Chapter 6
Chu Tianshu pondered for a moment, and said, "Please ask the queen to let the grass people stay here!"

"You don't want to go home?" Xiao Moyan said unexpectedly.

Thinking that Murong Jiangyue, who was pretending to be a loving mother, was still outside, Chu Tianshu thought to himself, can that be considered a family?
He lowered his head and said, "You can't escape death even if you go home!"

After hearing this, Xiao Moyan frowned immediately, and stared at Chu Tianshu carefully again!
For some reason, she felt that Chu Tianshu seemed to have something to say.

At such a young age, I seem to be able to see through certain things!

But there are some things she can't say!
And there are some things that she has to say in advance!

After pondering for a while, she replied: "It seems that you are also a sensible and intelligent child. Get up and sit down. I agree to your request, and you can also publicly admit that you are the real son-in-law. In the future, you will be in the next paragraph." During the time, you can stay in this princess mansion!"

Chu Tianshu breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you Queen!"

"As long as you keep yourself safe and don't have too many unreasonable thoughts about the princess, I don't mind protecting you for a while longer, but since you are proficient in medicine, you must know that your life is not long. Your silver needle that reverses life and death Dharma, can you heal yourself?"

"Caomin... I'm not sure. After all, doctors can't heal themselves, but Caomin is not willing to die like this!" Chu Tianshu said.

Xiao Moyan nodded slightly: "Then can you tell me, who taught you your medical skills?"

"This? To tell you the truth, he is an unknown teacher, and the grassroots don't know who he is, because that person disappeared after teaching some medical skills to the grassroots, and the grassroots don't even know what he looks like!" Chu Tianshu replied. .

"Does your aunt know that you are proficient in medical skills?" Xiao Moyan asked again.

Chu Tianshu shook his head: "Elder mother doesn't know either!"

Xiao Moyan nodded slightly: "It's a bit of a scheming thing. You even hid it from your mother. You don't want to go home, but you want to stay in this princess mansion, and you want to heal yourself? To avoid any accidents? "

Chu Tianshu nodded. He believed that Xiao Moyan could understand some words without saying too much!
"If that's the case, then this palace will help you, and even send an imperial doctor to treat you again!" Xiao Moyan said again!

"Can the empress not ask Li Changqing to heal me?" Chu Tianshu frowned.

"Li Changqing? Is there something wrong with him?"

"Just now he wanted to kill me!" Chu Tianshu said bluntly.

Xiao Moyan's expression turned cold, and murderous looks appeared in his eyes, but he didn't say much!
Instead, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do. Do you have any other requests?"

Chu Tianshu could also tell from Xiao Moyan's expression that Li Changqing probably wouldn't survive.

Then he asked, "Does the Queen know where Cao Min's biological mother is now?"

Xiao Moyan shook her head: "I don't know, but I can tell you for sure that she is definitely not an ordinary person, otherwise, your aunt would not treat you like this, and your father would not let your aunt treat you like this. !"

"Thank you queen!"

"You don't need to thank me. Murong Jiangyue's scheming is definitely beyond your comprehension as a young man. I can't do much. When I was born in this world, even I was helpless. I'm talking about you, so how long you can live depends on your own good fortune, if you unfortunately die, don't resent this palace for not protecting you well, and in your next life, don't live in such a family again!" Xiao Moyan said.

Chu Tianshu nodded!
Xiao Moyan stood up: "From now on, in front of outsiders, you can call me Queen Mother, and come out with me!"

"Yes, I obey!" Chu Tianshu hurriedly replied.

The two left the room together!
When they came to the front yard, the guests who did not disperse immediately gathered around!

Seeing that Chu Tianshu followed Xiao Moyan with his head down, and did not see the princess, everyone preconceived that Chu Tianshu didn't save the princess!

Immediately someone came in and said: "Queen, this kid dared to touch the princess's corpse, please give Chu Tianshu death, so that he can be buried with the princess again!"

Hearing this, Chu Tianshu looked over coldly.

I thought how useless that Chu Tianshu was?How bad is the character?Will these people in front of them wish for him to die sooner?

At this moment, Murong Jiangyue, who was beside him, walked over directly and knelt down in front of Xiao Moyan: "I also ask the queen to forgive my son for his reckless behavior. He didn't mean to touch the princess's daughter's body. I beg the queen to show mercy and don't do it again." Let the child die, because his time is short, even if he is resurrected today, he may not live for a few more days!"

Hearing this, Chu Tianshu sneered in his heart.

This woman was really scheming, she seemed to be defending him, but she did it right out of the mouth that he had "fed the princess".

Fortunately, he rescued the princess.

If she really failed to save the princess, no matter how much she defended herself, Xiao Moyan would kill herself and be buried with her, but her image of a loving mother became more stable.

Thinking about it, Chu Tianshu hated this woman even more.

At this time, someone came in and said: "Queen, please give Chu Tianshu death, so that he can be buried with the princess again!"

"Yes, empress, even if this Chu Tianshu is resurrected, he won't live for a few more days. Why don't he die today so that he can go on the road with the princess!"

At this time, Xiao Moyan said: "The princess is fine, but she is still in a coma!"


The whole yard was suddenly silent!

Everyone could hardly believe their ears.

Those who said that it was impossible for Chu Tianshu to save the princess just now felt like they were being slapped in the face!

"How is it possible? Chu Tianshu is such a waste, how could he save the princess?"

"So many genius doctors have already confirmed that the princess is dead, why did Chu Tianshu bring the princess back to life?"

"Could it be based on the legends he saw in the script?"

"It must be a blind cat who hit a dead mouse, and he ran into it!"

"That's right, it must be so, it is absolutely impossible for Chu Tianshu to bring people back to life!"

Everyone has what they think in their hearts, but it is impossible to say these words.

People with quick brains have already bowed to Xiao Moyan to congratulate Xiao Moyan first!

"Congratulations to the queen, congratulations to the queen, the sky has eyes!"

The rest of the people also followed up one after another: "Congratulations to the queen, congratulations to the queen, the princess must have done too many good deeds on weekdays to have today's blessings!"

Everyone said what they said, but no one gave credit to Chu Tianshu!

Wait until everyone quiets down!

After Murong Jiangyue glanced at Chu Tianshu, she asked Xiao Moyan again: "Queen... what about the princess and Tianshu?"

Xiao Moyan looked at Murong Jiangyue, and said: "Since I have already said what I said, I will naturally not back on my words. After all, you have gone through three books and six rituals, and you have already married, so now you are husband and wife!"

"Queen think twice!" Murong Jiangyue hurriedly bowed.

"Queen think twice!" Some other guests also discouraged her!

Xiao Moyan glanced at the crowd. As she expected, none of these people would like to see the princess and Chu Tianshu get married!

Probably still looking forward to the princess getting married soon!
At the very least, you must not marry Chu Tianshu, a waste, because there are too many interests involved!
Therefore, she looked angrily and said: "What are you doing? Now, people in the world already know about the two of them. Since the two of them died together, it is also a blessing from heaven. I don't want to separate them. !"

Murong Jiangyue said: "The empress can't. Tianshu has been weak and sick since she was a child. Even if she is resurrected today, she doesn't know how long she can live. How can she compare with the princess's golden body? The concubine thinks that this matter should be discussed in the long run, so as not to delay I believe that the people of the world will not say anything, and my son Tianshu will definitely understand!"

After hearing this, Chu Tianshu wanted to curse: I understand your mother!

At this moment, he could only hold back his anger, and only hoped that Xiao Moyan would not be persuaded by this evil mother, Murong Jiangyue.

(End of this chapter)

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