Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 77 One Finger Ascension Immortal

Chapter 77

A pair of sinister but pure faith eyes, slightly startled, pale face painted with secret script, was stunned for a while.

It took a long time for Situ to recover.

At this point, he had to face reality.

It was the man in front of him who forcibly blocked his possession technique, disguised himself as a high-level ghost, and captured him thousands of miles away.

"I have nothing to say."

Situ's voice was dry and low, without the intention of struggling, but he would not submit to anyone other than that lord.

In fact, Lu Ya is not very interested in Liu Xuanye's past, and he will definitely not spend effort to explore such trivial matters.

If you accidentally found out about the gossip about her previous life (assuming she was the reincarnation of a certain female boss), wouldn't it make you feel green?

It's just that before throwing ashes to the man in black, he found that he seemed to know something, so he asked casually.

"I'm very strong, even if you don't tell me, I still have ten thousand ways to find what I want to know from your brain."

Lu Ya deliberately threatened, but in fact he was too lazy to bother.

You love to talk but don't talk, if you don't talk, you will be ashes.

Say it too.

Situ had a gloomy face.

Being able to tear apart the space thousands of miles away and pretend to be a high-level netherworld catcher...

This man is strong!

Much stronger than him!

But whether it's spiritual pressure or tolerance, compared with that adult, it's still far behind, and it's not an existence of the same realm at all.

Thinking of this, Situ Gujing was silent.

"No matter how strong you are, that's not a woman you can get your hands on."

Get involved?

More than meddling oh my dear...

cough cough.

Lu Ya coughed twice.

He felt that this guy was very strange, he seemed to know nothing about some aspects, and he seemed to know a lot about other aspects.

"We are not enemies, tell me some details."

Situ smiled.

This man is the guy who made Liu Xuanye filthy. He is not only an enemy, but also a more hateful enemy than Xianting.

"Leave that woman, or you will become an enemy of the Three Realms at the same time."

Lu Ya suddenly opened his mouth and yawned.

"If you rest for too long, you will be tired. Even if you exercise properly, it is good for your physical and mental health, isn't it?"


Si Tu's eyes were dumbfounded, a little bit of Lu Ya's thinking.

Lu Ya straightened his body slightly.

"Tell me some little stories about my wife that you know, this is the only value of your life now."

Situ narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were cold and piercing.

"Go to the Forest of Beast Tide, find the bone dragon, and you will understand everything you want to know about yourself."

Lu Ya lazily said:
"If I'm not afraid of taking the trouble to find the bone dragon, wouldn't I just kill you?"

Situ suddenly sneered.

There has never been an apostle in the world who wanted to live after being caught!

If this man can be led to the Forest of Beast's Nest, and then the lord will give divine punishment to get rid of future troubles, his death will be a kind of glory.

Thinking like this, put your palms together.

"Ming Jie!"

A pitch-black shadow slowly rises from the deck.

"Don't you die? I respect you for being a man."

Lu Ya was very moved, and then...

Swipe away.

Only for an instant.

Before the dark and terrifying underworld could fully rise up, even the shadows of people were wiped out in ashes and disappeared in the wind, leaving nothing left.

Lu Ya did have a hundred ways to dig out secrets from the black-clothed people, but this guy had some backbone and was too lazy to use these methods.

He wasn't that interested in Liu Xuanye's life experience or past either.

Because no matter how splendid and tortuous the past is, it must be a failure.

Her future is interesting!
Ruthlessness is not enough to be invincible. Whether it is a god or a demon, if you don't understand human nature, no matter how talented you are, you will eventually be pulled down by humans.

Instead of making Liu Xuanye filthy, it is better to say that I am making her stronger step by step.



On the side of the ship not far away, looking at the dissipating dust and smoke in the air, the cow and horse immortals trembled in fright and did not dare to make a sound.

They witnessed with their own eyes that Lu Ya tore open the crack, grabbed an apostle of the Immortal Venerable with his bare hands, said a few words inexplicably, and then, with a wave of his hand, he threw ashes into his body.

How strong is this?

The more they witness Lu Ya's strength, the more they admire Fan Pan's foresight.

He was the first man who directly surrendered to Lu Ya without going through a fight.

It's really high!

at the same time.

The momentary pressure fluctuation also awakened Ning Zhongzi in the cabin.

Suddenly got up.

Only then did Ning Zhongzi realize that it was his senior brother who helped her to bed, and also realized that he hadn't closed his eyes for a long time.

I only slept for a quarter of an hour, but I didn't feel tired at all.

I only felt a fever in my lower abdomen, and the sea of ​​air in Sendai was billowing.

The whole person is refreshed.

Standing in front of the bronze mirror, I suddenly found that my temperament suddenly became much more elegant, and even my skin became better. Even if I deliberately dressed gracefully and elegantly, it could not conceal the youthful glory on my face.

Take a break and become beautiful?
After being dazed for a long time, she realized something more exaggerated.

She has become a fairy sect!
One Star Immortal Sect!
A five-star immortal master before going to bed, but a one-star immortal sect upon waking up?

Is this the effect of lotus heart tea?

No, no, lotus heart tea can't have such a quick effect.

Is that brother?

In this world, there is actually a way to advance to the rank after a short sleep?


She remembered that the Suzerain learned the Resonance Sword Technique after waking up!

Double, double... double break?
Ning Zhongzi shivered in fright, quickly opened his sleeves, and looked at Shou Gongsha's position. Although the red color was dim, it was still there.

What am I thinking, brother, what a pure man!

Realizing that he was too cranky, Ning Zhongzi hurriedly arranged his hair and clothes, walked out of the cabin, and came to the deck quickly.

Niu Ma Erxian was still in shock, when they saw Ning Zhongzi coming out, they looked at the radiant and graceful figure and temperament.

The two were stunned suddenly, pointing at Ning Zhongzi and gaping.

"Xian, Xian... Xianzong!"

After being dazed for a long time, he suddenly remembered what the man in black said just now.

Before combining with Lu Ya, he rubbed Ning Zhongzi's belly with one finger.

Get involved?

Immortal with one finger?
The two looked at Lu Ya meaningfully.

at the same time.

Lu Ya also turned his head to look at the senior sister, and felt that the senior sister... seemed to have become more beautiful.

This is also as it should be, my full-level spiritual power is far better than any beauty-beautifying herb Xianlin in the fairy world.


Lu Ya frowned slightly, thinking that that finger really didn't grasp the scale well, and it turned into a fairy sect for the senior sister!
Fortunately, Xianshi Xianzong is no different to him.

Just casually asked:
"Senior sister won't sleep much?"

Ning Zhongzi blushed slightly.

Although she didn't know exactly what happened, she always felt that such things as being promoted and becoming more beautiful were not suitable for public discussion.

Pretending to be nothing, he walked to Lu Ya's side, bowed slightly, and said something softly.

"Thank you, brother."

Lu Ya didn't bother to explain anything.

"It's okay."

Ning Zhongzi frowned and said:

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I seem to sense a trace of ghostly power."

Lu Ya nodded slightly.

"Well, an apostle with malicious intentions is fine."


Ning Zhongzi's bright eyes froze, and his complexion changed drastically.

This is not the first time the apostle has approached the door.

During Liu Xuanye's growing up, apostles sneaked into Zhuquan Sect several times.

These apostles did not come to the door, nor did they do unnecessary things, they had been observing in secret for several days before leaving.

From then on, she knew that Liu Xuanye's life experience had something to do with Nether.

She also realized that Liu Xuanye would not stay in Zhuquanzong forever.

It wasn't until Lu Ya came a month ago that she saw hope.

She hoped that Lu Ya was the one who saved Liu Xuanye.

Until now, she still couldn't be sure of this.

That's why I have been trying my best to make Lu Ya stay in Zhuquanzong forever.

He even did not hesitate to secretly create a coincidence and urge the two to have a baby!
Now, the apostles come again...

She was eager to know Lu Ya's attitude.

Without hiding anything, he asked directly:
"If there are more and more powerful people who want to take the suzerain away in the future, what will the senior brother do?"

Lu Ya looked calm, as if he knew everything already.

"Do you want to lock her up like a golden bird for a lifetime? Zhuquanzong is too small, and some people are destined to belong to a bigger stage."

Ning Zhongzi looked sad.

"But what if the suzerain becomes an enemy of Xianting in the future?"

Lu Ya thought to himself.

The Immortal Court is just a faction in the Immortal World.

The sum of all the deacons and immortal classes in the fairy court does not account for one percent of the population of the fairy world.

In the setting of the game "Ancient Fairy Court", the fairy court is just a ruling institution of the feudal system.

Dynasties change, history rises and falls.

The wheels of reform are rolling forward.

Maybe there will be someone in the future who will unify the Three Realms and it will not be surprising.

Thinking of this, Lu Ya comforted him:

"With me here, don't worry about these little things, just treat her as if she will have to work one day, living at home every day is not a small expense!"


Ning Zhongzi was tongue-tied for a moment, but he didn't react for a long time.

After a long time, she probably understood Lu Ya's attitude, but people's attitudes will change, especially men, changing their minds is as easy as eating and drinking.

There must be something that can tie a man's mind!

Thinking of this, Ning Zhongzi said very seriously.

"Brother should have gone to find the bone dragon earlier, you must have children!"

Bone dragon?

Why is everyone talking about bone dragons?

Lu Ya felt a little strange.

From the fact that the three of Quan Beard made a special trip to Qingluan City to look for him, to the Bone Dragon Pregnancy Pregnancy Dafa discovered by the White Lotus Sect, and then to the man in black saying that finding the Bone Dragon will give you the answer...

Lu Ya suddenly felt as if there were countless invisible tentacles pulling him to the forest of beast tide in the name of bone dragon.

It seemed that there was an elaborate and extremely dangerous trap waiting for him.


Lu Ya stretched his consciousness and found that the three of them were in a strange trouble.

at the same time.

He also found out.

A gigantic boat tore through the cracks and slowly sailed towards the forest of beast nests.

On the huge black sail is engraved a large character——



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(End of this chapter)

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