Chapter 68
Chu Tianshu smiled: "Do you believe me now?"

"I naturally believe that I have already said that as long as the son-in-law can heal me, then I will be the son-in-law's pawn in the future, and I will never regret it!" Hu Yanjue said solemnly.

"I hope you remember your promise!"

Chu Tianshu started to clean the silver needle again and again with flames and wine!

Then put them one by one into the animal skin bag.

After finishing everything, Chu Tianshu heard a burst of chaotic footsteps outside the door.

He hurriedly opened the door and looked out.

It was discovered that Yue Qingshan really went and came back!
This time, he brought more people, a total of 30 NO.[-].

Several cultivation bases are in the fifth and sixth levels of Body Tempering!

"Chu Tianshu, good job, you really didn't leave, I will ask you one last question, do you really want to meddle in your own business?" Yue Qingshan said angrily.

However, without waiting for Chu Tianshu to speak, Hu Yanjue said: "Yue Qingshan, I agree, bring me ten taels of silver, and I will sell these three houses to you!"

Yue Qingshan was stunned immediately.

It feels like a punch has been punched in the cotton!
Didn't you still desperately resist before, unwilling to sell the house?

Why did you just agree with this?
Chu Tianshu was also surprised!
But Hu Yanjue said again: "Wait for a while, I'll clean up, this house is yours!"

He turned back to the house, and after a while, he twisted a few packages, took a black spear, a big bow and a quiver with iron arrows on his back, and walked out.

Chu Tianshu asked: "Are you sure you want to sell it for ten taels of silver?"

This is the inner city, even if the three houses are broken, the land is very valuable.

Even if it costs 3000 taels, there are probably people who will buy it!

Hu Yanjue smiled: "From now on, the humble job will follow the son-in-law. Where the son-in-law is, the humble job will be there. I am the only one in this family. Does it matter?"

Chu Tianshu smiled and said: "In that case, I'll pay 100 taels of silver to buy it. Anyway, if you sell it to them, it's also a sale, and if you sell it to me, it's also a sale!"

Hu Yanjue's mind couldn't turn the corner for a while.

After thinking for a while, he nodded hurriedly, took out a land deed document from the bag, and handed it to Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu didn't pick it up, but Qiuyu took it, then took out a gold leaf from his bosom, and handed it to Hu Yanjue.

Chu Tianshu then said to Yue Qingshan: "Look... now the house is mine, how much do you plan to spend to buy it?"

Yue Qingshan was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and glared at Chu Tianshu: "Chu Tianshu, you...don't be so arrogant...this house is my first choice!"

"Hehe..." Chu Tianshu sneered, but did not speak.

Yue Qingshan clenched his teeth and clenched his fists, wishing he could pounce on him immediately.

"My lord, why are you talking nonsense with him? You want to beat up this fat boy together!" A body-tempered sixth-layer guard said angrily.

Chu Tianshu sneered, "What are you? How dare you talk to me like that? Well, I'll stand here now and let you fight. Do you dare?"

"You?" The guard held a long knife and stepped forward!

Chu Tianshu sneered again: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, I, Chu Tianshu, am not only the youngest son of General Xuanwu, but also the prince's son-in-law, county marquis, you, an ordinary servant, if you dare to touch a single hair of mine, you will be Disregarding the king's law, if you offend the next one, the whole family will be executed!"

As soon as these words came out, the arrogant servant immediately froze.

The hand holding the knife also trembled a little.

As Chu Tianshu said, no matter how useless he is, he is still a son-in-law, the prince of the dynasty.

How can he be beaten by a servant.

"Don't you dare? If you don't dare, just get the hell out of here, and you, Yue Qingshan, please remember that this house is owned by me, Chu Tianshu, it is the property of the Princess Mansion, and it also belongs to the royal family Property, if you dare to be greedy again, you are the enemy of the royal family, let's go!"

Chu Tianshu strode forward.

None of the servants who surrounded the door dared to stop them, so they could only bow their heads and retreat to the sides!
Yue Qingshan gritted his teeth so loudly!

But after all, I held back.

He could only watch Chu Tianshu and others stay away.

"Chu Tianshu, wait for me, wait until you are kicked out of the princess mansion, and see how I, Yue Qingshan, deal with you!" Yue Qingshan whispered angrily.

"My lord, what should we do now?" the family asked.

"At night, find someone to demolish this house secretly!" Yue Qingshan said bitterly, and could only turn around and leave.


Chu Tianshu looked at Hu Yanjue beside him, and asked, "You don't regret it?"

"What do you regret? They forced you out of the mansion before the humble job. I thought that I could find a small house and I would be able to spend the rest of my life in peace, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't escape their oppression. Even if I stay here again, It just adds to the sadness!" Hu Yanjue said.

"You look silly, but you're a bit tactful!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

In his mind, he also suddenly thought that the Queen seemed to have said the same thing to himself!
Hu Yanjue felt a little uncomfortable being praised so much by a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old.

But in order to recover his cultivation and stop being bullied in the future, he can only follow Chu Tianshu now!

When a few people returned to the Princess Mansion, the sky had already darkened.

As soon as he returned to his yard, a maid walked in and said that the princess invited him to have dinner with him!
Chu Tianshu was naturally delighted, and told the two daughters of Qiudong to make arrangements for Liu Wentao and Hu Yanjue first, and also get some food for them.

He followed the servant girl to Ji Ruxin's residence!

The dining table is already full of various meals!

Ji Ruxin was already sitting in the middle, but her expression didn't look very happy!
He didn't even pay attention to Chu Tianshu who entered the room!

Chu Tianshu smiled and sat down too!

However, when he looked at the invitation in front of him, he froze for a moment!
When I opened it, I found that I was inviting myself and Ji Ruxin to go to Qinxin Pavilion to drink tea and enjoy the scenery five days later, and the signature was Shangguanyan!

"When did she bring it here?" Chu Tianshu asked curiously.

"Afternoon!" Ji Ruxin said.

"Then, will you go or not?"

"Of course, why not? I want to see what she wants to do?" Ji Ruxin said a little angrily.

Chu Tianshu smiled instead: "How about we don't go, I don't dare to go out casually now!"

"This is the imperial city, what do you have to worry about? When the time comes, bring more people!"

"you sure?"

"What are you doing with all that nonsense? Eat your meal!"

"Okay, since you are going, then I will accompany you. By the way, do we have medical books in the Princess Mansion?"

"No, but if you need it, I can send someone from the palace to find it for you!"

"Well, I plan to take a good look at it recently, and I'd better find more herbal medicine books about Xuanlingcao!"

"Then what are your plans regarding the guarding of the Princess Mansion? After all, the Imperial Forest Army's task is to protect the palace, and it is impossible to stay in the Princess Mansion all the time. The Emperor Father has already said that they will be recalled in a few days!" Ji Ruxin asked. .

(End of this chapter)

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