Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 52 [Big Chapter] Kill her quickly!

Chapter 52 [Big Chapter] Kill her quickly!

As soon as Liu Xuanye got up, before he finished speaking, he was pushed down by the river by Lu Ya.

Lu Ya hurriedly covered Liu Xuanye's mouth.

He kissed this mouth... very soft.

Liu Xuanye opened his eyes wide, staring straight at Lu Ya.

There was a slight ripple in the calm eyes reflecting the starlight.

With Wan Jian piercing through the heart, Lu Ya let go of her and whispered.

"Don't scare it, otherwise no beast tide will dare to come."


In the wheat field at this moment, a slender earth snake is hidden.

And it's also a snake fairy in the One Star Immortal Sect Realm!
What is not commensurate with its cultivation in the Immortal Sect Realm is that its body is less than ten feet long, with thick forearms, and most of its body is buried in the soil. The snake scales can change color according to the environment, thereby concealing spiritual pressure and breath.

As long as you keep a sufficient distance, the immortal will not be able to find it.

It's a scout snake...and a female.

Lu Ya had already noticed her.

This female snake is quite courageous, relying on her body to burrow into the soil and hide her breath, she wandered around Fukong Mountain day and night, not knowing what to investigate.

However, when Li Wuxie came yesterday, she was trembling with fright, and once ran to the Fukong Mountain next door to hide, and waited for Li Wuxie to return to Dongfu City before diving back into the wheat field.

The reputation of the grass python hero can be seen!
"It's just a snake."


Liu Xuanye frowned slightly. Even though she had keen spiritual sense, but limited to her cultivation, she only noticed a slight abnormal sound just now, and she didn't know it was a snake fairy in the Immortal Ancestor Realm.

Lu Ya explained softly.

"Our Qingluan City is now the focus of the East Fuxian District. Various forces have infiltrated in, not necessarily to sabotage, but to learn about the inside story. It's all a routine operation. You don't have to worry about it."

Liu Xuanye seemed to have realized something, and was about to stand up when his sword eyebrows frowned slightly again.

"You're crushing my hair."


Lu Ya turned his head to look.

A few slender black strands spread out from Liu Xuanye's topknot, and were tightly pressed under his elbows.

Lu Ya hurriedly sat up.

Liu Xuanye got up immediately, sat with his knees hugged by the river, and quietly asked:
"You want the beast tide to come?"

Lu Ya was very considerate and patted the dirt and grass clippings behind her.

"What are we going to eat if the beast tide doesn't come? There are more and more people in Qingluan City, I guess Xu Kun can only last for half a month, and the immortal animals raised are still too young to eat."


Liu Xuanye was tongue-tied.

After living for 3000 years, she only heard of someone being eaten by a beast tide, and this was the first time she heard of someone wanting to eat a beast tide.

"I heard from my senior sister that although the beast hordes are weak, there are too many of them, often numbering in the hundreds of millions. Sometimes even the immortals can't escape completely, not to mention you have to protect tens of thousands of immortals."

"Senior Sister is right, but I am much stronger than Immortal Venerable, so don't worry."

Liu Xuanye was startled suddenly.

He actually said it outright... Aren't strong people very reserved?
She had expected Lu Ya to be strong, but she was shocked when Lu Ya said it himself.

"For thousands of years, the strongest immortal that the locals of the Dongfu Immortal District have seen is Deacon Li. No matter how strong an immortal is, they have never seen it before, and it is hard for them to imagine how strong it is."

Lu Ya set up a fire, skewered nine neon fish with one sword, cleaned and detoxified them, sprinkled them with seasonings, held the hilt of his sword, and hung them over the bonfire to roast.

While grilling the fish, he asked leisurely.

"how about you?"

Liu Xuanye shook his head, picked up a stone, adjusted his breath, and threw it into the water again.

"I do not know either."

The bonfire swayed in the evening wind.

The starlight is reflected in the wrinkled river water.

Lu Ya sat cross-legged by the river, grilling fish comfortably.

Liu Xuanye built a pile of stones and threw them seriously.

Unlike when they first met, Liu Xuanye gradually lost his aloof and lazy temperament in front of Lu Ya, as if he had returned to the youthful appearance he had when he was in the Immortal Academy.

She threw her stones extremely seriously.

Every throwing angle, strength, attached spiritual pressure, and invested emotion are all different.

But the end is the same——

There are always fish dying.

Lu Ya turned his head to look at her, always feeling that this woman was a little natural, as if something was missing.

The temperament of the whole person is too flawless.

That delicate and extremely delicate face seemed to have come out of a scroll drawn by a magic brush, and that slender, elegant, undulating and perfect figure all revealed a brilliance intertwined with divinity and sin.

Her divinity and demon nature are too heavy, but her humanity is a bit too indifferent.

Her spiritual sense is extremely keen, but she can't listen to the heart and soul of all things like Lu Ya.

This is the biggest obstacle for her to practice resonance swordsmanship.

Freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and a thousand-year-old house girl is no joke.

At the same time, Lu Ya could also see that after he came to Zhuquanzong, Liu Xuanye's physical pain became more and more painful day by day. Even if Lu Ya tried to curb it, he could not reverse this trend.

If her abyssal sword intent is forcibly sealed, then her already weak humanity will be further dissipated.

Lu Ya didn't want to do unnecessary things.

She is what she is.

Lu Ya had enough food and drink, lying on the grass with his sword on his pillow, listening to the rhythm of the stones falling into the water, he fell into a deep sleep with the gentle evening breeze.

Look at dawn.

A whole river of fish is dead.

Liu Xuanye sat with his knees hugged by the river, watching the fish in thought.

I was dumbfounded.

Lu Ya raised his forehead, and he no longer had any thoughts about this teaching.

Fortunately, I only promised to teach her, and didn't say that I must teach her.

Teach whatever you want, it's a honeymoon.

Speaking of honeymoon.

Lu Ya felt ashamed.

After getting married, let alone a honeymoon, I didn't even go shopping.

In the previous life, every time his girlfriend dragged him to go shopping, Lu Ya felt annoyed and eager to come back to play games, but if he really didn't go shopping once, he felt something was missing.

It seems that a ceremony is missing, an unfinished side mission.

Thinking of this, Lu Ya put the dead fish in the river into the space ring to keep them fresh, and then dragged Liu Xuanye, who was still thinking, to Qingluan City.


A ray of rising sun pierces the morning mist.

The warm sun shines on the whole city.

The morning in Qingluan City is not as lively as the evening.

Most of the street is full of local immortals who come to eat breakfast, as well as some small vendors targeting immortals, full of a strong market atmosphere.

The two ends of the street have begun to expand.

The second row of shops has also been opened.

Behind the giant kun.

Seven fairy boats were erected on seven bamboo platforms, and dozens of painters carved patterns of Qingluan on the boats.

There are smiles on the faces of the citizens, and the whole Qingluan City is full of vitality.

As soon as Liu Xuanye took to the street, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Especially the eyes of women.

They had never seen such a handsome young man, and after a closer look, they realized that it was a woman.

Looking again, it was the suzerain!

The suzerain is so beautiful!
Looking at the eyes of these fangirls, Lu Ya thought, if they hadn't each had a piece of protective bamboo, the streets were already full of dead bodies as far as he could see, the scene was similar to a river full of dead fish.

Lu Ya changed Liu Xuanye into men's clothing in order to avoid the attention of the crowd, but in the end...

It's useless.

Wherever my wife goes, there are eyes.

Although Liu Xuanye's physique was a bit harmful, but to Lu Ya, it was a shame.

Striding down the street, I felt like my wife was number one in the world. As I walked, even my steps began to feel a little disrespectful.

"I'll take you to dinner."

Lu Ya's momentum was like a rainbow.

Liu Xuanye knew that Taoist couples had the custom of eating together. Although she didn't need to eat and didn't like to eat, Lu Ya asked her to eat, and she readily agreed.


"I'm going to buy something delicious, don't move around."

"I'm waiting for you."

Liu Xuanye waited quietly, without any anxiety.


Lu Ya came out of a breakfast shop, took hundreds of catties of dead fish, and exchanged two servings of soy milk and fried dough sticks.

His free benefits were exhausted last night.

Businessmen are so realistic!

Lu Ya felt aggrieved, but luckily the soy milk fritters were delicious.

Soymilk ground from celestial beans, fritter noodles made from celestial wheat noodles, and fried oil from celestial seeds.

Compared with the soy milk and fried dough sticks in the previous life, it is completely sublimated, as if it has a soul.

Lu Ya handed Liu Xuanye a copy.

"Try it."

It was also the first time for Liu Xuanye to eat with his Taoist companion, it felt very novel, his face was expressionless, but a faint joy appeared in his heart.

Lu Ya chuckled.

"Soy milk fritters, I used to eat this every day in school."

Liu Xuanye asked curiously.

"Where did my husband go to school?"

Lu Ya gnawed on the fritters.

"Jiangnan No. [-] Middle School."

"Where is Jiangnan No. [-] Middle School...?"

"In short, it's a very far away place."

"It must be the highest school in the fairy world. I used to study at the Dongfu Fairy Academy, and I have never seen such an interesting person like my husband."

"I have never seen such a distressed person like you."

What Lu Ya said was the truth.

Every day, thousands of swords pierce your heart.

You are also distressed.

Liu Xuanye lowered his head slightly, feeling warm in his heart.

Just like how my senior sister gave her...

The two continued to walk down the street.

Walk around like no one else.


Lu Ya saw a shop selling gold and silver jewelry.

Red Makeup Pavilion.

The decorations inside are all beautiful and sparkling.

Ask any woman to look at it, and it will be impossible to walk.

Except for Liu Xuanye.

Lu Ya thought to himself that he had accepted a sword from Liu Xuanye and hadn't returned the gift yet. As a man, he was really an idiot, so he wanted to buy an accessory for her, after all...he couldn't afford other gifts.

The shopkeeper is a beautiful woman dressed beautifully.

She recognized Lu Ya at a glance.

However, his gaze was always on Liu Xuanye's body, and he felt that this woman in men's clothes was so beautiful that it was difficult for people to look away even if she was a woman.

After watching for a long time, I realized that it was Sect Master Liu.

But she pretended not to know.

Save on discounts.

"Elder Lu, do you want to buy jewelry for Sect Master Liu?"


Lu Ya glanced at the top of Liu Xuanye's head, and there was only a man's bun, and a women's cloud bun for women's clothing, without any extra decoration.

Lu Ya also didn't want to buy too fancy ones, which would break the amateurish feeling.

So I wanted to buy a hairpin to replace the chopstick-like bun on Daoji or Yunji.

"Choose me the most beautiful hairpin."

The female shopkeeper did not make a sound, and took out a beautiful green hairpin from the inner hall.

"This is the treasure of our store, the Erhai Fairy Cloud Hairpin. Only such a treasure is worthy of the honorable status of Sect Master Liu... Do you think so, little brother?"

Her eyes were crazily hinting at Liu Xuanye.

Liu Xuanye remained indifferent.

Lu Ya also felt that this fairy cloud hairpin was really beautiful, especially the color of agate blue, which matched the green clothes of Zhuquan sect just right.

"How much is it?"

"Elder Lu really has vision."

"I have vision? Didn't you take it out yourself?"

"Ahem, this is the treasure of our shop, Eight Thousand Immortal Crystals."

"no discount?"

"no discount."

"You know, I'm not only Elder Lu, but also the Lord of Qingluan City. Can this money be deducted from the rent?"

"Elder Ning has to come forward and say, besides, we have paid the rent for a whole year, and these eight thousand immortal crystals are enough to pay the rent for the next 30 years. If the business is not good, we have to move out next year."


Lu Ya suddenly lost his temper, and suddenly picked up a mahogany hairpin nearby. The workmanship is also very delicate, but the material is very ordinary.

"How much is it?"

"A piece of fairy crystal."

"Hey, isn't this pretty? It's worth the money. I'm going to just have this."


"You don't sell?"

"It's also for sale."

When he took out the money, Lu Ya realized that he didn't have a single fairy crystal on him!

Apart from Zhuquanzong's Immortal Sword Space Ring, and the Immortal Sword Liu Xuanye gave him, there are no extra treasures.

This is awkward.

The lady shopkeeper was also stunned.

Unexpectedly, the dignified Elder Lu is actually a strict wife. Yesterday he was still a great hero in Qingluan City. After one night, he was still penniless, with no pocket money on him.

Elder Ning is really strict.

Not a wife, but a wife.

Lu Ya hurriedly said:
"I forgot to bring money when I went out. How about this? You can credit it to my account, and I can grant you a wish at any time. Of course, it is best to fulfill the wish within three seconds, how about it?"

No more than three seconds?
The female shopkeeper pretended to blush, and she didn't want to discredit Lu Ya for a piece of fairy crystal.

"Manly man, keep your word, Elder Lu, don't go back on your word."

"It's a word."

Lu Ya thought to himself, this woman is quite good at life.

Liu Xuanye was also obedient the whole time, without saying a word.

It's very face-saving!

Leaving the shop, Lu Ya was somewhat embarrassed.

But he didn't want to, but Liu Xuanye was extremely happy.

"How did you know I like red?"

Lu Ya:


She couldn't wait to remove the topknot from the topknot, insert it into the mahogany hairpin, and simply combed the excess hair.

"Does it look good?"

Lu Ya looked up.


No, it's surprisingly good-looking. It's obviously a man's bun, but it's so beautiful that it makes people suffocate!

It seemed to add a touch of soul to her whole person.

Lu Ya was taken aback.

Suddenly remembered the red-robed girl You Ming in the dream last night.

Also red!

Lu Ya seemed to understand what was missing in her soul.

Wearing a mahogany hairpin, Liu Xuanye walked in circles happily, from Lu Ya's right hand side to his left hand side, like a girl.

It was a joy from the depths of the soul.

"How do you like it?"


"nice! You love it."

Seeing Liu Xuanye jumping happily like a girl, Lu Ya was also very relaxed.

It may be easier than her learning swordsmanship.

while walking.

Suddenly, a beggar beside him stopped him——

"My lord, stop and watch your seal turn black. There will be a catastrophe."

Lu Ya took a look, he was really blind, and he had no cultivation.

My seal is black?
It really is!
In the second half of last night, after eating grilled fish by the river, I fell asleep on the spot for a while. When I turned over, I accidentally got some grass ash on my forehead. Although I brushed off most of it, there was a faint black spot left.

Liu Xuanye frowned, and his cold aura broke out instantly.

He stopped suddenly and asked the beggar directly.

"What do you want to say?"

Lu Ya was startled by Liu Xuanye's sudden stern aura, and hurriedly said:

"You don't believe this kind of charlatan, do you?"

When he heard about the charlatans, the beggar shook his head and smiled, as if he had a plan in his chest.

"One thousand fairy crystals, I will tell you what you want."

A thousand fairy crystals?
Lu Ya is furious.

I have made such a great contribution to Qingluan City, but I didn't get any money. How dare you, a charlatan, ask for a thousand fairy crystals?
Why don't you grab it!

As it turns out, cheating can be quicker than stealing money.

Liu Xuanye directly threw a bag of fairy crystals to the beggar, and the quantity seemed to be more than a thousand.

She was just too lazy to count, so she threw them together.

The beggar hurriedly put away the fairy crystal, and took out a used brush and a piece of thin yellow paper.

"Write whatever you want on it."

Liu Xuanye didn't take the brush.

Just waved his sleeves in the air, and used runes to carve a scrawled word "Night" on the yellow paper.

The beggar reached out and touched the paper.

In an instant, his face was suffocated, and his eyes suddenly opened.

It showed a pair of pale, blood-oozing cracked eyeballs.

"Kill... kill her quickly!"


Thanks for the reward last week——

Live Like a King - 2000
Lost in the Starry Sky-2000
Bai Xiaoxiao and her sister-in-law-1300
Love Hidden Deep in My Belly-1000
Holding a sister in the arms to kill empty-handed Gundam -500
Pick all the cold branches and refuse to live A-200
Gentleman TM-100
Crown Heavy Rose Pain - 100
Book Friends 20190717140506129-100
Low-key but connotative, flamboyant and calculating-100
Silan 668-100
Pastoral cuteness-100
Reader 1159728304890552320-100
 Recommend two Naruto Doujin that have exploded recently.

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(End of this chapter)

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