The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 81 Xue Ye's Shock

Chapter 81 Xue Ye's Shock

"Hehe... Do you think I believe them or you?" Xue Ye sneered.

Tuoba Hai knew that no matter how much he denied it, it would not have much effect.

This matter must also be resolved.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stay at Qindu for a day.

So, he frowned and said: "Then what is Guoshi Xue planning to do?"

"You, Tuobahai, took out 3 taels of gold personally, and it is considered to make up for the loss of the princess and the son-in-law. Remember, this money is paid by you personally, and has nothing to do with the affairs between the two countries!" Xue Ye said.

Only then did Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin understand what Xue Ye meant by debt collection!
Emotions come to ask for money.

I happen to be short of money!
Anyway, Tuoba Hai can't be killed for the time being, so it's better to ask for more gold and silver.

Tuoba Hai showed an expression uglier than crying, and said: "Master Xue, in my hands, I'm not so golden yet!"

"But I heard that you brought a large number of monster furs this time, and you can sell a few pieces casually for ten thousand gold, so you don't have to pretend to be poor in front of me, anyway, I don't care what you use. What method, find a way to raise money yourself, if I don’t get the money, I won’t leave today!”

Tuoba Hai had no choice but to bow and said: "Please give me an hour, Master Xue, I will come as soon as I go!"

"I'll only give you half an hour, and you don't even want to run away. With me here, you will definitely not be able to escape the border!"


Tuoba Hai bowed and retreated.

As soon as he left, Ji Ruxin smiled and said: "Grandpa Xue is still the best, and a few words made him suffer from being dumb!"

But Xue Ye shook his head and said, "Hey... It's us who suffer, not them. Although monster fur is precious in our country, it's very common in their place. It's our own money inside and out, but for the sake of the two countries In the big picture, I can't avenge you now, I can only help you get some money, and it will be convenient for you to start your own teeth and build a government in the future!"

"Grandpa Xue, we are already satisfied if we can ask for some money. After all, we have no evidence to prove that the assassin is Tuoba Hai!" Ji Ruxin said.

Xue Ye nodded: "You have to remember that in this world, whoever has the biggest fist is right. You both have to practice hard for me in the future, understand?"

"We understand!" Chu Tianshu bowed hurriedly!

In less than half an hour, Tuoba Hai had already returned from the outside.

Several wolf cavalrymen followed behind him, all holding heavy boxes in their arms, which were filled with gold!


3 taels of gold, pulled by two carriages, slowly headed for the Princess Mansion!

No matter how angry Tuoba Hai is, how much he swears to take revenge!

Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin were very excited!

With so much money, it almost solved the urgent need!
When they got home, Liu Yan had already returned from the palace!
And also brought several horse-drawn armors!
Much better than leather armor though mostly worn out and just needs a little patching!
In addition, there are one hundred crossbows, one hundred hard bows, three thousand arrows and crossbow bolts, two hundred swords, and three hundred long spears!

These weapons are all brand new, enough to arm five hundred soldiers.

Adding up these things, it is estimated that they are all worth three to five million taels of silver.

I have to say, leaning against a big tree is good for enjoying the shade!

Xue Ye and Empress Xiao Moyan were also very angry at the successive assassins breaking into the Princess Mansion.

Although no more experts were sent to protect it, troops were also sent to strengthen the patrol density of the streets near the Princess Mansion.

However, through this matter, Chu Tianshu can be seen.

In this world where there are as many monsters as dogs and monks roam everywhere, no matter you are a royal family or a commoner, your life is very humble!
For a master like Xue Ye, if he wants to kill someone, it's really like picking something out of his bag!

Even if you have thousands of troops, so what?
Therefore, if you want real safety, you still have to rely on yourself!

What reassured him a little was that the news that Xue Ye had returned would probably spread throughout the entire capital soon.

Those who want to do evil must weigh it.

Sitting in the living room, Xue Ye took out two exquisite small wooden boxes from his wide sleeves!

He opened one of the wooden boxes, and there were two jewel-like things inside, one red and one blue. When he picked up his nose and smelled it, there was a refreshing fragrance.

"The red one is the Qi Gathering Pill, and the blue one is the Breaking Profound Pill. After eating them separately, they can help you break open the blocked acupuncture points in your meridians, increase the profound energy in your body, and should improve your cultivation. A small level, I will give it to you!"

Xue Ye closed the wooden box and handed it to Ji Ruxin and Chu Tianshu respectively.

Ji Ruxin was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly took it: "Thank you, Grandpa Xue!"

She is very clear that this thing is the elixir that Xuanxiu longs for, and it is more precious than the Xuanling grass.

Ordinary people don't even think about it.

It is said that only those sects of Xuanxiu will sell it!
Chu Tianshu also bowed to take it!

"Ru Xin, I heard from your father that you want to go to the Great Xuanzong to practice?" Xue Ye asked.

Ji Ruxin nodded: "Well, I wonder if Grandpa Xue Ye can write a letter of recommendation for us?"

"I suggest that you don't go for the time being, because you are only qi refining Xuanshi now, and in Daxuanzong, at this level, you can only be a disciple of the outer sect, and the disciples of the outer sect in the sect are just miscellaneous workers. It even includes washing toilets for those inner sects or direct disciples, you are a princess here, but when you get there, people will not take you seriously, and maybe they will deliberately make things difficult for you!" Xue Ye said.

Ji Ruxin frowned slightly: "Ruxin is not afraid of suffering!"

"It's not a matter of suffering or not. The situation in the sect is just like the court. There are many intrigues. Even if you can get good treatment by virtue of my status, my influence is not great. , Just like this Great Xuanzong, where disciples come from all corners of the country and more than ten countries, they will inevitably target you deliberately. My suggestion is that at least one of you two must become an inner disciple. Only in that way can you get a good practice Only resources can take care of each other!"

"But... if you want to become an inner sect disciple, your cultivation should reach the level of a profound master, right?"

"That's right. For example, Chu Tianshu, your elder brother, Chu Tianyang, is now an inner sect disciple, and he has worshiped a strong man as his teacher. There are also many senior brothers, but I know that the relationship between you and your elder brother should not be very good. Right? If I send the two of you there now, do you have the ability to protect yourself?"

Xue Ye looked at Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu frowned.

He knew that Chu Tianyang would kill him!

Going to the Great Xuanzong by yourself is tantamount to going into the mouth of a tiger!

Naturally, Ji Ruxin could also think of this situation, so she asked: "Then Grandpa Xue intends to let us practice in the Princess Mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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