The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1334 Strange Qiuyu and Dongyu

Chapter 1334 Strange Qiuyu and Dongyu
As they walked, Yun Luoluo asked Chu Tianshu curiously: "Chu Tianshu, do you have a girlfriend?"

Chu Tianshu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded: "It should be considered as having it?"

"What does it mean to have it? If you have it, you have it, if you don't, you don't have it. Do you have it?" Yun Luoluo became more curious.

"Not sure yet!" Chu Tianshu could only answer truthfully.

After all, the communication between me and Ji Ruxin in this world is not that deep.

They didn't speak clearly to each other.

" about I being your girlfriend?" Yun Luoluo opened her eyes wide and looked at Chu Tianshu.

Looking at each other, Chu Tianshu only felt that the Yun Luoluo in front of him was coincident with the little fairy in his dream.

The two people seem to have become the same person.

They are all so direct, so scheming, and so unreservedly trusting in themselves.

I couldn't help but feel a little pity in my heart.

However, when he thought of Ji Ruxin again, he could only remain silent.

Seeing this, Yun Luoluo's expression became much sadder.

But suddenly she smiled again, and said: "Hee hee... I was joking with you, it seems that you really have a girl you like."

Chu Tianshu also relaxed a lot, nodded and said: "It's sort of."

"Hey... It seems that we don't have that fate anymore, um, so I don't have to have unreasonable thoughts about you, and I don't have to worry about my family and your family forcing us to get engaged." Yun Luoluo said in a very tone is calm.

Chu Tianshu somewhat understood why the other party asked such a question just now, and said in surprise: "You mean, my grandfather proposed marriage to your family?"

"That's right, I also said, let us meet first, I was just testing you just now, hee won't be angry, will you?"

Chu Tianshu shook his head hastily: "No, no."

"It's fine if you don't, but you, although you are a little fatter, have good facial features, thick eyebrows and big eyes. If you exercise, you should become thinner and handsome. You are definitely a potential stock. Unfortunately, we You two, there is no fate in this life, we can only wait for the next life."

Yun Luoluo said this very casually, even a little jokingly.

However, Chu Tianshu couldn't help but recall what Yun Luoluo said to him.

"I can't be with you in this life, so I will be the woman you love the most in the next life, the next life, and one day, I will be your only favorite..."

Perhaps it was because he couldn't recall the past, Chu Tianshu's eyes were moist.

Sometimes, the more experience you have, the stronger you will not necessarily be, but the weaker you will become.

It's just that most of us hide the most vulnerable part in the depths so that it won't be exposed to outsiders.

Yun Luoluo did not notice Chu Tianshu's emotional changes.

The two quickly left the park.

However, when crossing a road, Chu Tianshu became sluggish again.

Under the streetlight, there were two twin sisters who were dressed in modern clothes, holding hands, and walking across from him.

"Qiuyu, Dongyu?" Chu Tian opened his mouth, wanting to call the second daughter's name, but he couldn't make a sound.

The second daughter just glanced at Chu Tianshu and Yun Luoluo, and then passed Chu Tianshu.

It was as if he didn't know Chu Tianshu at all.

Chu Tianshu still turned his head to look at the two girls.

The second daughter actually looked back curiously.

Looking at each other, they hurriedly turned their heads again, pursing their lips and laughing.

The little dimple on the cheek is something that Chu Tianshu will never forget.

However, the second daughter eventually left.

In the vast sea of ​​people, many of you may have glanced at you and then met in a dream, creating a real you!

Chu Tianshu looked at the backs of the two girls, held back the longing in his heart and the tears in his eyes, and didn't try to keep them, and didn't even say hello.

Perhaps, not disturbing them is the greatest blessing to them.

After all, he already had Ji Ruxin.

If there is fate to meet again in the dream in the future, he will never let go.

But this scene caught Yun Luoluo's eyes and said with a smile: "Are all men like this?
"What are they all about?" Chu Tianshu froze for a moment.

"Just seeing a beautiful woman, do you want to look at it a few more times?"

Chu Tianshu smiled and nodded in approval: "That's right, everyone has a love for beauty, just like when a beautiful woman sees a handsome guy, she also wants to look at him more, is it okay?"

"However, I found that the way you look at those two girls is very abnormal. It's not just a simple appreciation, it's as if... It seems that you have known each other for a long time and have a deep relationship."

"Don't you know them?"

Yun Luoluo shook his head: "It's not that I know you, I only know you, it's strange to say, I have had a crush on you since I was a child, and your appearance will appear in my mind from time to time, even after many years, I can still recognize you at a glance Come out of you, I think, you should grow into what you are now!"

He does not mean that.

Chu Tianshu was stunned.

Could this Yun Luoluo be the same as Ji Ruxin?

"Why do you look at me like that? Don't get me wrong. My affection for you is just that of friends and playmates. There is no such thing as a relationship between a man and a woman."

Only then did Chu Tianshu come back to his senses, and nodded: "I know."

The two were still chatting and walking.

Soon we arrived at an apartment downstairs.

Yun Luoluo pointed upstairs: "Hey, I'm here, I live on the eighth floor, do you want to go in and have a meeting?"

Chu Tianshu hurriedly waved his hands: "No, you should go back quickly!"

"Then I'll call you tomorrow and go to your parents' clinic. I don't know if they want me."

"Don't worry, they dare not accept the people my grandfather introduced."

"Hee hee... goodbye."

Yun Luoluo flicked her ponytail, jumped and walked into the door of the apartment.

Chu Tianshu took a deep breath, turned around, and walked home.

During this period, he kept looking around.

He didn't know if some of the people in his dream existed in reality.

There is still a long way to go in life in the future, maybe there will be a chance to meet again.

It's a pity that dreams are dreams after all, and I am still just an ordinary mortal.

Looking up at the sky, the stars are twinkling. I don't know if there is the Kunpeng Continent and the God of Wealth Realm that I created on the other side of the distant starry sky.

"Where is the end of the universe?"

Chu Tianshu quickened his pace.


Go home.

Chu Tianshu found that his parents were sitting in the living room, as if they were waiting for him.

As soon as he entered the room, his mother Yun Yuyi smiled and said, "Son, how did you go with that girl?"

Chu Tianshu smiled: "It's okay!"

"When did you meet?"

"Uh...don't ask, in the future...maybe, she will become your daughter-in-law."

"Really?" Yun Yuyi showed excitement.

But his father, Chu Kun, was worried: "How long have you known each other? You are so sure, can people like you?"

Chu Tianshu rolled his eyes: "Dad, why don't you trust your son so much?"

"It's not that I don't trust you. I'm worried that you'll get hurt again. After getting drunk, you lie down on the street, and your mother and I have to look for you again in the middle of the night."

Yun Yuyi said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? Our son is excellent. Since he said that, he must be sure."

"Okay, you're right, I'm going to bed first." Chu Kun left the living room.

Yun Yuyi smiled and said, "Son, what's the girl's name? Ru Xin?"

"Yes, Ji Ruxin."

"Good name, tell mom, how long have you known each other?"

"Hmm...about eight years?"

"So long? Why haven't I heard you say it before?" Yun Yuyi asked in surprise.

"We haven't seen each other for several years. It's not that we just met each other. Mom, don't worry. No matter whether Ji Ruxin and I can make it, I won't drink indiscriminately in the future. I'll see grandpa tomorrow." After that, I will treat others with you in the medical hall."

"Hehehe... Well, my son finally got the hang of it, and is willing to take over the work of your father and me, not bad." Yun Yuyi laughed excitedly.

Looking at her smiling face, Chu Tianshu felt extraordinarily warm in his heart.

Just looking at it, Chu Tianshu felt that time seemed to turn back on his mother's body, and her mother's face began to become younger.

Gradually, she overlapped with her birth mother Yu Tianji from another world.

His gaze also became a little demented.

Seeing that his son seemed to be distracted, Yun Yuyi hurriedly shouted: "Son? Tianshu?"

Only then did Chu Tianshu come back to his senses, he shook his head hastily, and found that his mother was still the same mother, and nothing had changed.

"What's wrong with you? What are you thinking?" Yun Yuyi asked.

Chu Tianshu shook his head: "No, I just thought of some old things, Mom, you should go to bed too, I'm going back to my room too."

Yun Yuyi nodded.

Chu Tianshu also returned to his bedroom.

I don't know if it was a tacit understanding or something, but as soon as he lay down, a message came from his phone.

It was Ji Ruxin's.

Just a simple question to ask if I slept.

Chu Tianshu also replied.

The two of them were like this, you and I said one sentence, gradually forgetting the time.

It was not until three or four o'clock in the morning that Chu Tianshu fell asleep in a daze.

Just, in sleep.

Chu Tianshu felt that a colorful light suddenly flashed in his brain.

In the light, there seems to be a pattern of Taiji gossip.

With the introverted light, it turned into a book, and the words "Book of Changes" written by Dou Da are clearly visible.

"Book of Changes?" Chu Tianshu almost exclaimed.

He who was lying on his back suddenly sat up.

Look around, where is the I Ching, where is the light?
"Could it be that I was dreaming?" Chu Tianshu rubbed his head.

However, there was a voice in my mind: "Master, you are not dreaming."

After Chu Tianshu heard this, he immediately froze.

"you are?"

"I am a book spirit and a tool spirit. I only came to this world when the universe exploded."

"Really? So I'm not exactly dreaming?"

"Yes, master. However, there seems to be no profound energy in this world. The master's current physical body is also extremely fragile. If you want to practice, it may not be so easy. However, master, don't worry, my body stores the power of the universe. The initial energy of the explosion is enough to support the master to become a god." Shu Ling said.

"I can't see inside now, can you come out and let me see you? Just to prove that I am not continuing to dream?"

"of course can!"

Chu Tianshu felt that there seemed to be something flowing in his right arm, and after reaching the palm, he got out.

The brilliance flickered, and a simple book appeared on the palm of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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