The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 27 Lonely Like Snow

Chapter 27 Lonely Like Snow
Shangguan Yan also said in time: "Mr. Li, the so-called willingness to gamble and admit defeat, since the poems written by Mr. Chu are better than yours, then please hand over the betting money to Mr. Chu!"

Li Xuancheng gritted his teeth!
After all, he is the son of the servant of the household department, so naturally he dare not say that he can't afford to lose!

Otherwise, he would be slapping his father in the face!

In anger, he took out a white bag from his bosom, took out some gold ingots from it, and threw it directly at Chu Tianshu!
Chu Tianshu didn't move, but Qiuyu and Dongyu had already stepped forward to meet him. With his arms waving, he quickly grabbed the gold ingots in his hands respectively!

Chu Tianshu smiled, and stroked the heads of the two daughters: "Go to the boss of Mingyan Tower, settle the remaining money, and then exchange the deed of sale!"

"Yes, son!"

The second daughter was very pleasantly surprised, bowed to Chu Tianshu, and ran away happily!
Seeing this, Li Xuancheng didn't lose his temper!

He already understood that Chu Tianshu didn't even pay off the money for auctioning the maid!

But he has become a good old man!

He even personally came to the door to deliver the money!

His breathing became more and more rapid. Looking around, he suddenly pulled out the long sword from the waist of the man in black!

The point of the sword approached Chu Tianshu, and he said angrily again: "Chu Tianshu, do you dare to fight with me?"

If it was Chu Tianshu from before, maybe he would really be afraid!

Although this Li Xuancheng is not a body tempering warrior, he has practiced some martial arts, and his body is stronger and more flexible than Chu Tianshu's!
But now Chu Tianshu is already a first-class Xuanshi!
Nature has no fear!

He curled his lips, looked at Li Xuancheng, and said with a sneer, "Why don't you dare? But, you trash, you know how to use a sword?"

"You don't care if I know it, tell me, dare you, this time the bet is still 5000 taels of silver!"

Li Xuancheng said angrily from embarrassment.

Chu Tianshu mocked: "Do you still have that gold ingot?"

Li Xuancheng took out the bag stuffed in his bosom again, and shook it in front of Chu Tianshu: "No more, no less, just worth 5000 taels of silver. If I lose, these gold ingots will belong to you. If you lose, those two servant girls will still belong to me, or let Miss Yan'er be a witness, dare you?"

"Of course, but I don't have a sword!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Don't make so many excuses, don't the guards around you have swords?" Li Xuancheng said angrily.

Chu Tianshu looked at a Royal Forest Army behind him.

The Imperial Forest Army did not refuse, and immediately handed the sword to Chu Tianshu.

But there was a little worry in his eyes, and he said: "My son-in-law, my sword is a bit heavy, so be careful!"

After two literary battles, their views on Chu Tianshu have also changed a lot!

Especially this time, I actually earned 5000 taels easily. Not only can I pay off the debts owed, but I still have a lot of leftovers!

Coupled with several touching and beautiful poems one after another, they also somewhat admired Chu Tianshu in their hearts.

I have more expectations in my heart!
Chu Tianshu took the long sword, it was really heavy!

It is estimated to weigh forty or fifty catties!

On Earth, this is considered an epee, and very few people can wield it.

But here, it's normal!

The lowest cultivation level of these Imperial Forest Army is also in the Body Tempering Layer [-] Realm. With a wave of their arms, all of them have a thousand catties of strength!
With this sword, naturally there is no problem!

Of course, Chu Tianshu, who is already a Xuanshi, is not too difficult to use.

However, after glancing at Murong Xue, he knew that he still had to endure.

So I pretended to be very strenuous!
When Li Xuancheng saw this, a difficult sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, knowing that Chu Tianshu had fallen for it.

Based on his understanding of Chu Tianshu, this guy is just a little fat man with no strength to restrain a chicken, and he has no fighting power at all!

Although I am not a body tempering martial artist, but I have practiced martial arts, and I am very close to the first level of body tempering!

If it wasn't for his laziness, he might have already broken through.

But even so, there is absolutely no problem in dealing with Chu Tianshu!
At this moment, Chu Tianshu fell into his trick again, and it became easier to win!
So he said eagerly: "This is not a place for martial arts, let's go out and fight!"

But Chu Tianshu returned the epee to the Imperial Forest Army and said, "I don't need a sword to deal with you!"

"Oh? That's what you said, don't regret it, come with me!"

Li Xuancheng took the lead and left!

The two people beside him also followed closely behind!

Chu Tianshu glanced at Shangguan Yan and said with a smile, "Sister Yan'er, please!"

"Master Chu really doesn't need a sword? If necessary, I can find a suitable sword for you!" Shangguan Yan laughed.

"Thank you, Sister Yan'er, for your concern, but you really don't need to use a sword to deal with him!"

Chu Tianshu left very confidently.

Wait for a few people to come to the door!
The two daughters, Qiuyu and Dongyu, have also come out.

With his contract of sale in his hand, as well as the remaining gold ingots and silver taels, he will hand them over to Chu Tianshu!
But Chu Tianshu said: "You guys put it away first, watch me fight with Li Xuancheng, and then win him 5000 taels of silver!"


The second daughter immediately showed a worried look.

Chu Tianshu gave the two girls a smile, and then faced Li Xuancheng who was holding a long sword!
With a sneer on his face, Li Xuancheng asked, "I'll ask you one last time, do you really not use a sword?"

Chu Tianshu smiled and said: "It's not that I don't need it, because the sword is on my body, but unfortunately, your eyes can't see it at all!"

"What the hell?"

Li Xuancheng carefully scanned Chu Tianshu up, down, left, and right.

He was worried about whether Chu Tianshu had some kind of short sword hidden on his body, and if there was a fight, would he secretly hit him?
But Chu Tianshu had already spoken again: "Before the fight, I have a question to ask you!"

"What do you want to ask?" Li Xuancheng frowned.

"What is a sword?"

Li Xuancheng was taken aback, feeling that there should be some trap waiting for him in Chu Tianshu's question, so he didn't answer immediately!
Instead, he bowed his head and meditated.

Chu Tianshu smiled, "You don't even know what a sword is, so why should you fight me with a sword?"

Li Xuancheng said angrily: "Stop messing around, I think you are as cowardly as a mouse, don't you dare to fight me?"

Chu Tianshu sighed, and looked at the other two disappointedly: "What about you? Don't you know what a sword is?"

Just as Li Xuancheng was about to say something, the young man in black stepped forward and stared at Chu Tianshu with a murderous look: "Swords are of course a weapon for killing people!"

Chu Tianshu spread his hands and looked at Li Xuancheng: "Look, you don't know such a simple question? You say you are such a waste?"


Li Xuancheng was so angry that he was panting, and he was going to attack Chu Tianshu directly!
But Chu Tianshu said again, "I know you don't want to admit that you are trash, so let me ask you again, do you know what the highest state of swordsmanship is?"

Now Li Xuancheng showed pride. Although his sword skills are not very good, he has read many books on this subject!
He opened his mouth and said, "Naturally, it is the fusion of man and sword, which is superb!"

"Hehe...the unity of man and sword? The highest realm? You really look at the sky from the well. Thinking that I, Chu Tianshu, is above the way of the sword, I'm really lonely like snow, hey..."

Chu Tianshu shook his head and sighed, with a look of disappointment on his face!

(End of this chapter)

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