Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 49 I want to learn the sword with my husband

Chapter 49 I want to learn the sword with my husband

East Floating City.

Xing Tian Pavilion.

The attic, like a sword piercing upside down, is located in a deep and large garden.

There is a fish pond in the garden, and the setting sun casts a shimmering light.

Heishi sat on a black stone, against the afterglow, holding a fishing rod.

Knowing that Li Wuxie was going back to Dongfu City ahead of schedule, he stole a moment of free time to go fishing.

There are no fish in the pond, he just wants to enjoy the feeling of sitting on the fishing platform

Li Wuxie was the only one who gave him this sense of security.

Until Ta Hongzi came over and brought him the latest news.


"Deacon Xu privately prosecuted Zhuquanzong, but Lu Ya crushed his head?"

"Both Mo Xianzong and Zhao Xianzong lost to Liu Xuanye and Jiuhu Immortal?"

"Li Zhishou passed by Qingluan City, but was defeated by Lu Ya and lost seven boats?"

"As soon as Zhang Pingzhi returned to Dongfu City, he was beaten to death, half dead?"

Well, he wasn't surprised by the last piece of news.

But the other three messages shocked him one by one!
Li Wuxie... would lose?
He can never believe it!
"Where's Deacon Li?"

Ta Hongzi said:

"I heard that you can buy diapers on the street."

Heishi's face turned pale, and he looked up at the sky, feeling sad.

"I haven't seen you in a hundred years. Your illness... has reached the point where you need to use diapers?"

How sacred is this Lu Ya?
What the hell is the wine fox doing?
Why is there no news at all?


Dongfu City is three hundred miles northwest.

A giant pink lotus galloped westward in the air.

A woman in white gauze stands in the lotus heart.

Her long hair is coiled into a cloud bun, with pale pink lotus seals on her brows, her figure is elegant and thin, her facial features are delicate, her eyes are tranquil, she looks elegant and gentle like jade, giving people the feeling of a good fairy.

It was the sword-wielding elder of the White Lotus Sect.

Zhang Lianxin.

Beside her, sat a man in white with a fit body but his face was swollen from a beating.

Fan Fan.

It was Fan Yan's own request to have his face swollen.

You can hit him in the face, but you can't hit his fit body. His body cannot tolerate women's fingers, no, it cannot tolerate human fingers.

"Hehe, woman."

Although he was beaten up by senior sister Zhang Lianxin in Dongfu City, he is very stubborn now.

"I've said it before, Elder Lu is very strong. You still don't believe me, and you even slapped me in the face. Who is being slapped in the face now? Even Li Wuxie is not an opponent. Can I be an opponent? If you meet, people One slap will blow you away."

Zhang Lianxin invoked the mantra of purifying the heart, and said in a gentle tone:

"Please say it again."

Fan Yan was so frightened that he quickly changed the subject.

"This Li Wuxie is becoming more and more outrageous. After a hundred years, his body is so weak that he needs to buy diapers. No wonder he lost to Lu Ya. This is what happens to men who commit crimes... Female beast fairies are all evil spirits."

Zhang Lianxin glanced at him sideways.

Fan Yan hurriedly said again:
"However, I heard a different piece of news. It is said that Li Wuxie has a daughter who is now in the hands of the Zhuquan Sect. Because of this, he lost to Lu Ya."

Zhang Lian said in her heart:

"It doesn't matter, no matter if it's water or real ability, don't ask me to meet Lu Ya, otherwise I will definitely castrate him!"

"You are seeking your own death."

"Although you are ineffective, you are still the elder of my Bailian sect. To insult you is to insult my Bailian sect. What's more, this guy also harmed Chen Daozai!"

"What happened to the suzerain?"

"I lost the bet to Lu Ya, and now I am self-closing by amputating my fingers."


Fan Pan suddenly froze.

Lu Ya's ability to beat Chen Daozai in gambling was even more shocking to him than defeating Li Wuxie in swordsmanship!

The soft light in her eyes gradually froze, and Zhang Lianxin calmly said:
"If Zhuquanzong can survive this beast tide, I will definitely meet him personally."


Forest of Beast Lair.

Sanxian Organization, Tanzhai.

Tanzhai was originally an insignificant small organization. Because the base camp was built at the bottom of a hidden pool, it has escaped the riots of animal hordes many times in the past ten thousand years, and has been able to continuously preserve and accumulate strength.

Now it is the most powerful and most hidden organization in Dongfuxian District.

They make a living by hunting hunters, and they only kill hunters from all walks of the Caiyun Immortal Territory.

The deepest underwater cave in Tanzhai.

A palace wrapped in blisters.

In the hall, stood two men.

One of the blue-faced old men with cheek shadows painted on his face is the leader of Tanzhai, Yu Feizi.

Five-star immortal.

is a human being.

He received the latest information from Zhuquanzong in his hands.

"Liu Xuanye's Taoist companion is indeed as powerful as Senior Yunzhong expected. It seems that your plan must not only be advanced, but also changed."

Next to Yufeizi was a tall, slender middle-aged man with hands hanging down to his knees, shaped like a spider.

One Star Immortal Venerable.

Also human.

Situ, this is a hunter from Caiyun Immortal Territory, who only joined Tanzhai in the last few decades.

"It's okay, I already have a plan for him."

Yu Feizi:
"As you wish, the entire Beast Tide Forest has become a mess, and even our Tanzhai's strength has been weakened by half. Can you tell me your purpose now?"


"Chaos is just a ladder, and only when we climb to the top will we see our destination."


Damn I can't understand it at all!
Yu Feizi:
"Forget it, no matter what you want, as long as you don't touch my interests, and the promised beast king, that bone dragon, are you sure you have a way to get it?"

"You don't have to ask me. If you believe in Yun Zhonghe, you believe me. If you don't believe him, then you don't have to believe me."

"I naturally believe in Senior Yunzhong, it's time to pretend that Elder Lu's strength is the Nine Stars Immortal Venerable... Let me say it first, I will not fight him."

"Then you want to fight me?"

After speaking, a black phantom arm with hundreds of eyes slightly opened shot out from Situ's body, and blisters popped out instantly.

He dragged a swimming freshwater octopus into the blister, then stuffed it into the body from the lower abdomen, and digested it.

Yu Feizi's complexion was ashen and pale for a moment.

"You are—"

"You talk too much."

"Yes Yes!"


Qingluan City.

Lu Ya and Jiuhu Xian played in Qingluan City until midnight before returning.

Most of the shopkeepers did not ask for money.

Some wanted money, but were frightened by Jiuhu Fairy's look and didn't ask for money.

The two got drunk.

But no one was actually drunk.

Lu Ya made himself drunk on purpose so that he could sleep better.

The Jiuhu Fairy pretended to be drunk so that he could take the opportunity to investigate the sleeping Lu Ya.

These days are so good that she almost forgets who she is: an honorable informant.

So while Lu Ya was drunk, he dragged him into the wheat field to study.

After studying for a long time, I didn't study why.

Lu Ya is different from Liu Xuanye.

Liu Xuanye is inaccessible, inviolable, and invulnerable to research, and has a sense of aloofness and mystery.

Lu Ya is free to study as you like, but he is like a blank sheet of paper, with the same quality as ordinary people. No matter how much you study, you will not be able to find any useful information, and you will appear to be incompetent instead.

Immortal Jiuhu suddenly felt a deep sense of frustration, who are these couples?
He simply picked up Lu Ya, threw him into the hot spring pool under Liu Xuanye's bedroom, and went back to the dojo to sleep.

Ning Zhongzi saw it.

She wanted to sober Lu Ya up, but then she thought about it, with her senior brother's strength, how could she be really drunk, maybe she just wanted to sleep better.

Then he took off Lu Ya's clothes in the air, so that he could sleep in the pool.

Lu Ya was in a daze and slept soundly.

At some point, he had a dream.

In the dream, Liu Xuanye's restraining power was out of control, and he became a demon head who would destroy the world.

The entire fairy court was shaken!

But she was wearing a red robe, her figure was more domineering and her appearance was more beautiful, as if she was more like herself...

Before waking up from the dream, I suddenly heard a clear female voice like a hanging moon in my ear:
"I want to learn swordsmanship from my husband."

Lu Ya rubbed his eyes, got up from the bottom of the water, looked at Liu Xuanye who was sitting by the pool wearing a gauze, and immediately felt relieved, pretending to be profound:

"I have two sword skills, which one do you want to learn?"

(End of this chapter)

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