The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 97 Gold is hard to find

Chapter 97
Chu Tianshu could naturally see Ouyang Jie's intentions.

First use ten thousand taels of gold to please yourself, and then ask yourself to write words that contain kendo.

As for the content of the text, the other party may not care at all.

As long as it contains the superb sword intent!
This is like hiring a famous teacher to teach you how to practice, no matter how expensive it is, you won't lose money!

Two Xuanyu fish, buy two sentences!

Anyone who doesn't want to is a fool!

Pen and ink is ready!

Chu Tianshu picked up the pen, hesitated for a moment, and fell into a dream instantly, dancing the sword in the dream.

The superb sword intent also almost came out through the body.

Following the pen and ink in his hand, it spilled out.

"Kill one person in a hundred steps, and never stay behind for a thousand miles!"

After writing these ten words, Chu Tianshu stopped.

He just changed ten steps into a hundred steps, but it is more suitable for this world where tall people walk everywhere.

"Good writing, good writing, good sword!"

Ouyang Jie rushed forward, watched carefully, and became more and more excited.

Although the words are a little less, and there are not so many step-by-step kendo, it is superb from the beginning, but it is more suitable for him who has already mastered the kendo.

But ordinary people find that this text cannot be read too much, otherwise, they will feel a little pain in the head!
After the ink was dry, Ouyang Jie rolled up the paper, bowed to Chu Tianshu and said, "Thank you son-in-law for your kind words. Outsiders say that son-in-law is a waste in practice. It seems that it is just hearsay and malicious slander. Yes. Jealousy of geniuses is pure villainy, from now on I, Ouyang Jie, will definitely protect the name of the son-in-law, whoever dares to insult the son-in-law, the sword in my hand will definitely not spare him!"

Chu Tianshu smiled: "Brother Shangguan, you are being polite!"

"You're not welcome at all. In the future, I will be taught by my son-in-law in the way of swordsmanship!"

Ouyang Jie didn't intend to leave, but planned to communicate more with Chu Tianshu!
And Chu Tianshu also knew that there were only three things to do, enough was enough!

I have earned more than 2 gold today, which is almost the same.

So he said to everyone: "That's it for today, writing poetry is also very exhausting, everyone should stop watching, let's do something else!"

But someone said unwillingly: "My son-in-law, why don't you write me a song? I'm willing to give a thousand dollars too!"

"Yeah, you can just write a song, and we can negotiate the price!"

Chu Tianshu showed embarrassment.

But Ouyang Jie sneered and said, "Didn't you see that I gave ten thousand gold just now? If you have the ability, you can also give ten thousand gold!"

Everyone was immediately speechless.

Seeing this, Shangguan Yan smiled slightly: "My son-in-law, princess, since this game is over, can we have tea and chat in the ear room?"

Chu Tianshu looked at Ji Ruxin.

Ji Ruxin didn't seem to like places with too many people, so she nodded.

"I want to be with you too!" Yun Duo said anxiously, and hugged Ji Ruxin's arm.

Ji Ruxin stroked the top of her head and nodded!
Chu Tianshu looked at the gold and silver, as well as many Xuanyu fish, and said to Xiao He: "Get all the gold and silver, and let Qiuyu and Dongyu, with the big bad wolf, give away all the money go home!"

"Yes!" Xiao He has now obeyed Chu Tianshu's orders.

Start moving things now!
Ouyang Jie said to Shangguan Yan: "Miss Yan'er, you can't favor one person over another, we are also here to attend your party, why don't you invite us in?"

But Shangguan Yan said: "Master Ouyang can drink tea and chat for a while, the little girl will come whenever she goes!"

Ouyang Jie showed a look of disappointment.

But he already knew the horror of Shangguan Yan, so naturally he didn't dare to force it.

The rest of the people didn't dare to say anything more.

Liu Wentao didn't enter the house either, but just stood at the door of the anteroom, motionless!
The room is very spacious, and it is already dusk at this time!
Lanterns hung high.

Sniffing the tea fragrance in the room, it seems that preparations have already been made.

After several people were seated, Shangguan Yan personally poured a cup of tea for Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin, and said with a smile, "Princess, consort, please drink tea!"

"Thank you!" Chu Tianshu thanked.

After observing the tea, it was very clear, and there was a faint fragrance of tea, which was refreshing.

Take a sip, it's delicious.

After entering the stomach, it is sweet and bitter at first, and then has a hint of sweetness!
Endless aftertaste.

"Good tea!" Chu Tianshu couldn't help saying again.

Ji Ruxin also took a small sip, nodded slightly, and said, "Miss Yan'er, I don't know why you invited our couple in?"

Shangguan Yan smiled: "If I invite the son-in-law in alone, will the princess agree?"

Ji Ruxin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again: "Could it be that Miss Yan'er plans to learn swords from my husband?"

Chu Tianshu was excited, this was the first time he heard the word husband from Ji Ruxin.

He knew that even if it was a real couple, many princesses in history would only call their husbands concubines, or call them by their first names, and rarely address them as their husbands.

Because the princess represents the royal family and is the king of the son-in-law!
Shangguan Yan nodded: "That's true. The little girl has long been yearning for the third level of swordsmanship to the son-in-law. I don't know if the son-in-law can solve the little girl's confusion?"

Chu Tianshu suddenly had a feeling that Shangguan Yan held this gathering for this purpose?
Seeing his hesitation, Shangguan Yan continued: "The little girl is also willing to give ten thousand gold!"

As the words fell, the maid beside her had already taken out ten black jade fish from a sachet.

Neatly placed on the table in front of Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu smiled: "How embarrassing is that? In fact, the third level of kendo has already been written in poetry, and Miss Yan'er must be able to feel it."

Shangguan Yan nodded slightly: "Although the little girl can feel it, she can't sum it up in words. Maybe the son-in-law will help the little girl again?"

Chu Tianshu hesitated for a moment, and said: "This third level actually means that there is no sword in the hand, and there is no sword in the heart!"

Shangguan Yan immediately frowned and became thoughtful.

I was also silently thinking about Chu Tianshu's three levels of kendo: "If you have a sword in your hand, you have a sword in your heart; if you don't have a sword in your hand, you have a sword in your heart; if you don't have a sword in your hand, you don't have a sword in your heart!"

Gradually, she seemed to realize something, but unfortunately, she always failed to catch it.

My heart is getting more and more uncomfortable!

Even the soul began to waver unknown!
But in an instant, she suddenly woke up again, and found that she almost fell into a demon.

If the realm is not enough, but you insist on forcing it, there is naturally the danger of going crazy.

However, she believed that with these nine characters, and then carefully observing the poems left by Chu Tianshu, she would be able to reach the third level soon!
At this time, she was convinced that Chu Tianshu was already in the third level.

Curious in his heart, he asked again: "My son-in-law, I don't know if there is a fourth level?"

Chu Tianshu shrugged his shoulders: "As for whether there are any, I don't know. I can only understand these three floors!"

"Thank you son-in-law for clarifying the confusion!" Shangguan Yan still nodded slightly.

Chu Tianshu wanted to be polite, but suddenly heard a mess of voices from outside the door.

As if someone was fighting.

This also made him frown.

Shangguan Yan said with a smile: "Your son-in-law and princess don't need to be alarmed, there are probably people competing in martial arts again!"

When Chu Tianshu heard this, it was possible, so he didn't think about it any more!
(End of this chapter)

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