The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 20 Shocking the World

Chapter 20 Shocking the World

Outside the gate!
Hu Yuanliang was completely paralyzed on the ground, he could already imagine the scene where his head was chopped off by Hu Buhui!
Hu Buhui let out a long sigh!
At this moment, he really wanted to curse: "Your sister, are you still letting people live?"Can you give me a chance to write poetry first?
As soon as Chu Tianshu uttered his poems, he lost the face to write poems again.

Because it is not a grade at all!
Three questions, two already lost!
He has completely lost this literary battle!
But he was not discouraged, and clasped his fists and said, "Brother Chu, although I have already lost the Wendou, I still want to ask another question. It's not about winning or losing, but I really want to hear whether Brother Chu can still do it." Produce poems that can be sung for thousands of years!"

"Please come up with a question!" Chu Tianshu said very concisely.

"My third question is about soldiers. I don't know how you can use poems to describe the soldiers of our two countries?" Hu Buhui smiled faintly!

Chu Tianshu took a step forward and said, "Grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink the pipa, immediately remind me, Jun Moxiao is drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times!"

In the first poem, Chu Tianshu took three steps!

In the second poem, he took two steps!

In the third poem, he only took one step!
This time, Hu Buhui was not shocked, but bowed his head in deep thought, and said silently: "Lord Mo Xiao drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times..."

As long as you are a soldier and have fought wars all year round, you will definitely feel touched after listening to this song!
Even the wolf cavalry around Hu Buhui, who didn't know much about poetry, felt sad!

Regardless of your invincible bravery and unparalleled combat power, you can't escape this fate after all!
In the end, Hu Buhui clasped his fists again to Chu Tianshu and said, "Brother Chu's poems have already reached perfection. Hu Mou is willing to bow down, and how many people have fought in ancient times. This may be the best destination for our soldiers."

"I lost this question again, but Hu felt it was worth it. I really want to lose a few more times, but unfortunately, I don't have that chance."

"The outside world has rumored that you are a waste, but now Hu Mou understands that those who say you are a waste are the real waste!"

"Thank you, Prince, for your praise and praise!"

"I, Hu, never boast. You are the first. These three poems of yours will surely be sung in Beiyou Country for thousands of years. However, I will not be merciful in the battle in half a month. At that time, I will let Your Excellency understand that the wolf knife of our Beiyou country can not only be used to tame horned wolves, but also a sharp weapon for beheading generals and killing enemies, and it is also the biggest reliance of our Beiyou country!"

Hearing this, Chu Tianshu looked at Hu Buhui with admiration!

At such a young age, he can actually say such words, no matter whether he wins or loses, he is not arrogant or impetuous!
If you continue to grow, your achievements will be limitless!
However, Hu Yuanliang suddenly got up and went straight to Chu Tianshu.

The full moon scimitar in his hand has been swung high, and there is a thousand hatred in his eyes!

He shouted loudly: "I'll kill you little man!"

He knew he was mortal!
But before he died, he had to take Chu Tianshu as his back!

His sudden outburst naturally exceeded everyone's expectations!
However, Chu Tianshu has a good understanding of human nature, so he is naturally prepared in advance!

Seeing the other party rushing, he subconsciously wanted to dodge.

But he suddenly discovered that the scimitar in the hand of a wolf cavalry suddenly flew out, hitting Hu Yuanliang's back!
Therefore, Chu Tianshu also stopped!
Stand firm and stand where you are!

The machete pierced Hu Yuanliang's body, piercing his heart!

Hu Yuanliang also fell to the ground because of this, and the scimitar in his hand was already approaching Chu Tianshu's toes!

The wolf cavalryman who threw the scimitar also jumped up!

He stepped on Hu Yuanliang's back, and then slowly pulled out the scimitar, spitting: "Bah... You bastard, how dare you deceive His Highness the Prince?"

However, after finishing speaking, this person looked at Chu Tianshu again, with a faint murderous look in his eyes!
Chu Tianshu knew that no matter what, this Hu Yuanliang was from their Beiyou Kingdom after all!

Die because of yourself today!

These wolf cavalrymen from Beiyou Kingdom must be feeling uncomfortable!

But what if it's uncomfortable?
Chu Tianshu's slightly chubby figure, with his hands behind his back, seemed a bit mighty surrounded by the Imperial Forest Army!
Seeing that Chu Tianshu was so calm, Hu Buhui looked up to Chu Tianshu even more, and naturally hated Hu Yuanliang's deceit even more!

He clasped his fists to Chu Tianshu and said, "Brother Chu was shocked, this person almost made Hu a dishonest villain!"

Chu Tianshu didn't care and said: "Brother Hu, you don't have to be polite. See you in half a month!"

"Hahaha... Hu Mou bids farewell!"

After finishing speaking, he touched the ground with his toes, rose into the air, and sat directly on the horned wolf: "Let's go!"

With an order, the rest of the wolf cavalry also jumped up and sat on the horned wolf!
Run along the wide streets!

It really comes and goes like the wind!
As for Hu Yuanliang's body, they naturally took it away too!
However, no matter whether it is the Imperial Forest Army or the servants of the Princess Mansion, they are still looking at Chu Tianshu!
In their minds, a poem by Chu Tianshu appeared just now:

Surprise the world!
Although Chu Tianshu is used to describe Princess Ji Ruxin!
But they felt that this sentence could not be more suitable to describe Chu Tianshu at this moment.

Everyone can imagine that Chu Tianshu's three poems would spread throughout the entire Qin capital before dark!

At that time, those who say that Chu Tianshu is trash, scum, and ignorant all day long will be slapped in the face one by one!

The court lady who was sent out to inquire about the news looked at Chu Tianshu with admiration!

But after being dazed for a while, she suddenly realized that there were still important things she hadn't done, so she hurriedly turned around and ran away like the wind.

Chu Tianshu looked at Murong Xue, saw him in a daze, and smiled slightly: "What's the matter? Have you ever seen me so handsome?"

Only then did Murong Xue realize it!
But then he frowned.

She felt that Chu Tianshu suddenly changed!

Some people even can't understand it.

Chu Tianshu continued: "My martial arts may not be as good as that of Prince Beiyou, but I, Chu Tianshu, have read a lot since I was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that I am rich in learning!"

Murong Xue is still silent!
Chu Tianshu didn't pay attention to her anymore, but walked towards Princess Ji Ruxin's room!
However, as soon as he entered the room, Chu Tianshu saw Xiao Moyan and Ji Ruxin staring at him with sullen faces, without saying a word!
This scene, on the contrary, made Chu Tianshu stunned.

It stands to reason that they should have all gotten the news!

Shouldn't you be excited?Shouldn't you compliment me a few words?Do you need such eyes?
But don't wait for him to figure out why!
The Empress Xiao Moyan snarled: "Who gave you the courage to challenge that Prince Beiyou without authorization?"

Princess Ji Ruxin also said coldly: "Why do you want to bet on me? It's fine if you seek death yourself, but have you ever thought about it? What should I do if you lose?"

The more Ji Ruxin talked, the more angry she became!
In the end, he stepped forward directly and pinched Chu Tianshu's ears: "You fat man, you are looking for death yourself, why are you dragging me down?"

She twisted her ears and kicked Chu Tianshu with her feet!
(End of this chapter)

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