Chapter 70 Living Together
Chu Tianshu was speechless. He hasn't thought about the second one yet. Maybe there will be a fifth or sixth one in the future, right?
He didn't dare to say, he didn't dare to ask, he could only bow his head and eat in silence!
In a moment!

Ji Ruxin said again: "You have to think carefully about the matter of the guards. I guess, the father and queen mother also intend to test us through this matter. No matter whether we live in the fiefdom or not, someone will help us manage and Guarding the fief and recruiting guards is equivalent to forming a team, a wolf demon can't do so many things!"

"The place in Yanhuang County is really extraordinary, and it really needs a group of powerful subordinates. What's your plan?" Chu Tianshu was also very serious!
He knew that this was a good opportunity, if he could have an army guarding him, why would he be afraid of the Chu family and the Murong family?

"No, the queen mother has already given me the maid of honor who was with me before, and the people around me are enough for the time being. I will leave it to you to handle the servants and guards!" Ji Ruxin said.

Chu Tianshu was a little moved in his heart.

When Ji Ruxin said this, it meant that she already had great trust in herself, but she was just not good at expressing it.

He nodded and said: "Well, I just have some ideas right now, I'll think about it later!"

Ji Ruxin just nodded slightly, did not speak any more, lowered her head, and ate her meal gracefully!

Out of curiosity, Chu Tianshu took a look at Ji Ruxin and found that there were more than 90 strands of profound energy in her body.

It is estimated that tomorrow he will be officially promoted to Profound Scholar!
So he asked curiously, "Ru Xin, have you used the Xuanling Grass?"

Ji Ruxin shook her head: "Not yet. I'm about to become a Profound Scholar now. I'll take it after I become a Profound Scholar. That way I can quickly raise a level. If I use it now, it will waste too much potency!"


This meal will be over soon!

Chu Tianshu left impatiently, ready to move things.

As soon as he left, Ji Ruxin put down her chopsticks, came to the desk again, and looked down at this sentence on the paper!

"Ask the world, what is love! Just teach life and death. But, what is love? When will I meet such love?" She secretly said.

Inwardly, he let out a long sigh.

Although her attitude towards Chu Tianshu has changed, she even has some good feelings!
But after all, it's not about love!

That young girl's heart is still full of beautiful longing for the future, the outside world, and love!
Naturally, Chu Tianshu didn't know that one sentence actually stirred up so many thoughts in Ji Ruxin!

Otherwise, it should be changed to a simpler poem!
At this time, he was very excited!
When he returned to the yard, the second daughter of Qiudong had already finished her meal.

"Hurry up, help me move things, Lord Hou, and we will all live in the princess' yard from now on!" Chu Tianshu excitedly said.

"Really? The princess asked Master Hou to live with her?" The second daughter seemed happier than Chu Tianshu.

"What are you thinking? Not living together, but living in the same yard, and we will take care of each other in the future!"

"That's good too. It's much better than separating the two places. At least we can meet every day, we can eat together every day, and we can cultivate our relationship!"

The second daughter was also in a hurry to pack the clothes for Chu Tianshu!

The thing is very simple, a few bags can be packed!
Even so, Chu Tianshu still put the package on the back of the big bad wolf in a bad manner!

However, Liu Wentao and Hu Yanjue looked at Chu Tianshu with admiration again.

As soon as they entered the yard, they had already noticed the wolf demon.

Also a little frightened!
Although Chu Tianshu didn't explain too much, they already knew that the wolf demon should have recognized Chu Tianshu as his master.

"Could it be that this son-in-law, Chu Tianshu, is not as useless as the outside rumors say? Otherwise, why did the princess allow him to move there? Besides, he can also tame the wolf demon?" Liu Wentao wondered secretly.

Chu Tianshu looked at the two of them, and said: "You two will live in this yard first, let's forget about today, and I will help you heal tomorrow!"

Hu Yanjue hurriedly bowed: "Although Hou Ye is busy with you, it doesn't matter if you wait for a while!"

Chu Tianshu smiled at the two of them again, and took the second daughter and the wolf demon to the main courtyard where Princess Ji Ruxin was!

At this time, the door of Ji Ruxin's room was closed!
Chu Tianshu also didn't see the outside, and came directly to the door, intending to knock on the door and enter.

However, a maid raised her arm and said angrily: "Chu Tianshu, what do you want to do? The princess has already rested, don't disturb her!"

Chu Tianshu stared at the other party, it was the group of Ji Ruxin's personal maids who were sent here later!
None of these people seem to have a good impression of me!
At this time, they all gathered in the yard, glaring at themselves.

Chu Tianshu didn't care, after all, the misunderstanding was too deep.

So he smiled slightly: "I just want to ask the princess to let me live in that room!"

"Your room has been arranged by the princess. It's the wing room. Go clean it yourself!" the maid said indifferently.

Chu Tianshu looked at the house, it was quite close to the princess' bedroom, if the side wall was cut open, the window of the princess' bedroom could still be seen.

"Perhaps... we can add a window in the future!" Chu Tianshu secretly thought!
He didn't bother with these maids, so he brought the second daughter Qiu Dong into the room.

Although the room was a bit narrow, it was clean!

There is still a second bedroom and a master bedroom, enough for three masters and servants to live in!
Although there will be a discount on privacy in the future, Chu Tianshu is also very happy to be close to Ji Ruxin!
However, when he lay down, the maids in the courtyard were still chattering and talking about him.

"This Chu Tianshu, really thinks of himself as a son-in-law?"

"That's right, a trash who wants to eat swan meat. The princess just let him live in a wing, and he looks so beautiful!"

"Sisters, we have to help the princess in the future, and beware of this lecher, lest the princess be deceived by him!"

"Well, but this wolf demon is very scary!"

"I really don't know how Prince Hu Buhui thinks highly of Chu Tianshu, and even gave him the wolf demon!"

"I see, Hu Buhui was also deceived by Chu Tianshu's poems!"

"It should be like this. I can assure you that Chu Tianshu must have stolen the poem from someone else. You didn't see it just now. The princess is still dazed by Chu Tianshu's words!"

"Then what should we do? We have to find a way to prevent this Chu Tianshu from bullying the princess!"

The maids wanted to show Chu Tianshu some color, but they also frowned when they saw the wolf monster lying at the door of Chu Tianshu's room.

The wolf monster was like a dog, with its head stuck to the ground, eyes closed, and ignored them at all.

But as long as they dare to approach the door, the wolf demon will definitely raise his head immediately!

Chu Tianshu listened quietly to the discussions outside, but just smiled and didn't care.

Qiu Dong's second daughter pouted.

"Master Hou, they are too bad to talk about you behind your back!"

"Don't think so much, practicing well is the key, go to bed early!"

That night, Chu Tianshu fell asleep with a smile.

Of course, in terms of practice, he didn't delay at all!

Tai Chi Sword has begun to stride towards great success!

At dawn the next day, Chu Tianshu finally condensed the sixth snake of profound energy in his body!

It marks that he has reached the realm of sixth-level Xuanshi.

The improvement of cultivation base has been very stable, maintaining a level of two or three days, and the goal of being a mysterious master is getting closer and closer!
(End of this chapter)

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