The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 39 Cover up the truth

Chapter 39 Cover up the truth
"Come on, let's go see the princess!"

The three of them left the room together and went to the main courtyard where Ji Ruxin was!

Around the main hall where Ji Ruxin lived, the Imperial Forest Army was still on alert!
The servants also gathered the bandits and the corpses of the dead Imperial Forest Army together!
Neatly lined up in the yard!

Ji Ruxin did not go back to the house, but stood under the eaves with a dignified expression!

When she saw Chu Tianshu and the others covered in blood, she also frowned and asked, "Are you alright?"

Chu Tianshu shook his head: "Is the princess injured?"

"I don't have one, you can help Liu Yan take a look at the injury first!"

Ji Ruxin looked at Liu Yan beside her with concern!

Her injuries were serious, with several wounds on her shoulders, back, and abdomen!

Among them, the abdominal wound was the heaviest. Even though she covered it with her hand, Chu Tianshu could still see through the perspective that the belly was cut just a little bit!

"Prepare silver needles, sheep gut, and spirits!"

Chu Tianshu opened his mouth.

Then someone helped Liu Yan into the room!

After she lay down, the relevant items had already been found.

"My son-in-law, we didn't find the catgut thread, what do you think of the animal tendon thread?"

asked a court lady.

Chu Tianshu took a look, the thread made of animal tendons is not easy to be absorbed by the skin, but since it is available now, it can only be used first!
The big deal is to remove the stitches later!

Anyway, Liu Yan's cultivation base is also extremely high, so it shouldn't affect her!

After some disinfection, Chu Tianshu began to sew up Liu Yan's wound with his own hands.

After that, he bandaged some other wounds and used acupuncture to release the blood in his body. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief!
From the beginning to the end, Liu Yan didn't make a sound!

Always gritted your teeth and stood firm!

After it was over, Chu Tianshu also gave Liu Yan a thumbs up: "It's great, the injury has been stabilized, and then you just need to rest. With your physique, it is estimated that you will recover in about five days!"

"Thank you son-in-law!" Liu Yan then thanked her.

Chu Tianshu nodded, looked at Ji Ruxin who had been standing by the side, and said with a lost expression, "Murongxue was killed by them. When we found out that the man in black broke in and reminded everyone, there were two black men The man in black went to kill us, Murong Xue joined forces with the two girls and killed them, but Murong Xue herself was also killed by a man in black who counterattacked before he died, and his body was burnt!"

Ji Ruxin didn't know the relationship between Chu Tianshu and Murong Xue, and thought that Chu Tianshu was feeling sorry for Murong Xue!
So I can only comfort him: "Don't be too sad, I will tell the truth to the queen mother and father, and let them give you and Murong Xue's family some compensation!"

"Does the princess know who they are? Why did they kill you?" Chu Tianshu asked.

Ji Ruxin shook her head: "I don't know, I guess people from the government will come later, let them investigate slowly!"

Just as they were talking, a large number of officers and soldiers gathered outside the door!
Several officials, after finding out that the princess was fine, were also relieved!

The next thing, the princess and the people in the princess mansion don't need to worry about it.

After explaining the matter clearly, it was handed over to the people in the government to handle it.

Just put light on the next day!
The news of the princess's assassination has already spread throughout the entire capital!

Murong Jiangyue also brought people to the Princess Mansion in person!
It's just that Ji Ruxin had already fallen asleep because she was too tired last night!

Murong Jiangyue didn't really want to find Ji Ruxin, but was led by the people from the Princess Mansion to the Kuayuan where Chu Tianshu was!

When she saw the situation here clearly, she immediately frowned.

"Mother, are you here?"

Chu Tianshu came out with Qiu Dong's second daughter.

"My God, are you not hurt?"

Murong Jiangyue showed concern!

However, in his heart, he was very confused about Chu Tianshu's state!

She knew that what Murong Xue said was true, this rebellious son seemed to have healed up after not seeing him for a few days!
Look at his mental head, how can he look like a patient?
Chu Tianshu shook his head: "I got a little injury, it's okay, it's Xue'er and Qiudong who helped me resist the assassin's assassination, but unfortunately, sister Xue'er died with the assassin!"

"What?" Murong Jiangyue was taken aback!
A powerful force was released from her body!
Like a gust of cold wind, blowing away in all directions!

Chu Tianshu also felt suffocated for a while, but he still kept calm and said: "The assassin set fire, and the bodies of Sister Xueer and the assassin were all burnt. Mother, please give more compensation to Sister Xueer's family, she He died for me!"

However, Murong Jiangyue looked at Chu Tianshu with an even colder gaze!
If it was said that Murong Xue would desperately save Chu Tianshu and beat her to death, she would not believe it!

Because Murong Xue got her order to kill Chu Tianshu!

The assassin came, and it was something Murong Xue dreamed of!
However, she couldn't tell the truth from Chu Tianshu's face!
I can only look at Qiuyu and Dongyu again!
The murderous look in her eyes was not concealed at all, she sternly said: "You two, tell me the truth, what is going on?"

The bodies of the two Qiudong women trembled, and they knelt down on the ground at the same time, touching the ground with their heads.

Qiuyu first explained: "Ma'am, when the man in black broke into the yard, he swung his knife and slashed wildly. It was too dark and it was raining, so we couldn't see what was going on at all!"

After Qiuyu finished speaking, Dongyu also said: "Ma'am, we two live in the main house with the young master, and Sister Xue lives in the wing room. There are two assassins in total. She should be the first to find out, so she was the one who received the most attention from the assassins." Attack first!"

After Murong Jiangyue listened, she frowned and pondered: "Could it be that you set yourself on fire?"

After all, the assassin doesn't care about your relationship with Chu Tianshu!
Since people dare to come, they must kill anyone they see!
Murong Xue's cultivation base is relatively high, which must have attracted the attention of the assassins!
Even the Imperial Forest Army died so many, the female officials around the princess almost lost their lives!
Murong Xue was killed, what's so strange about it?

Besides, the three trash in front of him couldn't have expected that he would kill them, let alone have the strength to kill Murong Xue!
After some self-education, Murong Jiangyue's murderous expression eased a lot!
She said lightly to the two daughters: "Get up, this time you are credited with protecting the Lord, and I will reward you in the future. Tian'er, how is your injury?"

Chu Tianshu said: "Mother, my injury is no longer serious!"

"But how did I hear that you actually took the initiative to fight with Prince Beiyou?"

"Mother, my son, this is also a helpless move. Under the circumstances at that time, if I did not agree to the duel of Prince Beiyou, he would definitely pester the princess, so my son can only win him with a literary fight first, and then delay the martial fight." Go on, maybe the national teacher will come back at that time, thinking about the prince of Beiyou, he will not dare to be arrogant!" Chu Tianshu said.

(End of this chapter)

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