The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 82 Ignorance and fearlessness

Chapter 82 Ignorance and fearlessness
"With me here, you should have no problem becoming a mysterious master. During this period of time, you can manage your own power in the secular world. For example, take care of your fiefdoms. No matter where you are in the future, you can get More support, even if you practice in the Great Xuanzong, you need huge wealth as support, just like the pills in your hand, each one is worth [-] gold, and the cyclone pills used to break through to Xuanshi in the future, Each one is as high as [-] gold, and it may not be possible to break through, under normal circumstances, at least three pieces must be prepared, after that, if you want to break through, the cost will be even higher!"

Ji Ruxin and Chu Tianshu frowned.

Who would have thought that a small high-grade Qi Gathering Pill would be worth 20 taels of silver?
Calculated in this way, it is estimated that Chu Tianyang spent hundreds of thousands of gold, millions of taels of silver, from Xuanshi to Xuanshi!
General Xuanwu's mansion, where did so much money come from?

Although Ji Ruxin is a princess, it is impossible for the royal family to invest too much in her.

After all, she has already married, and there are many members of the royal family. If Ji Ye and Xiao Moyan were devoted to Ji Ruxin, they would definitely criticize her!

To be able to bring so many armors and weapons this time has exceeded the expectations of the two of them.

However, Chu Tianshu didn't worry too much, even if he didn't take the elixir, his practice speed was many times faster than those who took the elixir.

Among the profound scholars in the world, he is probably the only one who can directly absorb energy from the outside world to temper his body!
Therefore, Chu Tianshu handed the wooden box in his hand to Ji Ruxin, and said, "Ruxin, your cultivation base is relatively low, so I won't take this elixir. You practice hard, and I'll wait for you!"

Ji Ruxin glanced at Chu Tianshu, although she didn't speak, her eyes were full of tenderness.

She didn't pick it up!

Xue Ye saw all this in his eyes, and said with a smile: "I still have some of this pill on me, the reason why I didn't give it to you all is because even if it is a high-grade Qi Gathering Pill, you can't take too much of it. , each person can only take three pills at most, and there needs to be a period of time between them, otherwise, it will damage your future talents, and when these two pills are used up, I will give them to you again!"

"Grandpa Xue, what if all the meridians in my body are unblocked?" Ji Ruxin asked.

"All the meridians... What are you talking about? All the meridians?" Xue Ye, who didn't care much at first, stood up suddenly, showing a look of shock.

Ji Ruxin nodded: "Chu Tianshu and I both have full access to the meridians, so there shouldn't be any need for the Poxuan Pill, you just need to take the Qi Gathering Pill!"

Xue Ye looked left and right at Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin, still full of disbelief!
He grabbed Chu Tianshu's wrist!

Chu Tianshu immediately felt that there was a soft but very tough profound energy pouring into his body, and then walked along his meridian for a big cycle!

Only then did Xue Ye believe Ji Ruxin, showing excitement, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha... I didn't expect that both of you are born spiritual geniuses, and you have all the meridians, which means that your cultivation speed, At least twice as fast as others, no wonder I have only been away for a few months, Ru Xin you can reach the level of second-level Xuanshi, hurry up and tell Grandpa, how did you do it?"

"Chu Tianshu helped me do this!" Ji Ruxin said.

"Oh? I don't know how Tianshu did it?"

Knowing this, Chu Tianshu couldn't hide it, so he said, "Actually, it's nothing, just a few silver needles will do the trick. I'll prick the acupuncture points of myself and Ru Xin's whole body!"

After hearing this, Xue Ye's body trembled, and then he became shocked.

That finger pointed at Chu Tianshu tremblingly: " are so courageous to use this method to open acupuncture points. Do you know that you almost killed yourself?"

Ji Ruxin wondered, "Grandpa Xue, is this method dangerous?"

"It's more than dangerous? It's extremely dangerous. Do you think that other people can't think of this method? But why doesn't anyone in the world do it?" Xue Ye was still a little excited.

Chu Tianshu said: "Grandpa Xue, you should be worried. I have stabbed the fatal point, or the vital point, right? In fact, I have some sense of propriety!"

Xue Ye still shook his head: "How complicated are the meridians and acupoints of the body? Even if I have the ability to look inside the meridians and acupoints in my body, I can't guarantee that every time I acupuncture for others, it will be very accurate. Accurate, body meridian, just like the lines on the palm, it looks the same, but in fact there are thousands of people, if one is not done well, it will make people lose their cultivation talent, or go mad, and die unexpectedly, you are really ignorant and fearless!"

Chu Tianshu can understand this very well!
The meridians of the human body are indeed different from person to person!

Not necessarily in the same place!
Especially the meridians close to the important viscera, organs, and brain are the most complicated!
It is really extremely difficult to penetrate accurately every time, neither deep nor shallow!

If the needle is wrong, the body organs may be damaged!

Shallow piercing is useless, piercing deep, once the meridian is damaged, it will cause perforation, causing the mysterious air thread to go in the wrong direction, causing greater damage, and even losing the talent of cultivation!

Because once the profound energy seeds leave the meridians and melt into the blood vessels, they cannot be recovered.

Therefore, the acupuncture technique and the timing of needle withdrawal must be extremely precise!
This point, even the Great Mysterious Master cannot do it.

Not even Grandmaster Daxuan!
Because they can't see through other people's bodies!
But Chu Tianshu couldn't tell the other party that he had eyes that could see through everything!

Not only can you see the mysterious strands, but you can also see the meridians, blood vessels, and even bones in the body!

As long as he is careful, it is not too difficult for him!
"At first, I thought you guys had some good way to let more people take this shortcut, but now it seems that it is really not advisable, not advisable, I guess the two of you can only be regarded as a coincidence, and you can't use it easily in the future This method opens acupuncture points for others, you know?" Xue Ye said.

Chu Tianshu nodded: "This junior understands!"

Xue Ye regained his joy: "Although it was reckless, and it was a mistake, it also proves that you two have such a blessing. I will give you a few more Qi Gathering Pills someday. As for the Poxuan Pill in your hands, You just keep it for yourself, whether you give it to someone else or sell it for money, it's up to you!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Xue!" Ji Ruxin smiled.

"You don't need to be polite with grandpa."

"Grandpa Xue, I wonder if you can tell us more about your practice?" Chu Tianshu also asked curiously.

"There are many things in practice, so let me roughly tell you about the different systems, which can be roughly divided into three categories, Qi refining, body refining, and soul refining. It is to refine qi, but although some people do not have the seeds of profound energy and cannot refine qi, they are born with the power of blood, just like that Hu Buhui, even without the seeds of profound energy, he can still train his body alone. Many monsters, They specialize in cultivating bloodlines. As for solo soul refiners, there are very few in the world. Except for some dark spirits and fierce ghosts, most of us human beings are body-soul or spirit-soul practitioners. For example, demon trainers need powerful soul power."

"A demon trainer? Specializes in taming monsters? Grandpa, that horned wolf has become a demon, but he recognizes Chu Tianshu as the master. Does that prove that he is also a demon trainer?" Ji Ruxin looked at Chu Tianshu again as she spoke. .

Xue Ye smiled: "It can be regarded as some talent, but it is not too obvious. The horned wolf is obviously not completely controlled by Tianshu, but if there is a chance in the future, Tianshu can also develop along this path. If you can really become a powerful demon trainer, then even in the cultivation world, you will be highly respected. You are still young and your cultivation base is too low, so you don’t need to know too much. Just concentrate on refining Qi and improve your cultivation base That's what matters."

"Grandpa Xue, if there is no profound energy seed, it is possible for martial arts practitioners to continue to improve?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"It's almost impossible. With the seeds of profound energy, we can continuously temper our physical bodies. Most of those who have the power of bloodlines are successfully stimulated by the bloodlines after their bodies are continuously nourished by profound energy and become strong enough." Talented, Hu Buhui is just like that."

"What about the monster?"

"Monsters are different from humans. Monsters are born with powerful bodies and wills, which are incomparable to us humans. In the world of practice, they usually practice together with body energy. Without the support of profound energy, even if the bloodline is activated Mysterious energy is the introduction, the source of energy for the evolution of the bloodline body. However, this world is extremely mysterious, and the bloodline talent also has its own level. If the bloodline talent is extremely high, it may be free from the shackles of the profound energy, but I What you know is just the tip of the iceberg, and everything is up to you to find the answer yourself in the future."

Chu Tianshu nodded silently.

"Let's just talk about this, you practice hard, I will stay soon, and I need to go back to the palace to discuss some things with His Majesty!" Xue Ye said, and stepped out.

But Yun Duo said: "Grandpa, can I stay here and play with the princess sister?"

Xue Ye was stunned for a moment!
But Ji Ruxin said anxiously: "Grandpa Xue, just let Duoduo stay, we will definitely take good care of her!"

Chu Tianshu also nodded.

Xue Ye nodded and said, "That's fine, but, Duoduo, you are not allowed to mess around, and you can't affect your sister's practice!"

"Duoduo understands, Dodo also needs to practice!"

Only then did Xue Ye leave.

(End of this chapter)

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