The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1333 Meet the old friend again

Chapter 1333 Meet the old friend again
Chu Tianshu chased this girl named Ji Ruxin and gradually moved away from the crowd.

However, the excitement seems to be only at the beginning.

Because he knew that even if the girl in front of him looked like Ji Ruxin and had the same name, she definitely couldn't be the wife of his dreams.

However, since he has caught up, he can't just turn around and leave.

So just follow the girl and walk forward silently.

The girl thought that Chu Tianshu would take the initiative to answer, but after waiting for a while, she found that the little fat man didn't say a word.

Feeling a little lost in my heart, I opened my mouth first and said, "How do you know my name?"

Chu Tianshu just smiled: "If I said, I dreamed of you in a dream, would you hit me?"

The girl's cheeks flushed, revealing a look of embarrassment, "You boys, don't you all lie to girls like this?"

"No way, Ji Ruxin is the only person who can deceive me in this world." Chu Tianshu replied.

However, after speaking, Chu Tianshu was also stunned.

It seemed that he was really affected by that dream, even speaking more mischievously than before.

You know, the previous self was honest and honest, how could he say such words?

The girl pursed her lips: "You said it wasn't a lie, I think you just want to lie to me now?"

"Ahem... I knew you wouldn't believe it..."

The girl stopped, looked at Chu Tianshu, and looked more serious: "Actually... I believe..."

"Ah?" Chu Tianshu was stunned.

"Sometimes, I also dream of a boy who is proficient in martial arts and stands upright. He is very similar to you. His name is Chu Tianshu. I don't know what your name is?" the girl asked.

"Really?" Chu Tianshu suddenly became excited again: "My name is Chu Tianshu? The person in your dream should not be as fat as me?"

The girl nodded, then shook her head again: "At first he was very similar to you, but then he gradually became thinner and became very handsome."

"Then what else do you remember? Have you ever dreamed of becoming a goddess who flies into the sky and escapes from the earth?" Chu Tianshu asked.

The girl nodded again: "Well, how do you know?"

"Because I am the same, I dreamed that in another world, I am omnipotent, and I married a lover named Ji Ruxin!"

Ji Ruxin's cheeks turned red again, but fortunately it was dark and the lights in the park were not bright, so Chu Tianshu couldn't notice it.

If ordinary people said that, she would definitely be very annoyed.

But for some reason, when Chu Tianshu said such words, she felt that her destiny had arrived.

When she saw Chu Tianshu who was practicing Tai Chi with Chu Kun for the first time, it was as if she saw the man who was already destined in her life.

She also whispered in her mouth: "Actually, I also had a similar dream. Could this be fate?"

Chu Tianshu was truly stunned.

He found that he could no longer tell what was a dream and what was reality.

Could it be that in this world, dreams can still be connected?

Or, Ji Ruxin also traveled to that world?
Is that world a dream world, or a real existence?

Chu Tianshu looked up at the sky and fell into deep thought.

Ji Ruxin asked curiously, "What are you thinking?"

Chu Tianshu looked at Ji Ruxin again, and said, "What else is in your dream?"

Ji Ruxin frowned slightly: "There are still some things, but they are all blurred pictures, I can't remember clearly, what's wrong?"

"However, my dream was very clear. I remember that we were married twice, once when we were about to die, and once when we faced the siege of experts from several sects. I also dreamed that you were the distraction of that mysterious star goddess. So, finally left me, my dream lasted for eight years, as if I was trapped in a cage, any picture, any thing, I remember clearly, I even know, in your On the back, there is a small birthmark like a star."

"You?" Ji Ruxin was a little ashamed and angry.

If she hadn't dreamed about it herself, she would have thought that Chu Tianshu was a voyeur.

However, she also remembered that in another world, she married a man named Chu Tianshu twice, and the same thing happened.

It's just that she has never told anyone about such a dream.

It is even more impossible for Chu Tianshu to know.

But Chu Tianshu said it out, which proves that Chu Tianshu should have the same experience as her.

Perhaps, the two really got married in the same dream.

Out of curiosity, she asked again: "What else is in your dream? Can you tell me?"

"Okay, let's find a place to sit down!"


The two sat down on a bench in the corner of the park.

Chu Tianshu picked and picked, and told the story of himself and Ji Ruxin from beginning to end.

Ji Ruxin listened very carefully, and following Chu Tianshu's narration, she found that the blurred images in her dreams gradually became clear, as if such a thing had happened to her.

Gradually, the way she looked at Chu Tianshu was no longer pure admiration, but rather affectionate.

The eight years in the dream are also very long.

It was as if the two had been together for eight years, and they had already known each other for a long time.

That love has been integrated into the soul, and it can no longer be cut away.

Unknowingly, Ji Ruxin leaned her head on Chu Tianshu's shoulder, closed her eyes, and following Chu Tianshu's words, she recalled the scene in her dream, as if recalling her past experience.

She seemed to have been waiting for this moment.

Chu Tianshu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't dare to disturb her, but continued to talk.

The night slowly deepened.

The ringing of the mobile phone woke them up.

Ji Ruxin suddenly became flustered, hurriedly took out her mobile phone, and answered it.

"Mom, I'm walking in the park...Okay, I'll be right back."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Ruxin looked at Chu Tianshu apologetically: "My mother called, I have to go back."

"Then I'll take it to you!"

Ji Ruxin shook her head hastily: "No, my house is just across the park, just across the road, so you should go back early."

"what is your phone number?"

"Bring me your phone!"

Chu Tianshu handed the phone to the other party.

Ji Ruxin dialed a number and returned the phone to Chu Tianshu only after her own phone rang.

Zhan Yan smiled: "When I go back, I will send you a message again, goodbye."

She waved her hand to Chu Tianshu, and ran away.

Looking at her back, Chu Tianshu's eyes seemed to be drawn back to the dream world.

It's a pity that no matter how he senses, he can't look inside his body, let alone get in touch with his God of Wealth Realm.

"Hey...the things in the world, maybe they are so wonderful!"

Chu Tianshu stood up and walked towards home.

But just a few steps away, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Chu Tianshu!"

Chu Tianshu hurriedly turned his head to look, and immediately became sluggish.

His body also began to tremble.

After a while, he exclaimed: "Yun Luoluo!"

Not far away, a girl who looked exactly like that little fairy Yun Luoluo looked at Chu Tianshu with a smile.

It also made Chu Tianshu feel that he was lost again, and he couldn't tell what was reality and what was a dream.

If it was a dream, why would there be Ji Ruxin and Yun Luoluo?

If it weren't for the dream, where are the God of Wealth Realm and Kunpeng Continent?
"Chu Tianshu, do you still remember me?" Yun Luoluo smiled.

"Remember!" Chu Tianshu subconsciously nodded.

"Liar, we haven't seen each other for so many years, how can you still remember me?" Yun Luoluo pursed her lips and smiled.

Chu Tianshu suddenly became ill.

Depressed: "Then how do you know me?"

"Hehehe... When you were very young, did you grow up with your grandpa and grandma? You were still in the town at that time."

"Uh..." Chu Tianshu thought carefully.

Relying on those experiences in the dream, he really recalled that in the town, there was a kid named Luo Luo who came.

That Lolo was a few years younger than him, and he didn't play together very often, so he didn't have a deep impression on him.

However, when he was in Kunpeng Continent, he didn't think about it.

Having not seen each other for so many years, it is impossible for him to know what the other party will look like when he grows up.

Looking at it now, he can only say that this world is too wonderful.

The little fellow who grew up looks so similar to the girl in his dream.

But after all, it wasn't the person he wanted to see.

Can't help but smile wryly: "I think about it, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful. At that time, you were a slug."

"You really remember it? Do you still remember? You must have been six or seven years old at the time, right?" Yun Luoluo asked in surprise.

Chu Tianshu asked inappropriately: "How did you recognize me? How come you are here?"

"Because I was looking for you."


"I'm about to graduate from university. I went back to my hometown a few days ago and met your grandfather. He asked me to come to your father and mother. He also said that your parents' clinic lacks assistants. Let me study with your parents. Well, besides, he also showed me your photo, which I kept at that time."

As Yun Luoluo said, she took out her phone, opened the photo album, and brought up Chu Tianshu's photo.

Chu Tianshu saw that it was true.

It's just that there is a deep feeling in my heart.

When he remembered Ji Ruxin's situation, he asked subconsciously: "Have you ever had any strange dreams? Dreamed that we were flying together in another world?"

"Flying to the sky? No!" Yun Luoluo looked puzzled.

Looking at that pure gaze, Chu Tianshu felt a little disappointed in his heart.

However, when I thought that maybe I was just dreaming, having Ji Ruxin was enough, how dare I ask for anything else?
Dreams come back to dreams, and reality is reality after all.

Men can act mischievously in their dreams, but they cannot use them in reality.

Just treat it as nothing to do with her!

"Where do you live?"

"I rented a house nearby. I just arrived today, so I took a walk here. I was about to call my aunt tomorrow, but I didn't expect to meet you now." Yun Luoluo smiled.

"Well, then... you also write down my phone number."

"I have the one stored on my phone, your grandfather gave it to me." Yun Luoluo smiled.

Chu Tianshu nodded: "It's getting late, or I'll take you back."


The two walked out of the park.

(End of this chapter)

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