The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 67 Immediate Results

Chapter 67 Immediate Results
Wu Yulun, who is the general of Zhen Guo, is also powerful in the Western Qin State, even stronger than General Xuanwu's mansion.

Won the trust of the emperor!
The [-] imperial guards under him, like the needles of the sea, guard the safety of the capital of Qin!
The person surnamed Yue in front of him should be called Yue Qingshan!

He is also Wu Yulun's wife and nephew!

On weekdays, relying on Wu Yulun's strength, he can be considered a tyrant in the capital!
But he is different from Chu Tianshu, Chu Tianshu dares to offend anyone.

But Yue Qingshan is much more cunning, he specializes in oppressing ordinary people, as well as officials and minor nobles who have lost power!

Moreover, this guy is much more ruthless than Chu Tianshu, although Chu Tianshu has done many evil things, but he has never killed anyone.

But this guy didn't know how many lives were contaminated.

Seeing Chu Tianshu's silence at this time, Yue Qingshan felt that Chu Tianshu was frightened by him.

Originally planning to run away, but stopped, and said angrily: "Chu Tianshu, I advise you to go away, I'm helping my uncle with things, we don't offend the river, this Hu Yanjue offended my uncle, I Today is just helping my uncle repair him, it should have nothing to do with you, right?"

Chu Tianshu sneered and said, "What if I have to take care of it?"

"Are you looking for death?" Yue Qingshan gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Chu Tianshu answered the wrong question: "I'll count to three. If you haven't left after three counts, then I'll break your legs first!"

"Okay, okay...Chu Tianshu, if you are capable, just wait here, I will find someone to come over right away, I'll see you!"

Yue Qingshan also knew that a good man would not suffer from immediate losses, so he turned around and left with the villain.

Chu Tianshu stepped up to Hu Yanjue who was sitting on the ground, stared at him quietly, and did not speak.

Hu Yanjue bowed his hands to Chu Tianshu in a neutral manner: "Thank you son-in-law for saving my life!"

"Is this your attitude of thanking people?" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

"Then what do you want? I, Hu Yanjue, have fallen into such a state of desperation, and you people from the Xuanwu General's Mansion don't need to make trouble anymore, right?"

Hearing this, Chu Tianshu knew that this Hu Yanjue didn't regard himself as a son-in-law at all!
Everyone knows about the shield!
Therefore, he Chu Tianshu walking outside, probably will be considered by more people as representing General Xuanwu's mansion!
"If I were to make trouble, I wouldn't offend Yue Qingshan in order to save you. Why did they trouble you?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Isn't it because I offended Wu Yulun before!"

When Wu Yulun was mentioned, Hu Yanjue's tone was extremely cold.

There seems to be a strong murderous look in the eyes!
"In this way, it's not entirely because of His Majesty that you have fallen to where you are today, but because you were framed. It is said that your wife and children have separated. Don't you think about revenge?" Chu Tianshu said.

Hu Yanjue sneered and said: "I said Chu Tianshu, are you trying to provoke me? Don't think I don't know what you are, let alone you, even your father Chu Yanhong, when you see Wu Yulun, you have to be respectful Respectfully call Hou Ye!"

"Then do you know that I have also been conferred the title of County Marquis by His Majesty? And granted a fief?"

"Oh, you don't know about your matter? I can guarantee that once the alliance between the West Qin Kingdom and the Beiyou Kingdom is agreed, you will be kicked out of the Princess Mansion. Any title is just a delusion!" Hu Yanjue He had already stood up and patted the dust on himself.

Chu Tianshu didn't care, glanced at the collapsed courtyard wall, and asked, "Are they going to demolish your house?"

"It has nothing to do with you. If there is nothing else, the son-in-law can go!" Hu Yanjue said, and stepped into the courtyard.

Chu Tianshu followed closely behind and also walked in.

Seeing this, Hu Yanjue frowned: "Chu Tianshu, what exactly do you want?"

"I want to heal your injuries and restore you to the peak of the ninth level as soon as possible, but I have one condition. You must become my personal bodyguard. In the future, you will also lead a thousand soldiers for me to protect the princess mansion. Also protect my fief!" Chu Tianshu stated his purpose directly.

Hu Yanjue was stunned.

Seeing Chu Tianshu's eloquent words and solemn expression, a glimmer of hope arose in his heart!
No one can understand better than himself what it feels like to fall from a tall building into an abyss.

If his cultivation is still there, why should he be afraid of these evil slaves?How could the wife and children be separated?
"Can you really heal my injury?" Hu Yanjue asked subconsciously.

"If you don't believe me, I can heal you right now. If it doesn't work, I'll leave immediately!" Chu Tianshu said.

"You mean, you healed me yourself? Hehe... Chu Tianshu, do you think I will believe it?"

"Then do you know why the princess and I came back to life?" Chu Tianshu asked back.

Hu Yanjue suddenly frowned.

Then he stared at Chu Tianshu carefully for a while, and then said: "Okay, I believe you once, if you can really heal my injury, then I will be willing to do you a favor, but you How to do!"

"Let's talk in the house first!"

"Come with me!"

Hu Yanjue stepped into the room with Chu Tianshu.

Qiuyu Dongyu and the others were waiting outside the door!
The three dilapidated blue brick houses looked a little dark and damp.

Chu Tianshu asked: "Do you have wine here?"

"Of course there is wine, do you want to drink?" Hu Yanjue wondered.

"Of course not, take it out, then lie on the bed and take off your clothes!" Chu Tianshu said.

"What... are you going to do?" Hu Yanjue suddenly felt his body tense up, showing a hint of surprise.

"What are you thinking? I'm only interested in beautiful women!"


Hu Yanjue has nothing to say!
He could only take off his clothes according to Chu Tianshu's request!

But Chu Tianshu also took out a leather bag from his bosom, inside were dozens of silver needles of different lengths!

These silver needles have already been sterilized, and soaking them in wine will make them even cleaner!

After Huyanjue lay down, Chu Tianshu stabbed the silver needles into Huyanjue's body one after another!

The first step is to open the hole!
Regardless of whether Hu Yanjue is training body or Qi, after the meridians are all cleared, Qi and blood will also become smoother.

Great for recovery from injuries!

Afterwards, he focused on healing Huyanjue's heart, as well as the damaged liver and lungs!
It also removes the coagulated blood clots in some capillaries!

Everything is conservative treatment!
Chu Tianshu intends to conquer his heart first, let him heal himself for a period of time, and then slowly try other methods!

When Chu Tianshu closed the needle, Hu Yanjue felt a lot lighter all of a sudden!

Not only did the injury from the beating just now heal, but even the previous feeling of stagnant energy and blood stagnation has also been greatly improved!

The cultivation base went directly from the first level of body tempering to the second level of body tempering!
This immediate change made him very excited, and he had changed from disgust to Chu Tianshu to admiration.

He put on his clothes, bowed and said, "Thank you, concubine, for my humble position!"

(End of this chapter)

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