Chapter 99
Qiu Dong's second daughter, and Xiao He are gone, probably escorting Yin Zi home.

This also made Chu Tianshu secretly rejoice.

And the guards guarding outside the gate, after seeing Chu Tianshu coming out, immediately came up to meet him.

"Come on!"

After getting into the carriage, everyone quickly returned to the Princess Mansion.

The rest of the people are also frightened and scattered!

In just one stick of incense, a large number of troops came frantically.

Facing the scattered crowd, they stopped those who could, and asked what happened if they couldn't.

After realizing the importance of this matter, they began to report layer by layer, and more soldiers started searching in Tianxin Lake!
As soon as Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin returned home, the palace sent people to visit them!

The person who came was a half-aged court lady.

Liu Yan seems to know him, calling him Zhao Shanggong!

"Princess, son-in-law, the queen sent her servants to ask, what happened at that time?" Zhao Shanggong asked.

Chu Tianshu said: "We are not very clear about the specific situation. We are similar to others. We were all fainted by poison because of drinking tea. After waking up, many people disappeared. But according to my guess, this matter is very serious. It may be related to Shangguan Yan!"

Zhao Shanggong nodded slightly: "Your Majesty has ordered a thorough investigation of Huayulou and the capture of Shangguan Yan. Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with her, she will not be able to get away with it!"

"Is it serious?" Ji Ruxin asked.

Zhao Shanggong nodded and said: "It's very serious. So many children of important court officials have been arrested. Once they fall into the hands of the enemy, they can use these people to blackmail our ministers and generals. At least, they can even communicate with them secretly. , when the time comes, the empire will be very dangerous!"

Both Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin's expressions changed.

Ji Ruxin didn't think about it at all.

And Chu Tianshu finally understood why Shangguan Yan said that.

"Could it be that Shangguan Yan is a spy sent by the enemy country?" Chu Tianshu exclaimed.

Zhao Shanggong said: "It is very possible that this woman has been in business in our country for many years, and she has mastered many secrets of high-ranking officials and nobles. Her heart is unfathomable!"

"Then what is the father's plan?" Ji Ruxin asked.

"The slaves don't know, but what the empress means is that I hope the princess and the son-in-law will gather more people to go to the fief as soon as possible!" Zhao Shanggong said.

Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin looked at each other and felt the seriousness of the matter.

Even the queen felt that the capital was no longer safe.

"Where is the national teacher? Can he bring back the arrested person?" Ji Ru asked unwillingly.

"The national teacher went to look for it, but no one is sure if he can find it!" Zhao Shanggong said.

"We understand, you go back, let the queen mother and father don't worry about us, if there is anything urgent, please send someone to notify us!"

"Well, the servant girl is leaving!" Zhao Shanggong left.

Ji Ruxin looked at Yun Duo who was still lying down, and asked, "Is she okay?"

Chu Tianshu shook his head: "No, it's just that someone hit her in the sleeping hole and fell asleep. Let her have a good sleep. She will wake up early tomorrow morning!"

Ji Ruxin looked at Chu Tianshu again: "Can you give me another body quenching pill?"

"Are you planning to improve your cultivation in body training?"

Ji Ruxin nodded: "Well, in terms of profound energy, I can't improve as soon as possible in a short time, but now, I am already at the seventh level of body tempering, and I plan to reach the eighth or ninth level of body tempering as soon as possible, so that I can have more strength. To deal with what will happen in the future, it's just that the two Body Tempering Pills on hand may not be enough!"


Chu Tianshu asked the servant girl to go directly to Liu Wentao to get two Body Tempering Pills.

Although they are all low-grade, it is conservatively estimated that three to four can also raise a small level.

"I'm going to meditate, you should go back and rest early!" Ji Ruxin said.

Chu Tianshu nodded: "Don't worry too much, everything is up to me!"

While speaking, he raised his hand involuntarily and stroked Ji Ruxin's beautiful hair.

Ji Ruxin's expression was dull for a moment, but there was an indescribable feeling in her heart.

But Chu Tianshu didn't stay for long, he turned around and left.

Even though night fell, the people in the Princess Mansion did not feel sleepy at all.

Chu Tianshu, who was lying on the bed, looked inside at the nine air pythons in his body.

He is already at the pinnacle of level nine.

Mysterious energy can no longer increase!
According to the levels of the Great Dream Zhou Tianjing, his next step is to condense the nine air pythons in the lower dantian, forming a cyclone.

"Then give it a try!"

Although Chu Tianshu is not sure, he still plans to try it first!
The mind began to control the Qi python, and gathered in the lower dantian.

When the first qi python entered the dantian, Chu Tianshu didn't feel much.

When the second air python entered, Chu Tianshu felt a little bloated in his lower abdomen.

The third gas python entered, the lower abdomen was already bulging, and it felt like it might be burst at any time.

And, there was a faint tingling feeling.

The air python rotated in the dantian, like a pair of sharp knives, constantly cutting his flesh and blood.

"It hurts!" Chu Tianshu trembled slightly.

In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore and had to stop.

He felt that if he persisted any longer, the dantian acupoint in his lower abdomen would definitely be damaged.

At that time, it will be even more impossible to contain profound energy.

When the qi python returned to the meridians, Chu Tianshu also felt his body suddenly relaxed a lot.

Even so, the dantian acupoint on the lower abdomen has already burst into cracks, showing signs of slight damage.

"In Xuanxiu's world, it seems that only one of the ten ninth-level monks can successfully advance. 90.00% of them will be trapped for life. No matter how good the talent is, it is like digging a pit. The dantian is stretched, repaired and rebuilt in constant fragmentation..."

Chu Tianshu thought about the knowledge about Xuanxiu in his mind.

With the rapid circulation of profound energy, the damaged dantian has quickly recovered, only slightly expanded than before!
Chu Tianshu didn't force anything, but fell asleep soundly!

He was still receiving starlight into his body, even if he couldn't enhance his profound energy, he could still temper his physical body.

After reaching the ninth level, he felt that his affinity for the stars of the outside world seemed to have increased a lot.

It is possible to absorb more starlight into flesh and blood.

This also gave him a new plan for Hu Yanjue, who had fully recovered.

All night till dawn!

In the sky in the distance, a white crane suddenly appeared with its wings spread.

It came to the sky above the princess mansion at an extremely fast speed.

The white crane disappeared out of thin air, and the figure of the national teacher Xue Ye appeared, and then fell from the sky.

Feeling his huge aura, Chu Tianshu and the princess walked out of the room almost at the same time.

Yun Duo had also woken up, and ran out with the princess, calling out directly: "Grandpa!"

Xue Ye stepped on the whirlwind and landed in the courtyard where several people were.

"Master..." Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin looked at Xue Ye expectantly.

But Xue Ye's complexion was not good, and Chu Tianshu even saw some blood on his snow-white clothes.

Xue Ye, who was originally solemn, immediately smiled when he saw Yun Duo, and hugged her in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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