Chapter 76

The wounded soldiers who arrive first will naturally be healed by Chu Tianshu first!
On the third day when Hu Yanjue and his wife came to the Princess Mansion, he brought dozens of wounded soldiers!
The total number has reached [-], not counting those intact backbones!
However, as the number of people in the Princess Mansion gradually increased, the Royal Forest Army stationed here also noticed it.

A commander of the Yulin Army came to bid farewell to Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin.

They said they were ordered to leave the Princess Mansion, and Chu Tianshu and the Princess were responsible for the safety of the Princess Mansion!
Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin had expected this, so they didn't try to keep them!
However, when Ji Ruxin asked Chu Tianshu to gather the wounded soldiers together, she frowned.

Although these people have armor on their bodies, most of them have been damaged, and the weapons in their hands are also uneven!
The most important thing is, except for the twenty or so leading generals standing in the front row, the remaining 500 people don't look very good!

It seems that everyone is sick and has no combat effectiveness at all.

"Princess, they are all wounded soldiers I have recruited. First, it can help the court save some resources. Second, it can also give them a chance to support their families. Besides, I am proficient in medicine, so I can heal them gradually. When they heal from their injuries, their fighting power will definitely be very strong!" Chu Tianshu explained.

Ji Ruxin nodded: "Then register them all, the identities must be clean and can withstand investigation!"

"Don't worry, I know!"

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Chu Tianshu was secretly delighted.

He found that most of these people were internally injured.

For this world, internal injuries are also difficult to heal and recover.

But it is not difficult for Chu Tianshu, who has the ability of clairvoyance, to heal them.

Five hundred veterans of hundreds of battles, once restored to combat effectiveness, can definitely beat the same number of troops!

The next step is to consider how to make a lot of money to support the family and soldiers.


At the same time, in a compound where the envoys of Beiyou Kingdom lived.

A man dressed as a commoner knelt down in front of the little national teacher Tuobahai: "National teacher, the Imperial Forest Army from the Princess Mansion has withdrawn!"

"Oh? Has it all been withdrawn?"

"Well, however, the Princess Mansion seems to have recruited hundreds of Ding Nuyuan, but those people are all wounded soldiers and have no combat effectiveness at all!"

"Well, I see, you go down!" Tuoba Hai said lightly!
He has been waiting for this day too!
In fact, two days earlier, he wanted to kill Chu Tianshu, but the Princess Mansion was guarded by the Imperial Forest Army, and the surrounding area was also heavily guarded.

He was also worried about revealing his identity!

Although the cultivation base of those Imperial Forest Army was far inferior to his, there were quite a few of them, and all of them were wearing iron armor and holding strong bows and crossbows. Once they were dragged back, they might attract more experts!

"Just tonight, I don't even need to do it myself, let you Chu Tianshu die under the wolf's teeth!" Tuoba Hai sneered.


Night falls!

Chu Tianshu, who was sleeping, suddenly heard a wolf howl!
It was as if the voice came directly into his mind!
Subconsciously, he opened his eyes!

Listening quietly, he found the big bad wolf in the yard, pacing back and forth, as if he had discovered some crisis!
"What's going on?" Chu Tianshu hurriedly got up.

As soon as he put on his clothes, the big bad wolf roared again: "Oh..."

A gust of wind came from outside the window, and the window paper was rattling!
Chu Tianshu was startled, knowing that something must be wrong!

Picking up the black iron sword and pushing open the door, I saw the big bad wolf staring up at the roof on the side of the yard as if facing a formidable enemy!

Chu Tianshu also frowned!

I saw a man in black standing on the roof!

It's just that the man in black has been staring at the big bad wolf all the time, as if surprised, he is actually frowning in thought!

When he saw Chu Tianshu actually come out, his eyes showed a sharp light!

With a shake of the hand, a hidden weapon was fired!
With a flash of cold light, like a shooting star chasing the moon, there was a head that hit Chu Tianshu's forehead!
Chu Tianshu broke out in a cold sweat!
Even though the other party covered his face, Chu Tianshu still recognized the other party, it was Tuoba Hai, the little master of Beiyou Kingdom!
I'm really worried about what's coming!
Fortunately, he has been on guard all the time, and there is a distance between the two!

At the same time that the opponent made a move, Chu Tianshu dodged to the side to hide.

But what he didn't expect was that the hidden weapon would also turn around, followed by Chu Tianshu and hit it again.

"not good!"

It was impossible for Chu Tianshu to hide any more.

Even if you dream of using the Taiji movement technique, you can't escape the attack of this hidden weapon!
Fortunately, the big bad wolf reacted!

With one mouthful, a gust of wind was spit out, deflecting the hidden weapon!
It stuck to Chu Tianshu's ear, and hit the wall behind him!
With one blow, it actually penetrated the wall!

Seeing this, Tuobahai frowned again, planning to attack again!

But an arrow has been shot at him.

Tuoba Hai didn't dodge, just waved his hand and shook the arrow away!

Look coldly at the attacker!
It was Liu Wentao who had fully recovered!

Liu Wentao's cultivation has also fully recovered in the past few days, and he has returned to the realm of the third level of Xuanshi.

But he could also see how powerful the man in black was, so he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest!
The bow is drawn to the full moon, and arrows are shot one after another!
Bang bang bang!
The bowstring is like thunder, shooting nine arrows in an instant!

And in the process of archery, he also flew into the yard and stood in front of Chu Tianshu!

His bow is a profound weapon used by profound masters!

The bow body is made of soft iron and monster bone!

The bow string is also tanned with the big tendons of the cow demon!
It weighs a hundred catties!

Each arrow is made of fine iron, extremely tough!

It was also Chu Tianshu who spent a lot of money to buy it specially for Liu Wentao!
But Tuobahai didn't move the slightest bit from the beginning to the end, and all the nine iron arrows were blown away by him!
A hoarse voice came from Tuoba Hai's mouth: "Unexpectedly, there is such an expert as you in the Princess Mansion, but it's a pity that you can't save Chu Tianshu today, he will definitely die!"

After saying that, his body suddenly turned into an afterimage and split into three parts!
This also made Liu Wentao unable to tell which one is the real body for a while!
Therefore, he can only lock one at will, ready to attack!

But Chu Tianshu said anxiously: "Shoot the one on the right!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Wentao aimed at an afterimage on the right and shot at it.

The sound of fine iron interlacing came out!

The Iron Arrow was blown away again!
But this did not act as much hindrance!
Tuoba Hai had already arrived in front of Liu Wentao, and slapped Liu Wentao's chest!

It was too late for Liu Wentao to shoot any more arrows, so he could only raise his big bow to block it!

A loud bang!
The big bow was hit and hit Liu Wentao's chest again, forcing his body to fly upside down!

Break out many cracks in the wall behind!
But Liu Wentao yelled, "Go, son-in-law!"

But Tuoba Hai managed to hit Liu Wentao with one blow, and after hitting Liu Wentao severely, he used his strength to rebound and went straight to Chu Tianshu.

(End of this chapter)

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