Chapter 57
In his previous life, Chu Tianshu's attainments in Taiji sword were far inferior to Taijiquan, and he didn't even have a beginner!

I just followed my grandfather and barely learned sword moves!
Although this set of swordsmanship originated from Taijiquan, it is far from Taijiquan!
Legend has it that this sword technique was created by Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of the Wudang School!
The power of offense and defense far exceeds that of Tai Chi!
After all, no matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives. With a sword in hand, you must have an advantage over bare hands!
However, with the continuous use of sword moves, Chu Tianshu quickly entered the state!
Moves that could not be coherent in the previous life can also be easily captured in dreams!
Silent all night!
It's dawn the next day!
Chu Tianshu's Tai Chi swordsmanship has already reached a small achievement in his dream!

According to this speed, he is sure that he will achieve success in three days and perfect in seven days!

Many principles of Tai Chi can also be applied to Tai Chi Sword!
"It seems that I need to find a good sword. However, His Majesty seems to have given me and the princess a black iron sword. I will find the princess later!"

After Chu Tianshu got up and washed, he went directly to the princess' room!

The princess has just started dinner!
Chu Tianshu was not too polite, so he asked someone to add a pair of chopsticks, and sat down to eat!
Ji Ruxin just glared at Chu Tianshu, but she didn't object, but said, "I heard that you tamed that horned wolf last night?"


"When did you learn the wolf training technique?" Ji Ruxin asked.

"Just learned it yesterday!"

Ji Ruxin obviously didn't believe it: "It's fine if you don't want to say it, I also heard that that horned wolf seems to have evolved into a demon!"

"Well, from now on it will take care of our nursing home. With it here, we guarantee that no assassin will attack us again!" Chu Tianshu said.

"What else do you want?"

Ji Ruxin suddenly raised her eyes, staring at Chu Tianshu very seriously!
Chu Tianshu smiled: "I know astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom. I know everything about medicine, arithmetic, and spiritual practice. Your husband and I are all-rounders!"

"Smelly, who are you husband?" Ji Ruxin pouted.

"Who promised that as long as I win Hu Buhui, she will call me her husband?"

Chu Tianshu asked while eating.

"You can call me your husband if you want, but we'll talk about it when you defeat your elder brother!" Ji Ruxin said.

"keep your word?"

"Of course!"

Ji Ruxin raised her eyes and looked at Chu Tianshu provocatively.

Chu Tianshu smiled: "You said this, but I have to ask you for something!"


"Give me the black iron sword that the emperor gave us, I've been thinking about sword skills recently!"

Ji Ruxin didn't answer, but directly said to the maid at the side: "Go and get the black iron sword!"

The servant girl bowed and retreated!
After a while, she returned and handed the black iron sword to Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu took it with a light hand, much lighter than those swords of the Royal Forest Army.

It is estimated that it is only twenty or thirty catties!

With Chu Tianshu now having a strength of more than 1000 jin, dancing is nothing at all!
Bronze scabbard, black hilt, pull out the long sword, a sharp cold light is dazzling!

The black iron sword is three feet three long, and it is covered with patterns of floating clouds.

Chu Tianshu raised his hand, flicked on the sword body, the sword body trembled violently, and made a humming sword sound!
The toughness of the sword is very good, and it is still light, just suitable for performing Tai Chi swordsmanship!

Chu Tianshu pulled another strand of hair, put it on the blade of the sword, and blew it lightly, and the strand of hair broke in two.

"Blowing hair and breaking hair, it really is a good sword!"

Chu Tianshu sighed!
The sword is in its sheath!

Chu Tianshu gobbled it up, and said goodbye after finishing eating!

Seeing his impatient look, Ji Ruxin was actually a little depressed. It seemed that this sword made Chu Tianshu more happy than her princess!
However, just as he walked out of the room, a maid came quickly from outside: "My son-in-law, your elder brother Chu Tianyang is here and wants to see you!"

Chu Tianshu frowned immediately: "Where is he now?"

"I have been invited to the reception hall in the front yard!" said the maid.

Chu Tianshu looked back at the princess in the room!
Ji Ruxin naturally heard it too, immediately put down her chopsticks and walked out.

"I'll go and have a look with you!" Ji Ruxin said.

Chu Tianshu nodded!
The two left hand in hand, and soon came to the main hall in the front yard!

I saw a handsome young man in a black dress sitting upright in the hall, sipping the tea just brought by the maid gracefully and slowly!
After Chu Tianshu and the princess came in, he also got up immediately, bowed slightly to Ji Ruxin politely and said: "I've seen the princess!"

Ji Ruxin smiled: "There is no need to be polite, you are Tianshu's big brother, and you are my big brother!"

Chu Tianshu also said calmly, "I've seen you!"

"Hehehe...Fourth brother, it's hard to see you. You didn't come back when you asked the butler to invite you yesterday. Today, elder brother can only visit in person!" Chu Tianyang laughed.

He has a kind face, polite and restrained, and there is no trace of any hostility towards Chu Tianshu.

But Chu Tianshu used his ability to see through and discovered that there was already a profound energy vortex in Chu Tianyang's body!
It proves that he has reached the realm of a first-level mysterious master!

If it was yesterday, Chu Tianshu would really have some scruples!
But with the wolf demon and the princess by his side, he felt more confident.

What's more, there are so many imperial guards here, if there is a real fight, it is not certain who will live and who will die!

He believed that Chu Tianyang would never do anything stupid!

So he said neither humble nor overbearing: "What is the big brother talking about? There was indeed a delay yesterday!"

"Oh? So, the fourth brother will be free today and go back to visit his mother with the elder brother?" Chu Tianyang said.

Before Chu Tianshu could speak, Ji Ruxin opened her mouth and said: "The emperor called today, so it's inconvenient to go back today!"

"What about tomorrow?" Chu Tianyang asked.

"Then we'll talk about it tomorrow!" Ji Ruxin's expression became serious.

She could already see that Chu Tianyang was persecuting Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianyang was not angry, but nodded slightly: "That's right, the fourth brother is now the Marquis of Yanhuang County, and the land is hundreds of miles away. I guess he is too busy with work, right? It's just that I haven't seen the fourth brother for many years, and it's very sad." Miss, there are some things, I really want to have a chat with my fourth brother alone, I don’t know if the princess might appreciate it?”

Ji Ruxin frowned.

Chu Tianshu said: "Since that's the case, then elder brother will go to my residence, and you and my brothers will have a good chat, how about it?"

"I can't ask for it!"

Chu Tianyang's face was full of smiles.

But Ji Ruxin looked worried.

Chu Tianshu gave her a comforting look, and said to Chu Tianshu: "Brother, please follow me!"

After finishing speaking, he left the main hall!
Chu Tianyang clasped his fists to Ji Ruxin and left.

"Liu Yan, you follow the son-in-law. If you need something, you can greet it in time. Don't neglect the guests!"

Ji Ruxin said to Liu Yan beside her.

"Yes, princess!"

Liu Yan also left.

(End of this chapter)

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