Chapter 93 The Birth of a Dragon

Lu Ya kicked Quan Zhanzi off the boat, he was the most annoying and secretive.

Can't you talk nicely?
What absolutely unexpected person?

Is there someone I can't think of as a full-level boss?

"Come up, I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language."

Quan bearded and crawled back to the cabin, his delicate face like a little fresh meat no longer had the sense of mystery before, only footprints.

He began to narrate in a straightforward manner, describing all kinds of strange things in the past three days.

"When we first entered the small garden, we turned around and couldn't figure it out. We always felt that the space inside was a bit distorted. It would be futile to run like this again, so we simply took out the kun's head, waited for the rabbit, and fished for the bone dragon, thinking that the bone dragon is a mythical beast. , Kun is also a divine beast, it is impossible to remain indifferent."

"And guess what?"


"Ahem, I'm sorry... As a result, the bone dragon was not caught, but we caught another dragon, a person who is also interested in Xu Kun."

Although he wanted to hit someone, Lu Ya was really curious.


"Xu Yinglong."

"Huh? That dead fat pig?"

Lu Ya was taken aback, if Quan Ranzi hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten about this person.


Quan Zhanzi hurriedly fell silent.

"Don't talk nonsense, that's a relative of Master Zhu Shen."

"We fished the bone dragon for a long time, but the bone dragon didn't come out, but Xu Yinglong was caught, and he found us in a hurry."

Lu Ya faintly felt something was wrong.

"He's alone in the small garden?"

"Xu Yinglong said that Dongfu Immortal Court has a monitoring station in the Beast's Nest Forest. He often comes to inspect it, and this time it just happened to be in time."

"You also believe this?"

"This is a fact. Regarding the monitoring station of Dongfu Xianting, we investigated it before we came. It is indeed there, but except for Li Zhishou and a few high-level Dongfu officials, no one knows the exact location."

"We heard that Master Zhu Shen has been looking for bone dragons, and Xu Yinglong is a relative of Master Zhu Shen. He has been searching for Kunpeng for many years. We guess that he is also here to find bone dragons, so we didn't mention bone dragons. .”

"He didn't suspect anything, he just told us that the Six Sails of the Immortal Thief King had arrived, and told us to hide the Kun's head and go to the monitoring station with him to avoid it. The rat tide wiped out."

"At first we didn't believe it, until we found the trace of Six Sails. It is the top ten sailing team of the Immortal Thief King, and the Immortal Emperor is in charge!"

"Then, the swarm of ghost rats really appeared. This is the first time we have seen hyena flying squirrels infected with the power of the ghost. Ordinary hyena flying squirrels can even eat immortals, not to mention the hyenas infected with the power of the ghost. Ghost Rat?"

"Whether it's the Immortal Thief King Liufan team or the hyena rat swarm, the three of us can't deal with it. Only then did we realize that this mission is a big pit, so we had to go to the monitoring station with Xu Yinglong to avoid the limelight. Let the Six Sails compete with the Rat Tide, Snipe and Clam, so that we have a chance to catch the leak."

"In the end, Xu Yinglong suddenly proposed a condition to us!"


"Is there any water here? I'm thirsty."

Resisting the urge to beat someone, Lu Ya asked Mu Yufeifei to pour three cups of tea for the three bearded men.

Quan Ranzi drank it all in one gulp, chewed the tea leaves and said:

"Xu Yinglong wants us to lose our three children, otherwise we will not be able to go to the surveillance station."

"Of course we said no, and then he said—"

"These three children are not human at all!"

"We took a closer look and found that these three children are indeed not human beings, but three Qilin Beast Immortals from the Immortal Master Realm."

Lu Ya was convinced.

"It's all here, do you have any doubts?"

Quan Zhanzi shook his head.

"We were very skeptical at first, but the three girls suddenly said with grief and indignation that it was because there were too many racists like Xu Yinglong that they believed Jin Pengzi's lies, joined Fairy Tail, and became fairy thieves."

"Our attention was quickly distracted by the sensitive topic of 'Is the beast fairy considered human?' Although the law of the fairy court stipulates that the beast fairy is a kind of human being, but you know this kind of thing... It's hard to say .”

Earth Snake Immortal and Mu Yufeifei stared at him indifferently.

Lu Ya said:
"This can also divert attention? Are you three fools?"

"Of course not. The three children cried for a long time, and then suddenly said that Xu Yinglong is not human."

"The two sides began to argue, and finally fought. We were at a loss, so we had to watch from the sidelines."

"I didn't expect that Xu Yinglong, who is a half-step immortal sect, would be beaten into a wisp of soul by three immortal masters and beast immortals."

"Because things are a little weird, we realized that the sealing formation in the small garden might be too strong, which interfered with our consciousness."

"So I took out the high-level detection black stone, and suddenly discovered that this Xu Yinglong is really not a human being, but a remnant soul, or in other words, it may be a clone of Xu Yinglong's soul body!"

"After the three unicorns killed Xu Yinglong's remnant soul, we checked the three little girls again and found that they were really just unicorns from the Immortal Master Realm."

"That's when we breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what race, age, or purpose these three unicorns are, this immortal master's cultivation cannot be faked!"

"The three of us immortal masters are still afraid that the immortal master will fail? So we were relieved at the time and prepared to find a place to hide first. We will come out to act after the Nether Rat Tide and the Immortal Thief King Six Sails encounter."

"The three Qilin fairies then took us to this fairy cypress tree, saying that this tree is the patron saint tree of the small garden, and the beast tide will not attack here, but it may be necessary to defeat a fairy-level ancient ape. Guardian beast of a tree."

"So we waited under the tree. The battle in the hinterland of the small garden lasted for a long time, and the ancient ape didn't come. We could only wait."

"It's boring to be idle, so we reflect on Xu Yinglong's matter, and it feels very wrong. A fake immortal sect has no ability to create a soul-body clone..."

"So I expanded my consciousness and tried to find the legendary Dongfu Monitoring Station, but I accidentally found a fairy sect snake fairy who can burrow into the ground. We saw that her route perfectly avoided all the attacks of fierce beasts. We guessed that she might know So she asked her about the Dongfu monitoring station with a lot of money, but she ran away directly."

Earth Snake Immortal was taken aback, this was different from the divine message she had heard.

Lu Ya didn't find it strange.

This is the basis of the ring illusion. The ring illusion is a simulation illusion based on [-]% of the authenticity, and the end to end is connected to form a logical closed loop.

Now the question is.

Why does Xu Yinglong have a clone of the remnant soul?
And why did it appear in the Forest of the Beast's Nest?
After all, Lu Ya didn't see this remnant soul with his own eyes, so it's hard to make a conclusion.

"What do you think?"

Quan Zhanzi said:

"We have heard some legends about Xu Yinglong. This person seems to be looking for Kunpeng all the time. We thought he wanted to dedicate Kunpeng to Master Zhu Shen..."

"Thinking about it now, it might not be the case. I guess, this Xu Yinglong is probably the clone of the bone dragon's remnant soul!"

Lu Ya really didn't expect it.

He originally thought that Xu Yinglong was a passer-by who wasn't even a small boss, but this dog was more like his name, really a dragon?

Came to Qingluan City to find Kunpeng, not out of selfish desire, but a conspiracy?
Thinking of that disgusting fat head and big ears, Lu Ya felt that it was impossible.

Simply show your consciousness.

The field of vision spanned three thousand miles and came to Dongfu City.

In a brothel called "Yihong Xianyuan", Lu Ya found Xu Yinglong's figure.

Xu Yinglong's skull injury happened just right, so he took a few of his confidants to drink and have fun, chanting during the day, having so much fun that he didn't think about leaving, he had no intention of seeking revenge on himself at all.

Lu Ya glanced lightly.

Xu Yinglong is still Xu Yinglong.

is human.

Not a dragon.

His soul is also a true fairy soul, the three souls and seven souls are all complete, there is no patchwork or missing.

The only thing he is missing is memory.

Lu Ya originally thought that Xu Yinglong lacked memories about himself, but found that the focus was not on himself, but on...


All memories of searching for Kunpeng were lost in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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