The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 23 The Maid at the Auction

Chapter 23 The Maid at the Auction
Liu Dazui didn't pay attention to Murong Xue's expression!

Instead, he smiled and said to Chu Tianshu: "Young master Chu, you are asking the right person. You came today just in time. If you come later, you probably won't be able to buy it back!"

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Liu Dazui pointed to a three-story building in front of him, and said: "The two maids, Qiuyu and Dongyu, have been resold to Mingyan Tower, and today they will be publicly auctioned by the boss of Mingyan Tower. It is said that many aristocratic families The young master, and the famous brothel owner, have sent people here, intending to buy the two maids of the young master!"

After hearing this, Chu Tianshu frowned immediately.

He knew that this Mingyan Building was also the largest auction house for high-end servants here!

There are all kinds of outstanding female slaves inside, and there are even many high-level warriors who have been tempered!
Sometimes some rare and valuable items will be auctioned!

The quality is by no means comparable to these shops outside!
Those sons of aristocratic families often hunt for beauty inside, and buy outstanding female slaves back as playthings!
And the owner of the brothel buys people, naturally to let him pick up customers when he goes back!
He said: "I understand, but I don't have any spare money on me today, I will reward you another day!"

"My lord, you are welcome, I will take you there!"

Liu Dazui didn't care too much about rewarding money!

Anyway, if you bring Chu Tianshu over there, the boss will naturally give him money to pull the head!

Chu Tianshu followed Liu Dazui and walked towards Mingyan Tower.

Although Murong Xue was reluctant, she still had no choice but to follow!

The four imperial guards are even more dumb!

When they arrived at Ming Yan Tower, they were immediately welcomed in by the waiters!

Mingyan Tower is a three-story building with a hollow corridor!
In the middle of the first floor is the auction venue, surrounded by stepped seats!
The second and third floors are private rooms!

Even if the waiters who greeted Chu Tianshu didn't know Chu Tianshu, they knew that Chu Tianshu's identity must be extraordinary when he saw the armored Yulin army behind him!
He didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he directly took him to a private room on the second floor!
Sitting upright by the window, raising the bamboo curtain, Chu Tianshu looked down!

Indeed, as Liu Dazui said, it was almost too late!
On the auction stage on the first floor, a pair of pink and jade-carved girls stood with their heads bowed in sorrow!

They are about the same age, only 15 years old, and they look exactly the same!
The second girl is wearing tulle, and she can vaguely see the delicate skin that wins snow!
Although they are not very old, but because they have practiced martial arts, their figures are already very graceful, convex and concave, exquisite and exquisite, with beautiful curves!

Duck-egg-like face, long eyelashes, rosy lips, when she lowered her head and pursed her lips, there were even two small dimples!
How cute it looks!

Beside the second daughter, there is already a young auctioneer from Ming Yan Tower!

He said loudly: "Everyone, many of you must know these two twin sisters. They are Qiuyu and Dongyu who have been trained by General Xuanwu's mansion for many years. They are beautiful and proficient in martial arts. They are already at the second level of tempering body." At the peak level, he is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting!"

As soon as he finished his words, a young man taunted him: "I said you dare to put anything on the stage for auction? Although these two sisters are impeccable in appearance, who doesn't know that they have served Chu Tianshu for five years? And who is Chu Tianshu, don't you know? Bullying men and women, he is even more lustful, presumably these two sisters have been played by him long ago, right? You still plan to let us take over?"

The auctioneer smiled: "Young master, I think you have misunderstood. Although they have served Chu Tianshu for five years, don't you know about Chu Tianshu's situation? Who in the entire capital doesn't know?" Do you know that he has a kidney deficiency? Let me tell you the truth, so far, both of them are still young children?"

"Really?" Everyone obviously didn't believe it!
"Our Mingyan Tower has been in business for decades, and we have never done anything to deceive customers. If I lie, Mingyan Tower is willing to compensate you ten times the auction money!"

Seeing him make such a promise, the expressions on the faces of everyone present are much more complicated.

After a moment of silence, they suddenly burst into laughter!
"Hahaha... I can't think of Chu Tianshu, that trash, he is really a trash!"

"Yeah, I just found out now that he has a kidney deficiency, but now he is a son-in-law!"

"Cut, how did he get here as a son-in-law, who doesn't know? Didn't he get lucky, and then he was pulled as a shield?"

"That's right, if it's useless, I'll definitely be kicked away by the princess!"

People are talking about it!

Obviously, everyone didn't take Chu Tianshu seriously!
Even the auctioneer didn't hesitate to talk about Chu Tianshu!
But when Chu Tianshu heard this, he narrowed his eyes and sneered!

Murong Xue felt much more comfortable in her heart, she wished that Chu Tianshu could die of anger directly!

The auctioneer had already said again: "Let's not say more about Chu Tianshu. He is a son-in-law now, so don't talk nonsense. I can assure you that as long as you buy back the Qiuyu and Dongyu today, you will definitely not be confused." You will suffer, and you will definitely be happy to leave, of course, if the sisters from the brothel take them back and train them a little, maybe there is a possibility of becoming a generation of famous prostitutes!"

In the stands below, someone immediately shouted: "Hurry up and talk about the price, I can't wait now, this is Chu Tianshu, a spoiled creature who can't even think about it!"

"The starting price is 3000 taels of silver, not just for sale!" The person in charge of the auction replied.

As soon as these words came out, many people frowned immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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