The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 38 Sleeping Tai Chi

Chapter 38 Sleeping Tai Chi

"Master, run!"

Qiuyu exclaimed, endured the pain, and rushed forward again!
Chu Tianshu was furious immediately!

Since you can't figure it out, let's fight to the death!

He seemed to be insane, he forgot everything, and threw himself at the man in black with his bare hands.

When the man in black saw this, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he sneered endlessly!

He forced Qiuyu away with one blow, followed by a backhand strike, and slashed at Chu Tianshu's forehead.

But Chu Tianshu rushed forward at a faster speed, his shoulders just pressed against the opponent's arm!
Immediately after a shoulder lean, it hit the chest of the man in black!
This sudden blow surprised the man in black, and he took several steps back!

But Chu Tianshu didn't pursue him!
The anger in the eyes has disappeared, and it has become lifeless, without the slightest emotion, just staring at the man in black dully!
The man in black just hesitated a little, so he raised his hand and slashed at Chu Tianshu again!

Chu Tianshu leaned to one side, dodging narrowly!

The man in black changed his move midway and swept again, but Chu Tianshu's feet seemed to be on pulleys and floated out again!
The man in black chased after him, one strike was faster than one strike, and he made eighteen cuts in succession!

Seeing that he was about to succeed, the second daughter of Qiudong pounced on him halfway, and stabbed him in the back with both left and right bows.

This also forced him to dodge in a hurry, and he was even more annoyed in his heart, so he decided to deal with the second daughter first!
However, Chu Tianshu was like a sticky cake, entangled him tightly, making the scimitar in his hand unable to exert its advantage in this narrow area!

On the other hand, Qiu Dong's second daughter, after discovering that Chu Tianshu's combat power had increased dramatically, her confidence also increased greatly, and the dagger in her hand danced like flying!
For a while, the two sides actually drew a tie!

The outside world is already full of flames, and the shouts of killing are deafening!
At the door of the princess' room, blood flowed like a river!
Among the dozen or so black-clothed men, the lowest cultivation was at the sixth level of Body Tempering, and the highest had reached the ninth level!
Even the Imperial Forest Army in armor is far inferior to meeting them one-on-one!
In a short moment, seven or eight imperial guards were beheaded by them!

But the princess is all right!

Liu Yan, the female official assigned by the queen to the princess as her housekeeper, was seriously injured, her clothes were stained red with blood!
The princess is protected behind her!
Around the two of them, there are dozens of Royal Forest Army!
The reason why the Imperial Forest Army arrived so quickly was also due to the shouts of Chu Tianshu and the others!

Without their warning in advance, the princess might really lose her life!

Of course, this is also due to the fighting power of the princess herself, which is already very strong!

She was originally at the sixth level of Body Tempering, and after her injuries recovered, her battle strength would naturally recover!
Now, she has practiced the Xuangong Tianxin Jue again. Although she has not yet reached the level of a Xuanshi, but because of the profound energy in her body, her combat power is comparable to the seventh level of body tempering!
When the people in black were assassinating her, they also encountered the joint attack of her and the female officer Liu Yan!
Liu Yan is at the eighth level of Body Tempering!
After successfully killing two of the assassins, the Imperial Forest Army stationed around had already arrived.

The minimum requirement of the Royal Forest Army is also the triple realm of body tempering!
They were wearing armor, armed with spears and crossbows, and under the joint attack of hundreds of people, they also drove back the dozen or so killers!
Seeing that the action failed, the leading man in black could only make people set fire to cause panic, and also gave himself and others a chance to retreat!

With an order, the people in black jumped into the air, jumped onto the roof, and fled in all directions!
The Imperial Forest Army chased after it with bows and crossbows for a while, fearing that they had been tricked, they gathered in Ji Ruxin's room again!
The man in black who attacked Chu Tianshu also heard the leader's retreat!

In an instant, he lost his will to fight!

However, he ignored Chu Tianshu!
This brief fight also allowed Chu Tianshu to recover his mental strength!

At this time, he entered a very strange state!
The soul is practicing Tai Chi in a dream, completely entering the obliviousness of things and me!

Like meditation, let the mental power recover quickly!
The speed of absorbing starlight has also been greatly accelerated!

However, this part of the starlight has all merged into his body!
Because his body is also dancing with the state of falling into a dream, the energy consumed is huge!

This gives others a feeling of dementia!

There is a kind of artistic conception of Sleeping Arhat Fist!

Of course, Chu Tianshu created his own Sleeping Tai Chi!
It is precisely because of this that his Taijiquan method has directly passed the perfect stage from Dacheng, and has been promoted to the level of perfection that forgets both things and me!

That's why we can confront the black-clothed killer head-on!
However, because his cultivation base is too low, even if he can leapfrog the challenge, it is still not as good!

But with the cooperation of the two daughters, the disadvantage will be made up for!

At this moment, the man in black has the intention to retire!
But Chu Tianshu's eyes suddenly widened, and a white mysterious light shone from his lifeless eyes!

The man in black suddenly felt like he was in a sea of ​​blood!
His dead companion unexpectedly came back to life, barking his teeth and screaming, "Give me back my life!"


This person was so scared that his soul almost went out of his body!
But at the moment of his sluggishness, he felt a pain in his neck!
Immediately afterwards, the monstrous sea of ​​blood disappeared!
There are two daggers stuck in his neck!

Qiuyu and Dongyu stabbed the dagger into his neck from the left and right sides.

No matter how advanced his cultivation is, he has no power to fight back at this time!

It can also be seen from this that the cooperation between the three has become more tacit!

Enemy experience is also more abundant!

"you you……"

The man in black pointed at Chu Tianshu, his eyes were full of fear!

It was hard for him to believe that he would die in the hands of a trash rumored by the outside world!
It's a pity that before he had time to think about the reason, his eyes went dark and he died unexpectedly!

But Chu Tianshu said anxiously: "You two quickly set the kitchen on fire and throw the body of the man in black into it!"

After finishing speaking, he directly collapsed to the ground!
Qiu Dong's second daughter nodded hurriedly, carried the man in black who was killed first and went out.

A moment later, a thick flame was burning in the kitchen!

However, none of the three called for help.

After the guards of the Princess Mansion found out that this place was also on fire, they rushed over one after another!
However, the black-clothed assassin and Murong Xue's corpses in the kitchen had already been burned into coke!

"After a while, the princess mainly asked about it, so you all said that you and Murong Xue killed the man in black together, and then, the two of them died together in the kitchen!"

Chu Tianshu said.

The two goddesses nodded solemnly!
They found that this good-for-nothing young master in their own family had really changed.

The mind has become very careful!
He actually thought of taking advantage of this assassin crisis to solve the problem of Murong Xue's corpse!
Anyway, the body was all scorched, no one could possibly tell when Murong Xue died!
In this way, Murong Jiangyue would not be able to suspect Chu Tianshu of Murong Xue's death!

It can also give Chu Tianshu more time to practice!

(End of this chapter)

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