Chapter 78 Immortal Thief King

Eight hundred miles west of the forest of beast nests.

Clear skies.


Thunder and lightning flashed in a giant cloud.

The white clouds turned into dark clouds in an instant.


A hidden space crack opened in the dark cloud.

A giant black sail the size of a Kunpeng poked its head out of the dark clouds.

After the huge black sail slowly sailed out of the dark clouds, the dark clouds turned into white clouds again.

Lu Ya was a little curious.

So I watched more with my spiritual sense.

Fairy boats are usually black.

Because black is easy to be regarded as a floating mountain visually, and from the perspective of reflecting spiritual consciousness, black also has the most stealth effect.

The coating of this giant sail is pure black like the bottom of a pot, and it sneaks out of the dark clouds with an abyss engine specially designed to tear apart space.

It can be seen that he is a low-key master.

But looking at the shape of its giant sail, the prow of the ship, the tiger's mouth and fangs, the black is dotted with various animal bones and blood altars, it looks like a wild beast, unabashedly showing a kind of wildness of burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of evil.

People can tell at a glance that this is a vicious immortal thief.

Lu Ya felt a little out of harmony.

This sense of disobedience aroused his curiosity, and he decided to take a few more glances at the distance of more than 2000 miles.

Spiritual consciousness circled the giant sail.

Only then did Lu Ya realize that the totem on the black sail was two long blood-stained beards, like two swords crossed together.

On the two shaving knives, a white "King" character was printed, which looked eerie and domineering.

Lu Ya is no stranger to this totem.

It is the totem of the Immortal Thief King, one of the four immortal thieves organizations in the fairy world.

Even the Immortal Thief King is here?

Lu Ya was slightly startled.

Only then did he realize that this abnormal animal riot had inadvertently attracted the attention of the Four Great Immortal Thief Organizations.

Almost every organization is involved.

The first was Fairy Tail.

[Fairy Tail] is the largest anti-human beast fairy organization in the fairy world. It has a large number of beast fairies and uneven personnel. There are many strong people among them.

This event started with Xianwei's invasion of Zhuquanzong.

Yun neutron is the pioneer of pathfinding.

The Kunpeng brothers followed closely behind.

Then, Situ took control of the hyena spirit flying squirrel raised by the Kunpeng brothers, and led Lu Ya to the White Lotus School...

Then there are the apostles.

[Apostle] is the largest terrorist organization in the fairy world, aiming to restore the rule of the old god Nether. The number of people is small, but all of them are elites. They are extremely powerful.

If Fairy Tail is anti-immortal and anti-human, then the apostle is anti-protoss and anti-heaven!

The apostle's plan for Liu Xuanye was the root of the whole incident.

Lu Ya had a vague feeling that no matter how this matter develops, it will definitely trigger a big storm that will sweep through the fairy world in the end.


One of the Four Great Immortal Thief Organizations, Bai Ye, also participated.

[Bai Ye] The largest underground trading organization in the fairy world, black and white take all. There are branches in each fairyland, specializing in underworld business. Anything that is not allowed to be bought and sold by the fairy court, as long as you spend money, you can buy it in Bai Ye.

This time, the three of them came to the Forest of the Beast's Nest with the news of the bone dragon bought from Bai Ye with a lot of money.

But think about it carefully, why would Bai Ye sell such important news to three young immortals from the Immortal Academy?
Lu Ya always felt that something was wrong.

Finally, the Immortal Thief King also came.

[Immortal Thief King] is the largest traditional fairy thief organization in the fairy world, and it is also the closest to a thief among the four fairy thief organizations in the fairy world.

The Apostle is a terrorist organization, Fairy Tail is a revolutionary organization, and Bai Ye is an underground trading organization, none of them are fairy thieves in the traditional sense.

The Immortal Thief King is!
The purpose of the fairy thief king is to hunt for treasure. At the beginning, it was under the banner of freedom and dreams, exploration and adventure, and it grew rapidly.

But if there are too many people, it will be difficult to manage. Once there are difficulties on the treasure hunt, burning, killing, looting will be committed, and cheating and abduction will be done by any means.

The Immortal Thief King has gradually changed from an adventurous organization to an evil fairy thief organization.

This made Lu Ya realize that One Piece and everything else are lies. The so-called friendship, hard work and victory are only the power of a few strong people, and the ordinary majority can only degenerate into absolute evil in the end.

Fortunately, the Immortal Thief King has always followed another original intention——

Greed for treasure!

Where the Immortal Thief King goes to fight, there must be treasures.

Immortal Thief King's high-level expedition is for the treasure!

Lu Ya glanced at the hull number of this huge sail——


Go alone for a six?interesting.

Lu Ya did not expect that in such a remote place as the East Fuxian District, there would be a single ship from the top ten of the Immortal Thief King to hunt for treasure.

Is the Bone Dragon so attractive?
Everyone wants to have kids?
According to Lu Ya's memory, among the top ten single ships of the Fairy Tail, at least there will be masters of the Immortal Emperor level.

However, Lu Ya discovered that on this huge ship with a hull number of six, the strongest person was actually only a half-step immortal saint!
Moreover, there seemed to be a strange atmosphere in the boat that Lu Ya could not figure out at first glance.

Spiritual consciousness penetrated into the cabin.

Lu Ya found that this half-step fairy was a rather handsome swordsman in blue. He didn't look like a thief at all, but looked like he was wearing casual clothes...

Deacon of Xianting?

Why did the deacon of Xianting get on the ship of the fairy thief?

Kind of weird.

Read on.

Inside the Chamber.

Three in total.

Beside the blue-clothed swordsman, there is also an old counselor with a feather fan and a scarf, a cockscomb head, who has the cultivation base of a nine-star immortal.

The old man seemed wary of the fairy in blue.

The last one is sitting on the big black wooden chair in the conference hall, Captain!

Lu Ya took a closer look, and found that this was actually a six-star immortal sect who changed his aura by carrying a treasure to make himself look like an immortal emperor.

That's right.

A Six Star Immortal Sect at the same level as the Loyal Dog Immortal.

But he looks stronger than the Immortal Emperor!
The captain seemed to be a tall, middle-aged man with violent facial features.

Just looking at the body and facial features, it is similar to Li Wuxie.

But his aura is stronger than that of Li Wuxie, who is obviously a Confucian scholar, but pretends to be a tough guy in order to cover up his kidney deficiency.

A head of long black hair scattered in all directions, a wild and unruly beard without any wind, and long and narrow eyes, revealing a vicious domineering and wild wildness.

There is a faint aura of a demon king!

It's a pity that Lu Ya took a closer look and found that it was all pretended domineering.

Observing his pulse, breath, and spiritual pressure, Lu Ya found that this guy was actually panicked, especially afraid of the blue-clothed fairy in front of him.

He has more than a dozen immortal masters and hundreds of immortal sects under him, all of them are much stronger than him, so that he is like a husky mixed with wolves.

His heart pulse, breath, and spiritual pressure were all caused by excessive tension and fear, causing extremely chaotic pulses around his body.

But coincidentally, this disordered breath vibration is very similar to the space micro-vibration caused by the power of resonance, making people mistakenly think that he has the power of resonance.

In the fairy world, which one who has acquired the power of resonance is not a big boss?
This made his pretense of domineering more credible and bluffing, and made all his subordinates bow their heads and surrender, willing to be dogs and horses.

Even Lu Ya was almost fooled at first glance, thinking it's no wonder he can become the sixth captain of the Immortal Thief King.


Why even I was almost fooled?

Lu Ya still felt something was wrong.

Continue to increase the strength and sensitivity of spiritual consciousness, and forcefully penetrate into this son's Sendai.


Lu Ya was startled.

The depths of this guy's Xiantai are connected to the edge of the abyss, and there is a ban that is very similar to Liu Xuanye's Kefu ban engraving!
(End of this chapter)

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