Chapter 7
Xiao Moyan cut the gold and cut the iron:

"All mouths make money, and etiquette cannot be discarded. Chu Tianshu saved the princess today, and that is a kindness to my royal family. Naturally, my royal family can't be ungrateful, but... considering that the two of them are still young and both are sick. However, Chu Tianshu's status as my royal son-in-law will not change, and he will live with the princess in this princess mansion from now on!" Xiao Moyan said decisively.

Hearing this, Murong Jiangyue immediately guessed Xiao Moyan's intentions, and felt relieved.

Everyone knows that Xiao Moyan loves the princess the most.

If this marriage contract does not count, the princess still has to marry outside.

Xiao Moyan must be reluctant.

She guessed that Xiao Moyan just wanted to use Chu Tianshu as a shield so that the princess would not marry.

Although I don't know why Chu Tianshu woke up before the burial, but his body has long been weak and there is no way to recover!
Not to mention three years, even three days, Chu Tianshu couldn't survive.

He might be dead before tomorrow!

Unless Li Changqing missed it!

As for the silver needle method that reverses life and death, she is the least likely to believe it!

Because Chu Tianshu was brought up by herself, how could she not know what skills he has?

Besides, if Chu Tianshu really had that ability, he wouldn't have almost died of serious illness!

Even if he stays in the Princess Mansion, he cannot escape death.

He died of illness in the princess mansion, he had the reputation of being a son-in-law, and his family was also connected with the royal family, so he saved himself the trouble of doing it himself.

Thinking about it, Murong Jiangyue's expression brightened, she knelt down in front of Xiao Moyan, and said: "Thank you for your kindness, the concubine, thank you to the queen, thank you to your majesty, Tianshu, why are you still standing there?" ? Why don’t you kneel down and give thanks?”

After hearing this, Chu Tianshu admired the evil mother's acting skills in his heart, and hurriedly knelt down: "Thank you, Queen, for your kindness!"

"Get up, everyone, since the matter has been agreed, please come back first, today's wedding banquet will come to an end!" Xiao Moyan said.

Murong Jiangyue and Chu Tianshu stood up now!

Although the rest of the people still had great doubts and reluctance, they couldn't ask more questions, so they had to obey orders and leave.

After everyone left, Murong Jiangyue said again: "Queen, I have an unfeeling favor!"

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Xiao Moyan asked!

"Tian'er has been in poor health since he was a child. In order not to cause trouble to the princess mansion, I plan to let my personal servant girl follow him so that he can take care of his daily necessities!" Murong Jiangyue said.

When Chu Tianshu heard this, his heart jumped again!
This Murong Jiangyue really can't make a plan, let's make another plan!

Don't even Li Changqing believe it?

She actually planned to let Murong Xue stay by her side and watch her.

If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that his own life would still be under her control?

Xiao Moyan glanced at Chu Tianshu calmly!

Although he knew what was going on in his heart, it could be seen that Chu Tianshu did not show any fear, but was very calm instead, which was a bit gratifying!

If this son lived in a normal family, he might have achieved something!

It's a pity that, without the slightest amount of cultivation, in this life, she can only live on mediocrity and humbly!

Therefore, Xiao Moyan retorted: "Madam Chu, don't worry, there are many maids in the Princess Mansion. Even if there are not enough maids, I can transfer them from the palace, and I will be able to take good care of Tianshu!"

"This?" Murong Jiangyue was a little surprised.

Logically speaking, Xiao Moyan shouldn't refuse such a request!
Did you guess wrong?
Xiao Moyan really intends to treat Chu Tianshu as a son-in-law so as to befriend the Chu family!
If we invite famous doctors from all over the world to treat Chu Tianshu again, in case he is cured!
Wouldn't all my hard work for so many years be in vain?
You must not let that son of a bitch get out of your control!

So, she became cruel, and bowed again: "Queen, please forgive me for speaking bluntly. I also understand what the queen is thinking. With Tian'er and the princess's crooked marriage, the princess doesn't need to marry Beiyou again." Prince, this is also my wish!"

"It's just that although Tian'er was not born by a concubine, he was raised by a concubine, so I know his nature!"

"The reason why the concubine wants to keep people from the general's mansion by his side is also because he is worried. If he causes trouble outside again, it is better to have someone to discipline him, so as to prevent outsiders from resenting the princess and queen. Besides, Tian'er is weak and sick. The girl next to me is always taking care of me here, the relationship between the two is very good, with her around, Tian'er can recover soon!"

"I also ask the queen to be considerate of my concubine's love for her son!"

After finishing speaking, Murong Jiangyue actually knelt down again and touched the ground with her head!
After hearing this, Chu Tianshu really wanted to scold: how can there be such a cunning woman in the world?
It is estimated that it can bring the dead back to life!
How does he refute?

With the feeling of wanting to pinch this woman to death, Chu Tianshu pretended to be moved, and said, "Mother, the boy can take care of himself, you don't have to worry, the boy has grown up now!"

"Tian'er, please don't talk nonsense, and please empress be considerate!" Murong Jiangyue didn't look at Chu Tianshu at all, and continued to kneel!

Look at her appearance, if the queen doesn't agree, she won't get up!
Xiao Moyan fell silent!

Murong Jiangyue has said everything to this point. As the mother of a country, how can she refuse?

In terms of emotion and reason, she must agree!
After all, this Murong Jiangyue's identity is not ordinary!
Daughter of a senior member of the court, wife of the commander of the Xuanwu Army!

Is it wrong for people to love their son?

You use someone else's son as a shield, and you still don't allow someone to send someone to protect your son?
If she refuses and this matter spreads, outsiders will definitely say that her queen is too heartless!
Even because of this, the Chu family, the Murong family and the royal family will be alienated!
Even if she knew that Murong Jiangyue left alone to look at Chu Tianshu, she had no good intentions!

Xiao Moyan has no way to refuse!

"What a woman with a glib tongue, but it's nothing to leave a maid. This can also leave a retreat for the princess and the royal family. With the help of Murong Jiangyue's mouth, the story of the shield is secretly spread. In case Chu Tianshu dies, the future of the princess will be affected!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Moyan hurriedly helped Murong Jiangyue up, and said with an apologetic smile: "Why does Mrs. Chu say that? You and I are both mothers, how can I not understand your intentions? That's all, I agree, From now on, let this servant girl by your side stay in the Princess Mansion and continue to take care of Tianshu!"

"Thank you Queen for your understanding!" Murong Jiangyue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But Chu Tianshu was dumbfounded!

I have to re-evaluate my position in the queen's heart!

As Xiao Moyan, if she is determined to protect herself, then she has every reason to reject Murong Jiangyue's request!
But she didn't!
Probably just in case!
"It seems that relying on no one is worse than relying on yourself. However, staying in the princess mansion and walking in the capital as a son-in-law is better than staying in the general's mansion. A little maid would not dare to kill her in the princess mansion blatantly. Me?" Chu Tianshu secretly said!
Soon, he adjusted his mood!

Afterwards, Murong Jiangyue taught Chu Tianshu a few more words, telling Murong Xue to take good care of Chu Tianshu!
He even said that Murong Xue will be a member of the princess mansion from now on, and he must obey the rules of the princess mansion and obey the princess' discipline!
(End of this chapter)

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