Chapter 53
In an instant, a terrifying picture that he had never seen, could not understand, and was even more indescribable appeared in front of the old beggar's eyes.

The sky intertwined with red and black, blood and wild night enveloped the entire Immortal Court Continent.

In the center of the screen is the frighteningly beautiful woman in front of me!

It was also the woman who formed a complete picture in his heavenly eyes for the first time...

In contrast, Liu Xuanye's expression was indifferent, like a hanging moon, calm as water.

It was so calm that it was scary.

Seeing this, Lu Ya quickly leaned over and patted the old beggar's shoulder, and cast a simple heart-purifying mantra into his body.

"Don't be nervous, just talk."

Being slapped by Lu Ya, the beggar was startled suddenly. After a long time, his fear gradually subsided, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

"It turns out that the son is not simple."

Originally, he just wanted to cheat some money, but he didn't expect to meet two people who could change the world line by accident, and he was almost scared to death by the woman in front of him.

And men give people a very warm feeling.

Warm, quiet, and unfathomable.

Realizing that Lu Ya was still by his side, Liu Xuanye's indifferent and calm expression eased a little for a moment.

"Why do you want to kill me, sir?"

"The girl said it the wrong way. It was you who almost killed the old man."

"Sir, do you have a solution? I still have more fairy crystals here."

My life is almost gone, how dare the old beggar ask for the fairy crystal again.

"Leave everything to this young master. Now that you two have met, the world will never be peaceful no matter whether you are going forward or backward. It is better to follow your own will, but please have a clear conscience."

Don't you mean you didn't say anything?
Lu Ya pulled Liu Xuanye and walked away. After walking a long way, he said:
"Don't worry, this kind of person pretends to be profound, but in fact there is nothing in what he said. If I had known that you had so much money, I would have done a fortune-telling for you. It is more accurate than him."

Lu Ya is telling the truth. He also has a full-level derivation technique, but he has sealed it to prevent people from being too thorough and life too boring. Of course, the derivation technique itself can only speculate on the most likely event. The future does not necessarily happen.


Liu Xuanye nodded obediently, and walked calmly behind Lu Ya, walked out of Qingluan City, and came to the river bank behind the wheat field, suddenly stopped and said:

"I don't want to learn your sword skills anymore."

Lu Ya was slightly taken aback, but he also understood what she meant.

She has already realized that one day she will be demonized. On that day, her cultivation base may skyrocket infinitely. If she also learns high-level swordsmanship, who can beat her in the world?

"let it go."

Lu Ya said this, but for some reason, he had an intuition that the less she wanted to learn, the faster she might learn.

At the same time, he could see that Liu Xuanye's body was approaching its limit. Instead of slowing down, his own existence accelerated the deterioration of her physique, and she was only one step away from the witch!
The two went back along the embankment of the Donghe River, and they didn't talk any more along the way.

Liu Xuanye's demeanor changed back to aloof.

Lu Ya didn't care, and even looked forward to something more exciting.

Halfway through the journey, the two suddenly heard another noise in the wheat field——

Someone is catching snakes!
The snake's Reiatsu is very subtle, and the snake catcher's Reiatsu is even more subtle.

"Go and see!"

Lu Ya and Liu Xuanye got into the wheat field and went to the scene to have a look.

The earth snake had already disappeared, and it burrowed into the ground to escape frantically.

After various detours in the soil, a small snake head with a sharp point and the same color as the stone was exposed in a hidden stone crevice at the bottom of Fukong Mountain.

He saw a vigorous and tough face head-on, but with dark and heavy eye bags and drooping eyelids.


The earth snake was pinched seven inches with one hand, and it was pulled out of the stone crevice violently.

The snake catcher was none other than Li Wuxie!
Li Wuxie firmly grasped the earth snake, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the dojo in the north.

In the dojo, a certain elegant room.

There are brand-new diapers, milk jugs, and all kinds of baby-care utensils in the house.

He brought it from East Floating City.

Li Wuxie was so cold in front of everyone yesterday that she didn't even care about her own daughter.

In the blink of an eye, that night, a Zhenxiang sneaked into Qingluan City...

He even has a name for the baby.

Li July.

At this moment, the black sheep woman is holding the baby snake in her arms.

For some reason, from a certain point just now, the baby snake suddenly burst into tears, and it couldn't be coaxed well.

Li Wuxie also found it strange, so she stretched her spiritual sense, and after a lot of effort, she found the noise in the wheat field, thinking it was a good thing done by the snake fairy, so she caught it.

Grabbing the earth snake, Li Wuxie approached the baby snake excitedly like he was holding a toy.

"Little Qi, what do you think Dad caught you? Look at this little snake, isn't it cute?"

When the snake baby saw it, it cried even harder.

"Wow wow wow..."

Li Wuxie:

On the side window.

Jiuhu Immortal sat cross-legged on the window sill and drank. He was in a bad mood because he failed to investigate Lu Ya last night. Seeing Li Wuxie's funny appearance now, he burst out laughing.

"Didn't you say you would never deal with snakes again?"

Seeing how indifferent Li Wuxie's daughter was yesterday, she almost believed it, thinking that this guy had made up his mind to sever ties with the Beast Immortal, but as soon as it got dark that night, this guy sneaked into the dojo with big bags.

"I caught the snake for the sake of thousands of immortals in Dongfu."

Li Wuxie stroked his beard and explained.

The Immortal Sect Realm Snake Immortal he caught was no stranger to the Jiuhu Immortal, but a backbone member of the Immortal Tail Branch, named Earth Immortal. After the Fairy Tail Branch was destroyed in the beast tide, she took refuge in Tanzhai], became a reconnaissance Sanxian.

Since the earth fairy failed to coax the baby, Li Wuxie beat him back to human form.

This is a short, thin girl wearing an earth-colored cloth gown, with an arrogant and frightened look on her face. She looks a bit childish, but upon closer inspection, she is a little strangely cute.

"You're only 2000 years old and you're a one-star Immortal Sect, but you still have some talent—Xianwei, Earth Fairy, don't think you're weak and can hide, I don't know you."

The earth snake girl was a little flustered, but Xianwei taught her that she must never surrender to the majesty of human beings, so she forced herself to be calm, and suddenly sneered.

"Xianwei? Senior Xu Kun's body is here in Qingluan City, how can there be a fairy tail in Dongfu District?"

"She is from Tanzhai now."

The Wine Fox Immortal added, shaking the flagon.


Li Wuxie frowned slightly, as if thinking of something, with killing intent in his eyes, he said to the earth snake girl:

"Tell me the plan of Tanzhai, otherwise your will will be erased immediately, and you will fall back into the snake body and be Xiaoqi's pet for the rest of your life."

Fairy Tu understands the faces of decent people very well, she is just scary, as long as she doesn't get bullied by Li Wuxie, she has nothing to fear.

"Hmph, Tanzhai still needs a plan? You stupid humans, the entire Dongfu District will die."

Li Wuxie was about to force her to ask, when the door creaked open.

It was Lu Ya and Liu Xuanye.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Ya was also speechless.

The little snake that I had endured for half a month and didn't dare to disturb, was actually caught by Li Wuxie to coax the child. Coaxing the child was useless, and he was going to torture the little animal to extract a confession...

He hurriedly helped the earth snake girl up, turned his head and said to Li Wuxie:
"When you come to Qingluan City, you are all my guests. How can Li Zhishou be innocent? The dignified chief executive still wants to extract a confession by torture? Beast immortals become immortals, so they must be treated as human beings, and they cannot be abused. Animals."

Li Wuxie's old face froze, she didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Lu Ya's gourd.

Patting the dirt and grass on the back of the earth snake girl, Lu Ya asked with concern:
"Did he hurt you?"

The earth fairy was taken aback.

This man... so warm!

Is there such a gentle person among human beings?Could it be that the teachings of Senior Fairy Tail all these years were wrong?
With warm eyes, Lu Ya reached out and touched the girl's small head.

"Let's go, you are free, remember to come to Qingluan City to play anytime."

The earth fairy looked blank, and was stunned for a while, looked at Li Wuxie, then at the wine fox fairy, but there was no response, and then fled tremblingly, sighing...

This man is so powerful!
Li Wuxie didn't stop Lu Ya, to be precise, he was powerless to stop him.

"You just let go of the person who might have information on the beast tide?"

What, you still want to mess with her?

Lu Ya let out a long sigh of relief.

"You call it scaring the snake, and... You should rarely touch snakes, it's not good for your health."

Li Wuxie was full of black lines, and sneered at Lu Ya's attitude of underestimating the enemy.

"I admit that you are very strong, but you have far underestimated the power of this beast horde, and you will pay the price for it...I have to bring Xiao Qi back to Dongfu City."

As Li Wuxie said, she was about to carry her daughter away.

Lu Ya shook his head.

"Trust me, this place is safer than Dongfu City."

Li Wuxie was taken aback, and suddenly heard a clear and curious female voice behind him:
"Can I hold the baby?"

Li Wuxie suddenly discovered that the man who came in with Lu Ya was actually Liu Xuanye!

The Jiuhu Immortal has been paying attention to the Earth Fairy, and in addition to the fact that there was only one oil lamp lit in the room, it was dimly lit, and she didn't realize that this handsome man was actually Liu Xuanye... After all, she was not very interested in men.

Looking at it now, Liu Xuanye looks so handsome in this men's Tsing Yi!
She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, and hastily looked away reluctantly.

Faced with Liu Xuanye's request to hold the child, Li Wuxie hesitated, fearing that Liu Xuanye's physique would inadvertently hurt the child.

Without waiting for Li Wuxie's consent, Lu Ya had already brought the baby snake over and gently placed it in Liu Xuanye's arms.

"I am here."

This calm sentence not only dispelled Li Wuxie's doubts, but also soothed Liu Xuanye's nervousness.

Liu Xuanye hugged the child, acting childishly, humming an unknown tune that Ning Zhongzi had hummed to her, and his cold expression gradually softened.

The crying of the child also stopped.

After hugging for a long time, Liu Xuanye's soft eyes narrowed suddenly, as if he heard the voice of all things, he turned his head and said to Lu Ya.

"I want a baby too."

(End of this chapter)

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