to follow the gentle route of eating people without spit out bones.

However, Jiuhu Immortal still has her own mission, she has no position to oppose Xianting.

She came here just to see how Lu Ya would handle this matter.

Ning Zhongzi was silent for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and asked abruptly:

"Excuse me, does Deacon Xu have a confiscation order personally written by Daoist Yinyue?"

Jiuhu Immortal was slightly taken aback, unexpectedly, with Lu Ya behind her, this woman would dare to be so tyrannical?
Although according to the law of Xianting, the inspection team should provide a confiscation order when confiscating private property.

But it was the first time she saw that someone really dared to check documents such as confiscation orders from the inspection team.

Who doesn't know Xu Yinglong's identity?

Isn't it too easy to get a document?

However, this time, Xu Yinglong did not disturb the great uncle, nor did he contact Daoist Yinyue.

Xu Yinglong didn't react immediately, and froze in place.

Zhang Pingzhi stood up immediately, not without threats:

"Ning Zhongzi, are you suspicious of Deacon Xu?"

at the same time.

Two Nine-Star Immortal Ancestor spirit pressure instantly enveloped the whole city!

The onlookers changed their colors in horror.

This is brazen and unscrupulous intimidation!
Ning Zhongzi was neither humble nor overbearing, and his tone was extremely calm.

"No, Deacon Xu can take Xu Kun away, but I have to see Xianting to check the documents before I can explain to Lord City Lord, otherwise I will kill me, and I won't let you take Kun away."

Xu Yinglong's fat body trembled slightly, holding back his overwhelming anger, but in fact, he wished that Zhuquanzong would resist, as long as Lu Ya dared to resist, he would dare to arrest him and put him in the immortal prison!

He sneered and said:

"The nature of your suzerain is weird, how many people have been harmed by it? Your city master Lu is even more lawless and killed the fairy hunting falcon without permission. After I investigated it a little bit, you have already withdrawn from the sect - thanks to my kindness, you have survived until now , How dare you talk to me like that now? Your family opened the Fairy Court?"

At the same time, two nine-star immortal sect spirits rolled over Qingluan City and rolled like dragons, washing away everyone's body and soul!
Xu Yinglong stretched his arms behind his back, his body was as tall as a mountain, and he shouted angrily.

"Tell you city lords to get out!"

With a resounding sound, with awe-inspiring authority and roar, like a galloping horse, it ran over the whole city.

The whole city was silent.

Ning Zhongzi remained silent.

The wine fox fairy's round face froze.

Get over here?
Her heart was full of shadows, and she always felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Suddenly, a refined and easy-going scary face appeared in front of him!
"do not--"

Unfortunately it's too late.

Space begins to warp.

A calm voice came from nowhere——

"Do you want to dance too?"

(End of this chapter)

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