Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 92: A Person You Can Never Think of 】

Chapter 92 A Person You Can Never Think of 】

These three immortals are not human?
The earth snake fairy was a little confused.

It is okay to say that these three immortals are not human beings. After all, they are imprisoned, knowing that they will die, and dragging them into the water, they are indeed not human.

So they're not human?

These three people have noses and eyes, have Sendai and Qihai, how come they are not human beings?
This is not considered a human being, so what is she a beast fairy?
Ban Yue hesitated after receiving the order.

Not only could she not see anything strange, even the spiritual detector on board showed that the three of them were true immortals.

She felt that the city lord's sudden cold expression was terrifying...

Earth Snake Immortal and Ban Yue didn't understand it, and Mu Yu Feifei didn't understand it even more.

They don't need to understand either.

They have seen this kind of situation a lot, and they must be right after listening to Lu Ya.

He simply urged Ban Yue:
"Don't be dazed, these three guys look so weird, they must have been transformed from monsters, kill them quickly!"

Ban Yue was skeptical, and slowly turned the muzzle of Lingshe towards the three of them.

The three bearded men looked blank, and quickly realized the seriousness of the matter, untied the vine in a hurry, turned around and ran away!

Feeling that the two legs are running slowly, he simply uses both hands and feet and runs wildly with all four limbs.

Is this even possible?

Lu Ya didn't look any further.

Ban Yue reacted suddenly, a linear blue light spiritual pressure shot out, and swept across the backs of the three people running wildly.

Cut the three of them horizontally!

The three of them did not raise ashes.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into three fierce beasts and fell in a pool of blood.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a three-headed fairy-level unicorn!


Magic unicorn?
Everyone was terrified, they turned their heads to look at the three ancient apes...

The golden light shines in an instant!

The three ancient apes turned into three golden bodies of immortals.

The golden body was extinguished quickly, and in an instant it returned to three human bodies, and turned into the appearance of three people with full beards.


The crowd was stunned.

The bearded head was blasted off by the battle armor, so he had to use his strength on the spot to grow a new head from his neck.

For Xianzun, a head is nothing.

The new head was much smaller than before, and the face was very tender, which was completely out of proportion to his fat and strong body. It looked very funny, and there was a sense of tragedy in the funny.

Quan Zhanzi said:

"This ancient ape is too strong, and the three of us are no match even if we work together. I'll hold it back, you two, hurry up."

Come on, still in the illusion!

Daoist Xushan picked up the burned-through folding fan with a bewildered expression. It was impossible for the ancient ape to use it.

Looking up, I finally saw the trick.

"Why is it a humanoid armor?"

The ghostly girl Ji Ruobai hurriedly looked at the roots of the tree.

"Those three little girls turned into unicorns?"


When Quan Ranzi heard this, he rubbed his eyes violently.

"That's the case?"

Immortal Xushan reacted quickly, put away the holed folding fan, and patted it on the palm of his hand a few times, the long-lost refined temperament returned.

"This is a phantom unicorn, we're afraid we've been hit by an illusion."

Quan Zhanzi was shocked.

"This is the phantom unicorn from the three-headed Immortal Master Realm... You say we have been hit by an Immortal Master-level illusion?"

Before the words fell, a male voice came out from the battle armor.

"This illusion is not low-level!"

Lu Ya had discovered the illusion a long time ago.

He can easily decipher this kind of illusion, but the level is so high that even he can't see through it.

A mere three-headed fairy-level phantom unicorn can perform such illusions?

Trapped three immortals?

This is interesting.

Earth Fairy, Ban Yue, and even Mu Yu Feifei were all terrified.

Quan Zhanzi stared at the battle armor in front of him, and suddenly remembered.

"Wait, isn't this bamboo armor the sword bamboo of the Zhuquan sect?"

This long-lost voice...

The three of them were shocked suddenly.

"Lord Lu!"

Lu Ya was speechless and said calmly.

"It's me, come in and talk."

Ban Yue understood, and immediately reached out and grabbed the three of them, opened the hatch in the abdomen, and sent them into the nuclear room of the ship.

Standing in the gorgeous spiritual projection and experiencing the simultaneous five senses, the three of them were dumbfounded, as if they had opened the door to a new world.

"This, this is..."

"Just treat it as an illusion."

Lu Ya didn't bother to explain too much, if it wasn't for their good character, and they were his tools, otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to join the ship girls if they were killed, at most, Ji Ruobai would be allowed to come in.

"Why is City Lord Lu here?"

"It's a little personal."

Quan Zhanzi didn't dare to ask more questions.

The ingenious girl then captured the three-headed unicorn into the nuclear room of the ship.

In order to avoid being too bloody, with a wave of his hand, Lu Ya joined the six and a half bodies back into three complete corpses without any visible scars.

Everyone was amazed, secretly lamenting Lu Ya's holiness and magnificence, even if he is an enemy, he must leave a whole body for the other party.

Lu Ya was thinking about roasting Quan Lin...

"This is a phantom unicorn with a very low cultivation level."

Quan Beard sighed.

"Unexpectedly, the three Immortal Venerables I waited for were actually hit by the Immortal Master-level illusion!"

"We thought these three unicorns were just ordinary Fairytail remnants, and that you were the guardian ancient apes of the small garden."

Ancient ape?

Lu Ya thought this was interesting.

In the eyes of Lu Ya and others, the three unicorns are the immortals, and the three immortals are the three ancient apes.

In the eyes of Sanxianzun, Sanqilin is three little girls, and the battle armor is an ancient ape.

This illusion is a ring within a ring, and the fact is added to increase confusion. It is a variant of the ring illusion.

This kind of illusion is of a very high level, completely ignoring your cultivation to produce effects, and interfere with your five senses and spiritual consciousness.


"I can't blame you, the entire Beast Nest Forest is covered with a large formation, and an extremely advanced illusion seal is formed on the large formation. This phantom unicorn was born from the formation, and it grows up under the prohibition of illusion in the formation. The level of the Taoist prohibition is much higher than yours, so it is only natural to be fooled."

Lu Ya analyzed.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, the aura projection in the ship's core room was changed.

"Look at your little garden."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Where is the paradise, it is a desert!
As far as the eye can see, the sky is full of dust, dry wooden piles, dense animal bones can be seen everywhere, vultures hovering, and all kinds of weird small animals are probing in the desert...

And the cypress next to everyone is a dead tree that has been dead for many years.

That's why Mu Yufeifei asked Lu Ya to catch fat sheep before, but Lu Ya was indifferent.

Does he like to eat little fat sheep?
Especially the sheep's kidney, it's so coquettish!
It's a pity that it's not the little fat sheep, it's just dry grass blown by the wind.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air!
Terrified with horror, there was no sound.

Lu Ya then turned off the vision sharing.

If he wanted, he could forcefully break the illusion with a little effort.

Yes, but not necessary.

With his strength, if he keeps the formation and illusion, he can still catch the bone dragon, so there is no need to waste it.

Too strong will always be missed.

He has been so strong that his existence was deduced by experts 3000 years ago.

Except for him, the supreme being who can change the Three Realms at will, no one else could have been deduced 3000 years ago.

The three bearded men were absent-minded for a long time before they realized it, and bowed to Lu Ya.

"If it wasn't for the help of City Lord Lu, the three of us might have died here."

"The legend is indeed true, the little garden never comes back!"

"What plans does City Lord Lu have now?"

Lu Ya did not answer directly, but asked instead:

"Are you the ones who asked the Earth Fairy for help?"

"For help?"

The three were stunned.

"No, we didn't know that we were under the illusion at the time."


Earth Snake Immortal frowned suddenly, she clearly heard the spiritual thoughts from the three of them, went to Qingluan City to help find Lu Ya, and rewarded him with a lot of money afterwards!

"Did I hear wrong?"

"It's still an illusion."

Lu Ya probably understood.

The illusionist was really staring at him.

Lu Ya sighed, thinking that being invincible also has the troubles of being invincible...

He vaguely guessed the identity of the illusionist, but it involved high-level illusions, and many things could not be determined for the time being.

With a slight stretch of consciousness, it covered the floating mountain.

The position of the bone dragon was disturbed by the array and the illusion, making it very blurred.

It doesn't matter, this is the fun of brushing copies.

At the same time, looking at it this way, he discovered a lot of interesting things!

"It's a worthwhile trip..."

Thinking of this, Lu Ya asked the three of them with great interest:

"This place is hard to find, how did you get into the small garden?"

"These three little girls... No, the three phantom unicorns led them in?"

"Then have you seen the bone dragon?"

"I didn't see the bone dragon."

Having said that, Quan Zhanzi's expression changed, and he pretended to be mysterious and said:
"But we met someone you would never expect."

(End of this chapter)

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