The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 88 The Power of the Princess Mansion

Chapter 88 The Power of the Princess Mansion
Nearly half an hour later!
Everyone was very quiet, and Ji Ruxin and Yun Duo didn't dare to remind them randomly.

When Liu Wentao picked up the porcelain bowl and looked at a finished Body Tempering Pill inside, his body trembled slightly with excitement, and he almost cried.

Before ascending to alchemy, he had already thought about it. If he was unsuccessful and killed him, he would not refine it again.

The Princess Mansion doesn't have that much money for him to waste.

Although the quality of this elixir is not as good as that refined by Chu Tianshu, but at least it can be taken, and it has reached the minimum standard of quenching body elixir!
A few minutes later, Chu Tianshu stared at the alchemy furnace carefully and said to Qiu Dong Ernuo: "You can turn off the fire!"

"Okay!" The second daughter was overjoyed immediately, and her heart was relieved.

And turn off the flame quickly!
It's just that Ji Ruxin was curious: Is Chu Tianshu really so amazing?Just by looking at it casually, can you know whether the pill is ready?

The results speak for themselves!

The pill is in perfect condition!
"Brother Concubine is too powerful, Brother Concubine, can you teach me alchemy too?"

Yun Duo excitedly ran to Chu Tianshu's side, held Chu Tianshu's wrist, and shook it from side to side.

"Didn't I teach you just now?" Chu Tianshu scratched Yun Duo's nose.

"But, people still won't!"

"Okay, then let's continue alchemy, but you have to be with Princess Sister!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

"En!" Yun Duo nodded hastily.

Ji Ruxin also nodded, she already wanted to try it herself!
So, everyone found the stove, iron pot, and corresponding alchemy materials!
Liu Wentao has also started refining new elixir!

Chu Tianshu stood in the middle of the three stoves, began to point out a few people, and began to make alchemy again!
But Chu Tianshu focused on Ji Ruxin and Qiudong's second daughter!

At Liu Wentao's place, Chu Tianshu only glanced occasionally!
For the fifth alchemy, Liu Wentao failed again!
But Ji Ruxin and Qiudong's second daughter, under the guidance of Chu Tianshu, succeeded in alchemy one after another!

Seeing this, Liu Wentao let out a long sigh in his heart!
In vain, I am still a mysterious master, but my observation ability is not as good as Chu Tianshu!

But he can already treat it with a normal heart.

As for Ji Ruxin and Qiudong's second daughter, Chu Tianshu didn't have so much money to waste.

It's equivalent to letting them do odd jobs, anyway, the girls are probably trying to have fun!
However, after several furnaces of elixirs were successfully refined, Chu Tianshu discovered that Yunduo was actually improving faster and faster.

Her ability to control the heat is rapidly increasing!
Sometimes, it is already time to judge the time to turn off the fire and ascend to the alchemy.

Although it is still not that accurate, but it is much stronger than the other three women.

"This little girl, maybe I can train her well in the future!"

Time soon came to the evening!

Chu Tianshu looked at the sky, and said, "Okay, that's it for today, everyone, let's rest. Later, let's go to Qinxin Pavilion for an interesting party!"

Then everyone stopped!

Looking at the twelve medicine bottles arranged neatly, everyone has a sense of accomplishment!

The most excited one was naturally Chu Tianshu.

The medicinal materials consumed by these elixirs are only more than 1 taels of silver.

However, this elixir is worth more than one hundred thousand taels!
Two of them were given to Ji Ruxin, and the rest were given to Liu Wentao

"Wen Tao, take away this body quenching pill first, sell half of it, and save the rest for wounded soldiers who need it!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Yes, Lord Hou!" Liu Wentao didn't hesitate at all.

Now, in his heart, Chu Tianshu is already somewhat respected.

He didn't even call Chu Tianshu his son-in-law anymore!

Naturally, Ji Ruxin could feel this change.

But she didn't care much.

Now that things have happened, she also knows that it is difficult to part with Chu Tianshu.

In my heart, I admire Chu Tianshu more and more.

Alchemy, poetry, cultivation, any one of them can be called a peerless genius!

But how old is Chu Tianshu?Only sixteen.

When she stared at Chu Tianshu carefully, she found that in the past 20 days, Chu Tianshu seemed to grow an inch taller.

Now is also the time to grow your body, and as your size increases in the future, you should gradually lose weight!
Maybe he can really become a rich and handsome young man!

Seeing Ji Ruxin staring at him, Chu Tianshu said with a smile, "What are you looking at? Clean up, change into a clean set of clothes, and set off together later!"

Only then did Ji Ruxin react, and hurriedly turned back to the room.

"Brother son-in-law, Duo Duo is going to change too!" She also ran in.

Time for two cups of tea!

Ji Ruxin and Dodo have already left hand in hand.

Ji Ruxin is wearing a light pink long dress, with snowy skin, fragrant shoulders and thin waist, fresh and refined, pleasing to the eye!

The little girl Duo Duo is wearing a white skirt embroidered with red flowers, and there are a few pink flowers on her head, she is so cute and weird!

Chu Tianshu was wearing a black and white outfit, with his hair tied up and a crown on his head, a black iron sword on his left waist, and a piece of beautiful jade on his right waist!
Although the physique is still a little fat, it also gives people a bright feeling.

And the clothes of the second girl in autumn and winter are not so bright, they are just ordinary maids!


Following Chu Tianshu's order!
Everyone walked out in unison.

In front of the gate of the front yard, Hu Yanjue was already waiting with fifty guards in iron armor!
Chu Tianshu glanced at everyone, and found that the lowest cultivation level of the carefully selected dozens of people was the fourth level of Body Tempering, and most of them were around the fifth level!

Their injuries have almost been healed in the past few days.

It can also be said that these are also the backbone of the five hundred wounded soldiers, and they belong to the most powerful part!

Even compared with the Royal Forest Army, it is not bad at all, and even slightly surpassed it!
The big bad wolf seemed to feel the power of killing in the army, and he also became serious.

"You take the carriage, I will ride the wolf demon!"

While talking and laughing, Chu Tianshu jumped on the back of the big bad wolf!
"Brother Consort, I want to ride the big bad wolf with you!" Yun Duo said anxiously.

Chu Tianshu smiled: "Okay, come here!"

Yun Duo came to the big bad wolf and stretched out his hand!

Holding hands together, Chu Tianshu pulled Yun Duo into his arms.

Princess Ji Ruxin pursed her lips, but she didn't say anything!
She took Qiu Dong's second daughter, and her personal maid, Xiao He, into a large carriage!

Liu Wentao rode a tall horse and accompanied Chu Tianshu!
"Line up, let's go!" Hu Yanjue, who had recovered to the eighth level of body training, shouted loudly.

He is also riding a BMW, following on the other side of Chu Tianshu!
The fifty armored soldiers were divided into two parts, one part cleared the way in front, and the other part followed behind for protection!

This time, Chu Tianshu also intends to show off the muscles of the princess mansion to the people in the capital.

Also lest anyone dare to bully me again!


When everyone left the Princess Mansion, the people on both sides of the street stopped and watched, showing surprise!

Many people even stepped aside automatically, bowing their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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