The strongest concubine ever

The strongest concubine ever


1335 Chapters Completed Status

Chu Tianshu, who was reborn in a different world, found that he was worshiping the heaven and earth with someone, and his marriage partner was actually the princess of the current dynasty!What's worse, the people who attended the wedding seemed to wis


Chu Tianshu, who was reborn in a different world, found that he was worshiping the heaven and earth with someone, and his marriage partner was actually the princess of the current dynasty!What's worse, the people who attended the wedding seemed to wish that this piece of trash would die sooner!Faced with the eyes of passers-by, the harm of the elder mother, and the oppression of the strong, Chu Tianshu, who has golden fingers, really wants to say: "You are all ants!" , Fight the supreme powerhouse, hold the scepter of life and death!When he was above the top of the world, he felt emotional: In this life, he finally lived up to the reputation of the traverser!

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