The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1302 The Furious Yu Changtian

Chapter 1302 The Furious Yu Changtian

This battle really attracted the attention of everyone in the world.

The most powerful army of 500 million in Tianyu Divine Kingdom, including those great saints, unexpectedly surrendered obediently.

The news that Pengshen had successfully reincarnated, and that Bai Tianshu was Chu Tianshu, and also the son of Yu Tianji and Chu Feng, spread rapidly through the communicator.

The gods of several major gods have already known about it.

Many gods in the great group of gods are also discussing this matter.

"Didn't it mean that it is impossible to have children between the Tianyu God Clan and humans? Why are there children?"

"Yes, all the gods of the Tianyu God Clan, come out and explain? Is it possible that the Tianyu God Clan will merge with humans in the future?"

"The lowly human slaves actually climbed the big tree of the Tianyu God Clan?"


However, the inquiries of these gods did not receive any response from the gods of the Tianyu God Clan.

They all fell silent.

In desperation, everyone could only find the group leader Xuanwu and ask him questions.

"Brother Xuanwu, what do you think of this conflict between humans and the Tianyu God Clan?"

Xuanwu replied: "The affairs of the lower realms are left to the people of the lower realms. As long as the gods don't participate, they can make trouble as they please. I am more concerned about the Iron Man who appeared on the battlefield."

"Isn't it a humanoid weapon?"

"Your weapon has a soul? Although the artifact has a spirit and a certain amount of thinking power, it cannot give birth to a real soul. They will die if they leave the artifact, but these robots are different."

"Their souls can't be reincarnated, can they?"

"They should all be believers in the God of Wealth. Once the Man of Steel dies, then their souls should be able to return to the God of Wealth Realm, and then continue to have the next body."


The crowd suddenly realized.

These iron men, who are comparable to heaven-level profound weapons, or even holy weapons, are equivalent to having the same body as the emperor and the saint when they were born.

If their souls continue to grow in multiple reincarnations, their realm will definitely continue to rise.

In the end, he reached the level of a true emperor and saint.

In the case that the gods cannot descend to the realm, which ethnic group in the world will be their opponent?

Many gods, as if through the lines of time, have seen that the whole world is ruled by Iron Man.

They even dominate the sky and the universe.

Although they still couldn't see all those things, but occasionally some images flickered, which still made them terrified.

The birth of a new and powerful species with infinite evolution will inevitably herald the arrival of a new era.

From the dragon and phoenix more than 100 million years ago to the gods today, the world is not static.

Everyone actually had a sense of crisis.

As a true god, Xuanwu seemed to have seen some scenes he didn't want to see.

However, in this picture, he also saw a man, that is Chu Tianshu.

He is like an unsearchable abyss, controlling everything in the world.

"Little guy, it seems that your future is really limitless. Maybe one day, you can grow to the height of your goddess master. Back then, when we first met, I was very curious about you. Knowing that you must be a hidden dragon, are you now finally showing the tip of the iceberg?"

Xuanwu in the Sea God Hall gradually showed a smile on his face.

He glanced at the communicator and said in the group: "Iron Man is also another embodiment of life. The height they can evolve in the end should be able to reach the level of true artifacts. Some artifact spirits of true artifacts also have very high levels." wisdom."

"Brother Xuanwu, is what you said true? If it is true, then don't we have to hug our thighs now? The female God of Wealth is really terrifying."

"Isn't this the ability of the Lord of Chaos?"

Xuanwu replied: "Is it true, just observe it in secret, but I want to declare that the commandments of the gods are not allowed to be broken, and they must not interfere with things in the lower world."

"What if the God of Wealth Realm or the Tongtian Sect broke the precepts?"

"Then let's deal with the Tongtian Sect together and drive it out of the Kunpeng Continent." Xuanwu replied abruptly.

The gods fell silent.

However, they are using their believers or idols to watch the situation in the lower world.

At this time, Chu Tianshu and Bai Yu had already led an army of tens of millions to the territory of the Heavenly Feather Divine Kingdom.

This is also the first time in the past ten thousand years that a foreign army has invaded the hinterland of the Heavenly Feather Kingdom.

Even if they were as powerful as the Yaozu, before then, they could only operate in the frontiers of the Heavenly Feather Divine Kingdom.

But now, this tens of millions of troops seemed to be in the land of no one.

The cities they passed by had either been evacuated or surrendered.

Those who were able to leave had already been taken to Phoenix Nest, and those who stayed behind knew that they had become abandoned pawns.

If you don't surrender, you will definitely die.

The demon clan in the north and the monster clan in the west also entered the Tianyu Divine Kingdom after the 500 million troops of the Tianyu Divine Kingdom surrendered and the god statues were evacuated.

But Yu Changtian, who was sitting in Fengchao, was in a state of rage at this time.

As soon as he raised his hand, he dropped the communicator to the ground.

The communicator fell apart.

He also understood that the God of Wealth must be behind the scenes, otherwise, how could the retreat order he issued turn into an order to surrender?

"Everyone, destroy all the communication devices for me." Yu Changtian roared angrily.

In the main hall, many people have already gathered.

Most of them belonged to major families with gods, and their ancestors all surrendered, so they were also very worried.

Facing Yu Changtian's order, quite a few of them broke the communication device immediately.

But there are also some people who are hesitating, not because they really care about the communication device, but because they still have a lot of sacred stones stored in the communication device.

If the communicator is smashed, how can we take out the contents in the future?

Facing these mindless guys, those who smashed the communication device, they all sneered.

I laughed secretly in my heart: A group of fools, don't they know that the communicator is broken or lost, can it be replaced?It is impossible for others to steal your wealth stored in the communication device.

Sure enough, Yu Changtian glared at the group of people who didn't break the communicator, and yelled: "What? Even my orders are useless? Are you planning to join the Tongtian Sect? Join the God of Wealth Realm?"

The coercion of the peak sage also spread out with his words.

How could this group of people bear it, their bodies trembled immediately.

They saw murderous intent in Yu Changtian's eyes.

In desperation, he reluctantly took out the communication device and dropped it on the ground.

Yu Chengfeng gave the group of people a hard look, and said, "Grandfather, since the God of Wealth Realm has participated, it is equivalent to breaking the commandments of the gods. We can also use the power of the gods!"

"When defending the city, it is naturally useful." Yu Changtian said lightly.

Yu Chengfeng frowned: "Then we just watch them like this, kill Fengchao? Give up 800 million miles of mountains and rivers?"

"What are your plans?" Yu Changtian asked.

Yu Chengfeng said coldly: "They can come to kill us, why can't we kill them? We can send experts to the hinterland of the human race and kill all those humans."

Yu Changtian narrowed his eyes, this seemed like a good idea to take revenge on humans.

However, an elderly saint said: "Your Majesty, please calm down first. Although the human army invaded the Heavenly Feather Kingdom, they did not kill innocent people randomly. If we send people to kill humans, then they may also It will attack our fellow countrymen who remain in various places."

Before Yu Changtian could speak, Yu Chengfeng sneered and said, "Fool, now, the elites of our Heavenly Feather Divine Kingdom have all returned to Fengchao, and the rest are just a group of ordinary people without cultivation talent, and some It’s all about slaves, so what if they die? They’re wasting resources while they’re still alive.”

The other party was immediately speechless.

Although this statement is somewhat cruel, it is impossible to refute.

As long as the Phoenix Nest can be defended, these hundreds of millions of elites will soon be able to reproduce billions of people and give birth to even better offspring.

Yu Changtian looked at his grandson and nodded secretly, but he was decisive and had the hope of becoming a great weapon in the future.

He suddenly thought of another thing, turned his head to look at a great emperor of the Fengxue family, and said, "Didn't your patriarch, Fengxue Rubing, not go to the battlefield?"

The great emperor nodded hastily: "No, the Patriarch is currently practicing in seclusion."

Yu Changtian nodded slightly, and he turned to look at Lei Yunxia beside him: "After a while, the Holy Empress will send someone to see Fengxuerubing, so that Fengxueji and Yuchengfeng will get married tomorrow, so I can take advantage of this happy event to make a rush." Against the latest bad luck."

The people in the hall were all dumbfounded.

Although Yu Chengfeng and Feng Xueji had been engaged long ago, they had already fixed their wedding date, but the wedding date was still more than a month away.

Did you say change it?
Yu Chengfeng was also a little surprised, looking at Yu Changtian and Lei Yunxia in surprise.

Lei Yunxia nodded, she understood why Yu Changtian was so eager.

If at this critical moment, the Fengxue family cannot be caught, then the Yu family will really be doomed.

The Fengxue family not only has the most gods, but also the family with the most saints and saints.

The most important thing is that the Fengxue family's terrifying offensive and defensive capabilities, as long as they are willing, can turn half of Middle-earth into a snowy land at any time, killing all living beings.

After a little hesitation, Lei Yunxia nodded: "Since the Holy Majesty has already spoken, I think the Fengxue family will understand, so it's settled. Tomorrow, we will hold a wedding ceremony for Yu Chengfeng and Fengxueji. When the time comes, People from all your big families can send people to participate."

The people in the hall also spoke in unison: "We will obey the order."

After saying that, they also retreated one after another.

When Feng Xuerubing learned of this, she frowned.

Feng Xueji accompanied her, also showing worry.

By now, they are also a little unclear about the development of the situation.

"Grandmother, am I really going to marry Yu Chengfeng tomorrow?" Feng Xueji asked.

Fengxue Rubing nodded: "As long as the Feather God is still alive, as long as the Peng God is not fully awakened, you must obey the orders of the Holy Majesty."

Feng Xueji was speechless for a moment.

For some reason, she suddenly regretted that she had changed her engagement with her younger sister.

If he is now by Chu Tianshu's side, his fate will be different, right?

(End of this chapter)

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