Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 50 Beauty is only for the strong

Chapter 50 Beauty is only for the strong

Teaching people is very troublesome.

Although Lu Ya is invincible, he is not a good teacher.

If he wanted, he could train Mu Yufei to become an immortal emperor within ten years.

But does such Mu Yufeifei have a soul?


Lu Ya could imagine the scene at that time.

"I am the Great Emperor Mu Yu, who are you?"

"My deity, Fei——no, I am Emperor Mu Yu, who are you?"

"Oh, so I am Emperor Feifei."


Lu Ya was afraid that when the time came, he would not be able to hold back alone, and would make the two Xiong Xiandi ashamed.

Being a teacher is very tiring, especially when you meet stupid students, you must be so angry that you want to beat them up.

However, Liu Xuanye has always been aloof, but tonight he lowered his body to learn from him, and even called him husband for the first time, how could Lu Ya have the heart not to teach him?
It can be seen that after losing to Li Wuxie, Liu Xuanye was quite unwilling.

At the same time, because of her physique, she didn't dare to upgrade casually.

Therefore, we can only seek a breakthrough in swordsmanship.

Advanced cultivation can rely on talent.

But swordsmanship skills must be guided by a famous teacher, and they must be honed for a long time before they can be mastered proficiently.

Before, she didn't know that Lu Ya's swordsmanship was supernatural, so she didn't express it.

Now, seeing Lu Ya with her own eyes, she defeated Li Wuxie with just swordsmanship.

This made her excited rarely.

In fact, back then at Dongfu Fairy Academy, she belonged to the type of very eager to learn, and she was not as cold as she is now.

Lu Ya glanced sideways at Liu Xuanye.

Liu Xuanye sat cross-legged on the clean stone by the pool, wearing a white gauze she wore during meditation, like a transparent bamboo membrane, faintly, undulating, revealing a kind of divine brilliance.

Her eyebrows are like pictures, her lips are stained with morning dew, and her eyes are shining with starlight.

Clear and graceful, touching.

Even if Wan Jian pierces the heart, Lu Ya can hardly take his eyes off her.

This reminded him of a sentence unconsciously - beauty is only for the strong.

He remembered the previous dream again.

In the dream, Liu Xuanye's restraining power was out of control, and he turned into a female Nether who would destroy the world.

Only the highest level Nether is humanoid!
She was wearing a dark red to black robe, and the cloak covered her face, revealing only a touch of cold red lips.

She is tall and looks a little thin, but the red peak standing proudly on her chest directly erects the aura of the red robe to the peak, giving people a strong oppressive force, but she can't feel it A ghostly breath...

You can't even tell if it's a god or a ghost.

As if that was the real her...

In this world, besides myself, who else can restrain such a woman?
Thinking of this, Lu Ya was somewhat worried.

Shouldn't he be cultivating a demon king?

Cough cough, the devil king is the devil king.

He has played so many professions in five years, but he hasn't played the devil yet.

The devil's husband is okay.

Before he knew it, Lu Ya felt a little excited!

He originally thought that there was nothing left to explore in this world, but tonight, inexplicably, he felt excitement for the first time since time travel.


Liu Xuanye blushed a little when Lu Ya saw it.

This was unimaginable before, she did not have the blushing attribute.

Even she herself was a little surprised, as if it had been developed.

"Which two sword techniques?"

"One is called Dabao..."

When the words came to his lips, Lu Ya fell silent.

"Forget it, let's learn the second sword technique."

"What swordsmanship?"

"Resonance swordsmanship."

In fact, for immortals, there is no swordsmanship beyond the power system, but the extension and application of different power systems.

Xianmin advances to Xianjun, and it is easy to learn the first power system.

Royal mode.

This is the most basic power mode, through controlling spiritual power, and then controlling all things and spirits, and expanding to fairy arts, spiritual pressure, spiritual consciousness, runes, prohibitions, seals, formations, refining, etc...

The second power system can usually be learned by ordinary immortal sects.

Fairy mode.

The immortal solution mode requires the immortal to fully understand himself and control himself, so that he can burn the immortal platform without being hurt during the battle, and gain several times or even tens of times, tens of times of power increase, such as Yun Zhongzi's golden body, wine fox Fairy red fox shadow.

The third power system is somewhat advanced, and requires the cultivation of a fairy saint to try to practice it, and not every fairy saint can learn it.

resonance mode.

This resonance is similar to the resonance of physics in Lu Ya's previous life, but it is the resonance that arouses the spirituality of all things.

The spirit control mode uses one's own spiritual power to force all things to surrender and control all things, which is extremely energy-intensive, inefficient, not environmentally friendly, and very unstable.

In contrast, the resonance mode is more powerful-by changing its own spiritual rate for a short time to achieve synchronization with the target's spiritual rate, triggering the resonance of the target's spiritual pressure, thereby controlling the target.

The resonance mode is extremely difficult to master, not every fairy can learn it.

However, the requirements for the level of cultivation are not high, and a very small number of geniuses can learn it even if they have not reached the cultivation level of the immortal saint, so as to leapfrog the battle.

For example, Li Wuxie.

Lu Ya discovered yesterday that Li Wuxie had learned the resonance of spiritual pressure in advance when he was in the Immortal Venerable, and his attainment was extremely high, which is not a realm that ordinary people can reach.
And Liu Xuanye's talent is higher than Li Wuxie's.

That's why Lu Ya decided to let her have a try.

If you want to learn the resonance mode, you must do two things.

First, it may not be difficult for a genius like Liu Xuanye to be able to control his spirituality freely.

Second, listen to all things, become sensitive, and instantly perceive the spirituality of all things.

This is what she lacks!
After all, a house girl...

Liu Xuanye frowned slightly, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Resonance swordsmanship... the swordsmanship Li Zhishou used today?"

Lu Ya nodded.


Liu Xuanye's eyebrows were cold, seemingly indifferent, but because she was so beautiful, she was even a little cute.

"I want to learn how you beat him with the sword."

This woman really has big ambitions!
Lu Ya said:
"I used the same method to defeat him... If I used other sword techniques, wouldn't the battle be over in three seconds? I hope it lasts longer."

Liu Xuanye was confused, but seemed to have realized something.

Lu Ya said again:

"In short, you must first learn the resonance swordsmanship before you can learn higher-level ones. Even this resonance swordsmanship is still as difficult as the sky for you now, compared to the last time you crossed the sky. It is a hundred times more difficult for Bu Xianzong to advance to One Star Xianzong, do you have confidence?"

Liu Xuanye said softly:

"With you there will be."

Lu Ya waited for a while.


Is this gone?

If you can talk, just say a few more words!

Liu Xuanye's soft voice suddenly made Lu Ya's heart prickly.

"I'm just going to give a brief guide, don't think too much."

Having said that, when Lu Ya was about to get dressed and get out of the bath, he suddenly froze.

"Where are my clothes?"

Liu Xuanye smiled and said:
"Senior Sister took it off for you, lest you sleep uncomfortable, your clothes are all wet, Senior Sister took it to dry."

dry clothes?
Are you an immortal to hang clothes for me?

Even if you are a fairy, you can blow a hot air to dry your clothes in three seconds.

Senior sister is playing a big game of chess!

I want to teach Liu Xuanye the resonance sword technique, not the resonance sword technique.

Teaching Gongzhen swordsmanship will kill people.

"Ask senior sister to prepare two sets of men's clothing, and I'll take you out for a drive."


(End of this chapter)

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