Chapter 65

When Chu Tianshu was looking for suitable subordinates in Yaxing, Chu Tianyang had already returned to General Xuanwu's mansion!

Seeing his gloomy expression, Murong Jiangyue knew that the matter must have failed!

Then he asked: "Tianyang, is it the princess who is obstructing it?"

Chu Tianyang shook his head: "That's not true, but I didn't expect that Chu Tianshu and Hu Buhui would become brothers with different surnames, and Hu Buhui even gave Chu Tianshu a wolf monster directly!"

"What? Hu Buhui actually gave it to Chu Tianshu the wolf demon?"

Murong Jiangyue was also taken aback!
But after the shock, she became confused again: "That's a monster, how could it obey Chu Tianshu's order?"

"I feel that the monster is very affectionate to Chu Tianshu, and seems to be willing to obey his orders!"

"Damn it, it's really hard to handle it like this!"

Murong Jiangyue finally felt that the matter was out of her control!

It has become very difficult even for his own son to kill Chu Tianshu. Is there any other way?

"Mother, you don't have to worry too much. If I really want to kill that wolf demon, it's not too difficult. Before I left, the master gave me a very strong protective amulet. It's just that in the princess mansion, It is inconvenient to do it, we can only wait for Chu Tianshu to come out, and then we can find a way to deal with him!"

"Well, your father will be back in a few days. At that time, I will send someone in your father's name to invite Chu Tianshu back home. I wonder if that bastard will come back?"

Murong Jiangyue said coldly.

"It's really a good idea, but... maybe father won't agree with us killing Chu Tianshu?"

Chu Tianyang frowned.

"What does he disagree with? We don't have to kill Chu Tianshu, we just need to turn him into a trash who can't cultivate!"

Chu Tianyang nodded: "Well, when the time comes, the boy will not give him another chance!"

"After you came back, you haven't visited your grandfather yet. Go and visit him now. Your grandfather misses you a lot too!"

Murong Jiangyue's expression became much softer again.

"The child will pass first, and the mother doesn't have to think so much!"

"Well, I'll get you some silver taels so you can buy something too!"

"No, the child still has money!"

Chu Tianyang left!


Murong Mansion!
Murong Furong, the head of the family, was holding a sunspot between his index finger and middle finger, looking at the chessboard in front of him, frowning in thought!
After a long while, I carefully dropped a child!
The person who is playing chess with him is a middle-aged man in white clothes.

He also dropped a white stone very seriously.

At this point, there are already many pieces on the chessboard.

After Murong Furong dropped another son, he laughed loudly and said: "Haha... cross three sons, five sons will succeed, you can't stop it!"

The man in white gave a long sigh: "The Grand Master is indeed superior in skills and superb in chess, I am ashamed of myself!"

If Chu Tianshu was here, he would have raised his head and laughed three times: Don't you guys know what Go is?
These two guys are actually playing backgammon!
This kind of games used by children for entertainment, actually made the great scholars of the dynasty and the small national teachers of Beiyou Kingdom treat them so cautiously and seriously!
"Master Xiaoguo gave up, but the teacher of Xiaoguo came here today, he shouldn't just ask me to play chess, right?" Murong Furong laughed.

Tuoba Hai smiled and said, "How does the grand scholar view this fight?"

"It's just a game between children!"

"It's a pity that the royal family took this game seriously. I also know that Chu Tianshu is the grandson of the Grand Scholar!" Tuoba Hai said.

"A concubine gave birth to a child, but it was raised by my daughter, it has nothing to do with it!" Murong Furong said expressionlessly.

"So, he doesn't care whether he is dead or alive?"

"That's something His Majesty should care about!"

Tuoba Hai nodded: "Then I don't know how the Grand Scholars think about the alliance between the two countries?"

"Being an alliance has the benefits of being an alliance, and not being an alliance also has the benefits of not being an alliance. I don't like to stand in line, and everything is subject to His Majesty's will!"

After finishing speaking, he even bowed his hands in the direction of the palace!
"Now His Royal Highness has gone to the Great Xuanzong, and the matter of forming an alliance has also been handed over to the national teacher. According to the queen's wishes, if the prince cannot marry the princess, then the alliance cannot be formed. But now His Royal Highness is willing to withdraw, and our country is also inconvenient. As for the matter of getting married, we are also willing to change one condition!"

"I don't know what the conditions are?"

"Cut a city!" Tuoba Hai said.

Murong Furong immediately frowned: "Do you think His Majesty will agree?"

"Your Majesty will only feel that you have earned the freedom to exchange a city for a princess, and our country will not designate a certain city, everything is up to you!"

"Do you want me to support your decision? Advise His Majesty to give you a certain city you want to seek?" Murong Furong asked.

"No, I'm here today mainly to deliver a message to the Grand Master on behalf of the Queen!"


"The queen said, Grandmason, do you still remember your ambitions when you were young?"

Murong Furong narrowed his eyes: "I don't know what the queen means?"

Tuoba Hai answered irrelevantly: "The queen said that she can help you realize that ideal, and I also think that with the current strength of the Murong family and the talent of a bachelor, as long as the planning is proper, it is not difficult to use this opportunity to draw land seals. Jue, cracking the earth is king, and besides, I can also reveal a piece of news to the senior scholar, that in a few days, Chen Guo in the south will send his troops to the north!"

Murong Furong immediately took a deep breath and frowned: "Really?"

"Of course..." Tuoba Hai smiled.

This time!

An old man came to report: "Master, Mr. Tianyang has come to see you!"

Murong Furong was overjoyed immediately: "Oh? What about others?"

"Wait in the living room!"

"Just let him come over!"

"Yes!" The old man backed out!
Murong Furong looked at Tuobahai again, and said with a serious expression: "It's not impossible for me to support you, you must first show some sincerity!"

"I don't know what sincerity?"

"Kill Chu Tianshu!"

"Could it be that... the Grand Scholar wants the Murong family's children to marry the princess?" Tuoba Hai asked back!

Murong Furong laughed but didn't answer!
Not long after, Chu Tianyang came here!
When he saw Tuoba Hai, he also showed surprise, and his expression became much more dignified!

"My good grandson, you are back, come on, let grandpa take a good look at it!"

Murong Furong called Chu Tianyang to come to his side!

After looking at it for a long time, he said with a smile on his face: "Tianyang, let me introduce you again, this is the little master Tuobahai of Beiyou Kingdom!"

"I've met senior!" Chu Tianyang hastily bowed to Tuoba Hai!
Tuoba Hai nodded slightly: "Young and promising, handsome, not bad, the Grand Scholar has a good grandson!"

"Senior, thank you!" Chu Tianyang bowed again!

"Come here, serve tea!" Murong Furong said.

Immediately, a maid stepped forward to remove the chessboard and brought tea!

The three also chatted while drinking!
Chu Tianyang pondered for a moment, then said: "Senior, this junior has a doubt, I don't know whether to ask or not!"

"Oh? Tell me!"

"Monster mounts, even in Beiyou Country, should be very rare, right? But this junior doesn't understand why Prince Hu Buhui gave Chu Tianshu a wolf monster?"

"What did you say? Wolf demon?" Tuoba Hai was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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