The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1332 Big Dream 1 Game

Chapter 1332 A Big Dream


Chu Tianshu woke up leisurely, looked around, and found that he was lying in a bedroom.

However, after recalling what happened, he suddenly sat up again, showing a look of horror.

Because this bedroom is the bedroom of the previous life, not the home of God of Wealth Realm or Kunpeng Continent.

Everything in the room had already left him long ago and was sealed in the depths of memory.

But he didn't understand why it suddenly appeared today.

"I must be dreaming. There must be a problem with the exercises. This is the sequelae of practicing the Great Dream Week."

He rubbed his temples, shook his head, trying to look inside his sea of ​​consciousness.

However, he found that he could no longer look inside.

I touched my body again, it was just an ordinary flesh body, where is the immortal body?

"I...what the hell is going on here? Am I trapped in a dream?"

Chu Tianshu clenched his fists tightly and slammed his fist on the wall.

The wall was fine, but his hand was hurt, and he grinned in pain.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on here?"

Chu Tianshu felt that he was going crazy.

Countless times, he dreamed of returning to the earth to live, but after actually being there, he found that he could no longer accept it.

I took the mirror, and the self inside, as before, was a fat man in his 20s, just like before time travel.

He glanced at the head of the bed again, and found that there was still his mobile phone on the bedside table.

Open it and see that the above time is exactly 2020, which is the year before he crossed.

Now, also the second day after getting drunk.

It's like after being drunk, just fell asleep, had a dream about the God of Wealth Realm and the Kunpeng Continent, and then woke up.

What Ji Ruxin, what Qiuyu, Dongyu?
What Mo Sang, what Hu Yingwu, and what Chen Yuanyuan are all just a normal young man thinking wildly in his dream!

But Chu Tianshu was not reconciled, he opened the window and looked, there was a big road outside.

Cars come and go on the road.

Looking up at the sky, it is already three poles in the sun.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, spirit of the God of Wealth Realm, get out!" Chu Tianshu roared angrily.

Unfortunately, who answered him.

"Feng Hualian, is your housekeeper there?" Chu Tianshu shouted again.

However, as soon as the words fell, the bedroom door was pushed open.

A middle-aged woman asked concerned: "Son, are you awake?"

Chu Tianshu hurriedly turned his head to look, and blurted out: "Mom?"

This is a voice from the soul.

The ordinary woman in front of him is also the person he misses the most over the years.

He rushed over in a hurry and hugged his mother directly.

The middle-aged woman's name is Yun Yuyi, who is also Chu Tianshu's mother.

It seemed that something was wrong with his son's mood.

She patted Chu Tianshu on the back and said: "Drink less in the future, silly boy, isn't it just broken love? What's the big deal? There will definitely be better girls waiting for you in the future, our family In the medical hall, I recruited two good girls as assistants, and when you meet later, you will definitely like one of them."

Chu Tianshu's eyes were already wet, and the tears could not help but fall down.

After being separated from his mother, he nodded, but didn't know how to answer.

He has already let go of the emotional matters in this world.

However, the people in that world were something he couldn't forget.

Since the farewell to Ji Ruxin, he had no chance to meet again, and until the last moment, he still couldn't find the star goddess.

And the second daughter Qiu Dong who has been by his side silently and has long been as close as a family member is also his miss.

Mo Sang, Yuanyuan, and even Hu Yingwu, their figures kept flashing in Chu Tianshu's mind.

"I'll save breakfast for you, hurry up and wash up, I'm going to help your dad too." Yun Yuyi said.

"Mom, how did I... how did I come back?"

Chu Tianshu remembered that he was on the street the night he traveled through time.

"How else can you come back? Your father has been looking for you in the middle of the night, and found you lying in the alley, full of alcohol, and carried you back. You can't drink anymore." Yun Yuyi blamed.

Chu Tianshu was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he had to accept that the things about Kunpeng Continent were probably just his drunken dreams.

It's just that this dream is a bit realistic, and it's too long.

However, it’s nothing to think about. When some people dream, they can even dream about the process from birth to old age and death.

He raised his hand and scratched his hair, still a little unwilling, unable to bear to give up that dream.

Yun Yuyi pushed him out of the bedroom: "Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth."


Chu Tianshu could only cheer up.

While he was washing, Yun Yuyi also pushed open the door.

Just when she was about to step out, Chu Tianshu poked his head out from the bathroom and said, "Mom!"

"what happened?"

"Don't be tired, pay attention to your body!"

Yun Yuyi was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing: "Silly boy..."

After speaking, she also stepped away.


Eating the "familiar" food in the bowl and reminiscing about the "familiar" taste, tears fell from the corners of Chu Tianshu's eyes again.

He found that he had really become an ordinary person, and all his profound energy, artifacts, and exercises were gone.

If these can still be discarded, what about those people?
Is it really just a dream?

After the meal, Chu Tianshu left home and walked along the slightly dilapidated alley to the place where he was drunk last night.

Everything here is still so familiar.

Turn on the phone and look at the address book, the people on it still exist.

In the circle of friends, there are still a few people who are the most active, posting some pictures of food and beautiful scenery.

"It seems that I really woke up from a dream, hehe...hehe..."

Chu Tianshu smiled wryly.

Walking out of the alley, strolling on the sidewalk beside the road, like a person who has lost his soul, walking aimlessly.

Chu Tianshu didn't eat lunch, and he didn't return home until it was dark at night.

Father Chu Kun and mother Yun Yuyi have returned.

Chu Kun, who is very serious on weekdays, rarely said a few more words today, and comforted Chu Tianshu, saying that boys should focus on their careers and not be trapped by love.

Chu Tianshu listened intently.

After the meal, Chu Tianshu said: "Mom and Dad, I plan to go to Grandpa's place tomorrow to see his old man, and also follow Grandpa to learn our family's Kung Fu and Chinese medicine."

"Oh? Are you thinking about it?" Chu Kun and Yun Yuyi were overjoyed.

Chu Tianshu nodded: "Well, last night, I had a long, long dream..."

Before Chu Tianshu finished speaking, he was stunned.

Because he found that those traditional Chinese medicine theories, strange prescriptions, and hundreds of classic books that he hadn't remembered before seemed to be engraved in his mind.

Seeing him sluggish, Yun Yuyi asked concerned: "What's wrong?"

Chu Tianshu stood up and said, "I'll give you the Taijiquan that my grandfather taught me before."

"Silly boy, you can't play around in the house. If you really want to fight, Dad, I will accompany you to push hands in the park, and your mother will be the referee!" Chu Kun laughed.


A family of three left their home and came to a park near the community.

At this time, it is the season when spring and summer alternate.

There are also many people walking and chatting in the park.

The three stopped at a corner of the square.

The father and father also opened up their posture and pushed each other up.

Although Chu Kun is over 40 years old, he is still very flexible and strong after practicing Tai Chi all his life.

On weekdays, it was impossible for Chu Tianshu to go through two rounds under his hands.

But today, Chu Kun clearly felt that Chu Tianshu had made great progress.

The two sides started from pushing hands, to fighting each other's moves, you come and go, it's actually the same.

In the process of learning from each other, Chu Tianshu could also open his mouth to point out which moves his father didn't do well.

This surprised Chu Kun even more.

Yun Yuyi also seemed very surprised, how could he not understand his own son?

Many spectators gradually gathered around, clapping and admiring from time to time.

After ten minutes, Chu Kun ended the discussion.

Some panted: "Son, Shibie really treats each other with admiration for three days. I haven't competed with you for a while, but you have made a lot of progress. It seems that we don't need to worry about you."

Chu Tianshu showed pride: "That's right, I have memorized all the books related to medicine in our family, and the classics of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are also omniscient."

Yun Yuyi smiled and said: "Hehe, does our son know how to brag?"

"That's it!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

However, when his gaze unconsciously swept across to the audience, he froze immediately.

Because he saw a face that only appeared in dreams, he blurted out: "Ru Xin?"

In the crowd, there was a girl who was looking at Chu Chen's family of three.

After hearing Chu Tianshu's words, he was also shocked, and he didn't understand how the other party knew him.

"Ru Xin, is that really you?"

Chu Tianshu ran over in a hurry, and wanted to grab the girl's hand.

Only when he saw the girl backing away in fear, did he stop.

Some embarrassed said: "Sorry, I... a little excited, what's your name?"

"Don't you know my name?" The girl was not too scared, but replied with a little grace.

"Your name is really Ji Ruxin?"

The girl nodded.

"Great, do you know my name?" Chu Tianshu was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

The girl frowned, and three words suddenly flashed in her mind: "Your name is Chu Tianshu?"

"You know me?" Chu Tianshu became more and more excited.

The girl shook her head, nodded again, and finally, shook her head again.

She was a little at a loss, her eyes met, and a blush rose on her cheeks.

Looking around, seeing everyone around her looking at her, she ran away shyly.

Where did Chu Tianshu allow her to leave like this, and hurriedly chased after her.

Seeing this, everyone smiled.

Chu Kun said with a smile: "Our son finally got the hang of it."

Yun Yuyi also smiled and said: "Yeah, this girl is also quite good-looking, they didn't know each other before, did they?"

"Maybe it's an old classmate? Let's go back and don't disturb their young people."

The couple also left the park.

(End of this chapter)

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