The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 41 The Game Begins

Chapter 41 The Game Begins

Chu Tianshu stood on the field in front of the palace gate, looking at Hu Buhui who was surrounded by nearly a hundred wolf cavalry!

This person's cultivation is still the same as half a month ago, the realm of the sixth level of body tempering!
This also made Chu Tianshu feel a little relieved!

He glanced around again, and found that the eldest mother, Murong Jiangyue, was standing with an old man with gray hair in a bun and wearing a purple robe!
There are many young teenagers and girls around!
However, this group of people looked at Chu Tianshu with a hint of hostility!

"This purple-robed old man should be Murong Jiangyue's father, Murong Furong, a first-rank academician in the dynasty, right?"

After Chu Tianshu secretly said, he also used his perspective ability to observe the other party.

"Body Tempering Nine Layers?" Chu Tianshu was startled!
The blood of this old guy is like wolf smoke, and it is nine feet away from the body!
That is a radius of three meters!

"It is said that the Murong family is the leader of the literati group. Now it seems that this Murong family is not weaker than some general families!"

Invisibly, Chu Tianshu also re-evaluated the strength of the Murong family!
I'm afraid that even if he wins Hu Buhui, he won't be able to seek revenge on Murong Jiangyue for the time being!
You have to stay in the princess mansion and endure for a while!
"Just be patient for a few more days. Give me another seven or eight days, and I'm sure I'll reach the eighth level of Xuanshi. At that time, it won't be so easy for Murong Jiangyue and the Murong family to suppress me, unless that Big cheap brother Chu Tianyang is back!"

Chu Tianshu withdrew his gaze, and looked at another acquaintance.

Shangguan Yan!
This woman, who hides so deeply, is the only one Chu Tianshu has ever seen in his life!
Standing with a group of young ladies from wealthy merchant families, she also looks like a noble lady!
It's just that Chu Tianshu felt that Shangguan Yan looked at him with playful eyes, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chu Tianshu scanned the rest of the people, but he couldn't find a second master who could compare with Shangguan Yan!

However, the literati with a beautiful beard riding a ninth-level horned wolf beside Hu Buhui also made him be careful!
There are seven profound energy vortexes in this person's dantian!
That means that this person is a seventh-level mysterious master!
Definitely not someone to mess with!
At this time, Hu Buhui had already jumped off the horned wolf, and stepped in front of Chu Tianshu!
He clasped his fists and said, "It seems that Brother Chu's condition has recovered very quickly. Compared with half a month ago, he has changed a lot!"

"Your Highness, you are welcome!"

"Brother Chu, do you know that in the past few days, I have wanted to chat with you many times, and drink with the moon. If your life is just like the first time I saw it, it once again convinced me, Wen Dou, Hu Mou It's not worth losing!"

Hu Buhui said very politely.

Chu Tianshu smiled: "I just don't know whether His Highness the Prince will be merciful when it comes to fighting!"

"Hahaha... Brother Chu was joking. If Hu is merciful, that would be a disrespect and insult to Brother Chu. I have already said that if you really win the wolf knife in my hand, I will immediately Leave Qindu, and never mention the matter of marrying the princess again, but if you lose, the princess will still return to Beiyou Kingdom with me!"

"Then I'll take a good look at the sword skills of His Royal Highness later!"

While the two were talking, a voice came from the bell tower of the palace gate: "The emperor is here!"

Everyone looked up at the nearly ten-meter-high palace wall!
Under the bell tower, Ji Ye, who was wearing a bright yellow robe, had already stepped forward.

Empress Xiao Moyan was by his side!
There are also many high-level imperial guards on both sides, as well as court ladies and eunuchs following!

"Long live my emperor!"

In front of the palace gate, many civil and military officials who came to watch the game, as well as wealthy merchants, princes and ladies from aristocratic families, all bowed ninety degrees to salute!

In the Western Qin Kingdom, it is not necessary to kneel to the emperor on non-special occasions or very important ceremonies!

Of course, if you are willing to kneel down if you have something to ask for, that's another story.

"Be flat!"

Ji Ye's voice spread throughout the square!
Everyone thanked and stood up one after another!
Chu Tian Shu Ning looked, this Ji Ye is actually a master!
The cultivation base is also Body Tempering Ninth Heaven!
Moreover, his power is even stronger!
"This world is really different. If the emperor's cultivation base is too low, it may be difficult to suppress the officials with high cultivation bases by relying on power or the so-called etiquette rules alone. Only then can you be handy and secure your chances of winning!" Chu Tianshu secretly said.

Ji Ye has already spoken again: "Chu Tianshu, Hu Buhui!"

"Little Wang is here!"

"My son is here!"

The two bowed again!

"I want to explain in advance that no matter who wins or loses in today's fight, you must not hurt the other party's life. If anyone violates the rules, I will definitely kill you. As for the destination of the princess, it is definitely not the two of you. Win or lose can be determined by your own, do you understand?"

"My son understands!"

Chu Tianshu was overjoyed, knowing that Ji Ye was taking care of him on purpose!
Of course, I also don't believe that I can defeat Hu Buhui!

But Hu Buhui was a little dissatisfied and said: "Your Majesty, I have already made an agreement with Chu Tianshu. Whoever wins the competition will get the princess. This is also the tradition of our Beiyou Kingdom!"

"But this is the West Qin Kingdom. The West Qin Kingdom is a place that pays attention to etiquette. The princess and Chu Tianshu have already married. If you lose, even if you win the fight, you still have a tie!"

Hu Buhui frowned. If Ji Ye said this, then this fight would be meaningless!
But the seventh-level mysterious master among the wolf cavalry bowed slightly and said: "Your Majesty, what Chu Tianshu and the princess held was just a wedding of the dead, and the two of them didn't consummate their marriage, so naturally they can't be called real weddings." couple!"

"In our West Qin country, that is also equivalent to a big wedding, and the ceremony cannot be discarded. However, if Hu Buhui wins this competition, I can give a certain reward!"

The mysterious master said again: "May I ask what your majesty's reward is?"

"You can choose another woman from the royal family to marry!"

Before the profound master could speak, Hu Buhui said, "I can promise Your Majesty!"

The mysterious master frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything after all!
"In that case, let's start the competition!" Ji Ye said!
Hu Buhui looked at Chu Tianshu!
Both of them took a few steps back, and then nodded slightly to each other at the same time!

Hu Buhui pulled out the three-foot-long knife from his waist, and said, "Chu Tianshu, you don't need a weapon?"

"You are a guest, I will let you in!" Chu Tianshu said calmly.

Hu Buhui smiled: "Okay, if you can really beat me empty-handed, then I, Chu Tianshu, will never have any unreasonable thoughts about Princess Ruxin in this life, but I want to remind you that my blood The moon knife technique has already been mastered, if it hurts you, no wonder I!"

"Please!" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

"excuse me!"

After Hu Buhui's words, there were phantoms under his feet, and his body quickly approached Chu Tianshu.

The long saber in his hand was like a crescent moon, but the shadow of the saber could not be seen, and the blade covered the sky, covering Chu Tianshu.

(End of this chapter)

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