Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 51 What is it like to have a wife who is more handsome than yourself?

Chapter 51 What is it like to have a wife who is more handsome than yourself?
Ning Zhongzi also likes to play chess.

She can't play big chess like Lu Ya, but she can play small chess.

Or it is a small calculation.

Lu Ya ran to Wanhualou every day, and she saw it and was anxious in her heart.

at the same time.

Since Liu Xuanye lost to Li Wuxie, she has been practicing sword quietly in the bamboo forest, she didn't say anything, and her breath was very steady, but Ning Zhongzi could see the unwillingness in her heart.

At that time, Lu Ya was thrown into the pond again by the Jiuhu Fairy, unconscious.

So, she made a small calculation.

First, he quietly took off Lu Ya's clothes, and added some medicines to boost his spirit and restore his strength to the pool.

He went to hint to Liu Xuanye again, saying that husband and wife should learn from each other, and that Lu Ya's swordsmanship is better than Li Wuxie's.

What followed was also developing in the direction she expected.

But she only guessed the process.

Did not guess the ending.

What she wanted Lu Ya to teach Liu Xuanye was another kind of swordsmanship, the swordsmanship for giving birth.

Immortals seek to practice with a perfect body, and the sea of ​​immortality, with one heart, needs to be as indifferent as possible to the desires of men and women.

General sects do not teach the method of double rest, and some sects even deliberately misinterpret the meaning of double rest as two people practicing together in order to let male and female disciples in the sect practice with peace of mind.

Ning Zhongzi was misunderstood and taught by his master for many years.

She taught Liu Xuanye the same way.

But now, Liu Xuanye and Lu Ya are already a legitimate couple, and there is no physical rejection. They are a couple made in heaven. It is against human relations to keep a distance deliberately.

Both Li Wuxie and the snake can give birth to babies, but you two humans are still awkward?

The suzerain wore tulle and went to the pool to learn swordsmanship from you in the middle of the night. Do you really want to learn swordsmanship?

The suzerain's pure mind is justifiable, why is the senior brother still so pure?
Go to Wanhualou to find the top card to listen to music, but your wife doesn't take a second look?
Holding two sets of brand-new men's Tsing Yi in his hands, Ning Zhongzi came to the pool and looked at Lu Ya with resentment.

"Brother is really obsessed with rhythm."

Lu Ya's brows and feet twitched slightly, and he looked dignified again.

"Only by cultivating one's sentiment can one's heart be pure."

Ning Zhongzi couldn't get angry for a while, so he just said calmly:

"Isn't learning swordsmanship first to learn internal strength? Can't you learn it on the mountain?"

"The swordsmanship I teach requires learning external skills first."

"The suzerain hasn't gone out for 1000 years, do you really want to take her out?"

Millennium house girl is okay!
I don't know if it's because of the angle, but Lu Ya saw that the senior sister looked very fierce tonight, with a domineering and slightly fluctuating anger, which made people very scared.

"Sister, do you want to come together, and you wear men's clothes too?"

"I can't wear it!"

As soon as the angry words came out, Ning Zhongzi regretted it, and hurriedly put down his clothes and left, so that Lu Ya would not see her blushing, thinking that her heart was dirty and not as pure as Lu Ya.

Liu Xuanye smiled, never expecting that senior sister has such a playful side.

"Change clothes first."

Lu Ya said so.

Liu Xuanye began to undress, without any extra shyness or discomfort.

Lu Ya's mind buzzed, he almost spurted blood, and subconsciously turned his head away.

Wait, let me take it easy!

He always feels that the speed of the car is too fast, which may cause the current structure of the plane to be unstable.

But when I think about it carefully, as a legal couple, Liu Xuanye's heart is clear and open, and if he is so rigid, he is inferior, and it is a manifestation of dirt in his heart.

No, this car must be seen.

I'm not greedy for her body, I want to be innocent in my heart!
With a clear mind for a moment, Lu Ya calmly turned around.

Liu Xuanye was covered in green clothes, with his hands behind his back, and there was a bit of playfulness on his face.

"I'm ready."

It usually takes half an hour for a fairy to change clothes, one second to undress, one second to dress, and half an hour to look in the mirror.

Liu Xuanye didn't have the habit of looking in the mirror, it was over in two seconds.


Lu Ya held his forehead and remained silent.

He should have thought of it earlier!

But take a closer look, Liu Xuanye's men's clothes are really pretty.

She has delicate features and a heroic posture. Although her mind is not as broad as that of her senior sister, she has the arrogance of Bai Xue Qingdai. With a height of about 1.7 meters [-], her aura feels taller than that of Lu Ya.

The proportion of the figure is even more perfect than the model I made!

Isn't this all of a sudden more handsome than yourself?
How does it feel to have a wife who is more handsome than yourself?
Answer: It is the feeling of pain.

A sad invisible giant sword appeared out of thin air again and pierced into Lu Ya Xiantai.

I see men's clothing and you stab me too?

Lu Ya was convinced.

If you think about it carefully, it may be that the wife is too beautiful, and she has reached the state where both humans and gods are indignant, and the laws of nature cannot tolerate it.

With such a wife, I can only be penetrated every day, in pain, and happy.

Lu Ya got up immediately, and changed clothes in an instant, just like clicking a mouse in a game.

"Let's go."


Leaving Hot Spring Valley, Lu Ya chose to walk instead of flying or teleporting.

With clear starlight above the head, stepping on the dewy bamboo forest, along the waterfall and gurgling stream, all the way down to Xiaozhuquan Mountain.

The village at the foot of the mountain has been demolished, and several streams have merged into a small river, slowly flowing towards the edge of Fukong Mountain.

The river water is clear and abundant, in which Lu Ya asked Ning Zhongzi to specially prepare the immortal fertilizer.

On both sides of the river are rice fields and wheat fields on the other, all of which are advanced immortal plants.

Due to water and soil conditions, Linggu Lingmai has grown gratifyingly, as tall as a person.

It was almost ripe after only one month, and when the evening wind blew, the whole Fukong Mountain was filled with the refreshing and endless aftertaste of the fragrance of grain.

The stars are shining.

The evening wind blows.

The valley fields are slightly swaying, and the river water reflects the starlight, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

Halfway through the journey, Lu Ya suddenly stopped, closed his eyes, and pretended to say:

"Listen to the wind, listen to the running water, listen to the insects."

Liu Xuanye followed behind him, obeying obediently.

"What did you hear?"

"I heard swimming fish."


Lu Ya opened his eyes, and sure enough, he saw a school of fish swimming in the river.

This is a kind of swimming fish that can glow at night, called colorful neon fish.

Transparent body, colorful, very beautiful.

It is a species that Ning Zhongzi specially brought back from Dongfu City. It is mainly for people to watch. It is poisonous and cannot be eaten—after all, the fish in the lake on the top of the mountain are almost eaten up by Lu Ya and Mu Yufeifei.

"What a beautiful fish."

Liu Xuanye squatted down, a curious gleam appeared in his clear eyes.

Seeing that Liu Xuanye was rarely interested in swimming fish, Lu Ya took it as a teaching material, picked up a small stone from the ground, and threw it into the water.


The Cai Ni school of fish was not frightened by this, but continued to swim as if there were no fish around.

Lu Ya turned his fingers lightly.

The stone in the water followed his instructions and swam behind the rainbow fish.

Pretend to be a fish!

Rainbowfish also regards the stone as a companion and plays happily with him.

Liu Xuanye was dumbfounded by this weird scene, and asked curiously:

"how did you do that?"

"If you want to learn the resonance swordsmanship, you have to listen to all things, not only their material structure, spiritual pressure and spiritual rate, but most importantly their souls."

"Do stones have souls?"

"The material structure of this stone, the spiritual pressure and spiritual rate, are different from any fish in it, but his behavior style, the spiritual rate fluctuation, is the typical style of colorful neon fish, which is equivalent to having the soul of a fish. That's why Youyu is regarded as a companion."

Liu Xuanye watched silently, seemingly realizing something.

He also picked up a stone and threw it into the river.

The colorful neon fish were scared away.

Even one was shocked to death.

The spirit rate of the fish that was shaken to death was exactly the same as that of Liu Xuanye attached to the stone, so it was shocked to death by the resonance caused by the stone.

Lu Ya was slightly amazed.

"Your spiritual sense is very keen, and you can perceive the subtle spirituality of all things, but your stone can't get a soul, you can only easily kill things weaker than you, this kind of resonance can only be regarded as a high-level imperial object, If your enemy is not You Yu, but a certain Immortal Venerable, you won't have a chance to kill him."

"If my sword has a soul, can it kill the immortal?"

"This kind of soul is not the kind of soul you think. It is a kind of high degree of integration of man, sword and all things. You are too natural and lack a soul. That's why I brought you into the world and listen to all things."

Thoughtful, Liu Xuanye found another school of fish.

Throw a stone in, this time...

The fish are all dead!
Lu Ya twitched his brows slightly, looking at the school of colorful neon fish floating.

"Yuyu is so pitiful, it's not as good as us..."

Liu Xuanye got up suddenly, his sword eyebrows slightly frowned.

"There's something in the cornfield."

(End of this chapter)

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